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War vet impersonator released

This guy has serious identity issues.

I think he'll re-offend, its just a matter of time.

Anyone with some TI should be able to pick out an imposter, not only by his dress, but his dispostion and lack of GMK.

There is something about a soldier.

I hope he is caught, charged, named, and  humiliated in the media. For his crime, how about being sent (under escort) to a hospital ward of the wounded to see the harsh reality of war?

His type disgust me to no end.

Wesley (Over There) said:
I hope he is caught, charged, named, and  humiliated in the media. For his crime, how about being sent (under escort) to a hospital ward of the wounded to see the harsh reality of war?
His type disgust me to no end
A good stoning is in order.
And here I thought we were better than the Taliban.

I've ran into a few guys in Cornwall ON at the Glengarian who would go around telling girls they were peacekeepers and war vets and other BS.  After more and more guys from the local armories started going there to drink the posers moved on pretty quick.

Best thing to do is find the guys name and let the media take care of the rest.
Flawed Design said:
I've ran into a few guys in Cornwall ON at the Glengarian who would go around telling girls they were peacekeepers and war vets and other BS.  After more and more guys from the local armories started going there to drink the posers moved on pretty quick.
Telling "tall tales" in the bar to chat up the lasses is one thing (let's see, I've been a pilot, a movie star, rock star.....the list goes on).  Lying to women in order to share breakfast with them the next morning is as old as breakfast itself, I believe.

Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Telling "tall tales" in the bar to chat up the lasses is one thing (let's see, I've been a pilot, a movie star, rock star.....the list goes on).  Lying to women in order to share breakfast with them the next morning is as old as breakfast itself, I believe.

[sarcasm] And they say chivalry is dead. [/sarcasm]
Flawed Design said:
I've ran into a few guys in Cornwall ON at the Glengarian who would go around telling girls they were peacekeepers and war vets and other BS.  After more and more guys from the local armories started going there to drink the posers moved on pretty quick.

They key to being a successful smurfette chaser is to not pose as a "army guy" in a known soldier's hangout like The Glengarrian.  You have to be "The Only" in order to attract the opposite sex.

Time spent in recce is never wasted.  ;D