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An interesting take on some of the things we see on TV everyday coming out of the Middle East.  Kind of makes you wonder if anything is genuine anymore...
Anderson Cooper (CNN) also mentionned a week or two ago that the Hezbollah had "photo ops" where they line up a bunch of ambulances around a corner then tell the drivers to turn on their syrens and zoom by the reporters, one at a time, so everyone can get a good shot of said ambulances. (Never mind the fact they're being used as APCs)

Personally, I consider almost everything out of the region to be pure, unadulterated, weapons-grade propaganda. And by everything, I mean both Hezbollah/Hamas propaganda and Israeli propaganda. It just happens the terrorists are better-liked than the evil Israelis.

If we'd treated the Commies the same way we (well, the public at large) treat the Islamofascists, we'd be speaking Russian and we'd all think Communism is the best thing in the world. Or maybe we'd just all be dead.