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War vet impersonator released


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War vet impersonator released

by Maureen Gulyas

You can't fool a real life soldier.

That's what a 25-year-old male found out when he pretended to be a returning war veteran from Afghanistan and briefly talked his way into the Royal Canadian Delta Legion on Wednesday.

Sporting camouflage gear - not the real thing - the man managed to get a couple of drinks and dinner bought for him from sympathetic members.

But manager Jacky Hillairet said the bartender and another executive member got suspicious and asked the man for his identification once again. This time, they looked it over more carefully.

"It's picture ID but if you turn it over it's completely blank. It was definitely fake," Hillairet said.

A few days earlier, Hillairet received an e-mail from head office warning of a man impersonating a soldier. His ploy was to get members to buy him drinks and dinner, just as he did at the Ladner legion. At one of the legion's members were so sympathetic that they gave him a $125 donation.

Hillairet said one of the members also noticed that the so-called war vet had a grey T-shirt with a blue collar under his uniform. His boots didn't seem right either.

The executive member thought the strange man, who was telling members stories about his exploits in Afghanistan, matched the description of the man in the warning from head office.

It was at that point that the legion called Delta police, but there was a problem.

"He changed his story and said he was not a soldier but a paramedic in Afghanistan and they couldn't confirm that right away so they had to let him go," Hillairet said.

Const. Sharlene Brooks confirmed they did let him go on a promise to appear in court at a later date because it was difficult to confirm his story.

"We're still investigating the individual," she said.

The man is driving a U-Haul van with Alberta licence plates.

Legion members were not impressed, said Hillairet. "It's disgusting. What about all of the people who actually are serving in Afghanistan," she said.

published on 01/06/2007

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From the local newspaper of my home town.

He wouldn't be the first person in the world to tell a BS story and get a few free drinks at a bar, what's really disturbing is the dinner and money he recieved.

It's good to see that the Police actually did somthing about it.

Jaydub said:

From the local newspaper of my home town.

He wouldn't be the first person in the world to tell a BS story and get a few free drinks at a bar, what's really disturbing is the dinner and money he recieved.

It's good to see that the Police actually did somthing about it.

It's about time too; impersonating a member of the CF is a federal offense I believe.
Pathetic  :mad: This really makes me mad, trying to impersonate a Canadian soldier, it's okay if you're a kid playing, but a grown man doing it for booze, cash and food  ::)
A good stoning is in order.
Shame on the ass-shat for impersonating one of our brave troops.

Not to sound all Messiah like here, but before we form the lynch mob, let's consider that maybe this indiviual may be "a couple of fries short of a happy meal" to use the professional terminology us in the field do.

He may not be all there and/or in some warped manner actually thinks he's honouring soldiers especially Afghan vets. Just tossing that one out there.

Hey if I'm wrong I have a nice hunk of rope in the closet. 8)
Danjanou said:
Not to sound all Messiah like here, but before we form the lynch mob, let's consider that maybe this indiviual may be "a couple of fries short of a happy meal" to use the professional terminology us in the field do.

He may not be all there and/or in some warped manner actually thinks he's honouring soldiers especially Afghan vets. Just tossing that one out there.

Hey if I'm wrong I have a nice hunk of rope in the closet. 8)

That's an interesting theory.
I knew about this for a few weeks. Friends of mine were "victims" of this guy. They consulted me because the guy seemed to know a lot about the CF (obtaining info from the internet??) but some of his info didn't make sense, such as his unit he claimed to be with. They are a kind family who gave him some money and a place to live for a few days.  If it is the same person, they have been investigating him for a while. The MP's and Civilian Police are involved. I have not had an update as to how far the investigation is going which is why I won't say much more just in case it affects the investigation. He frequents the internet (possibly army.ca) so i will not say more than this as the investigation is on going.

It is a shame that someone impersonated a member of CF. Someone who sees a real member of the CF who might need a helping hand will not be be as quick to help because of a guy like that.

Make me upset that someone who go this low to make a buck.
What occurs to me is the fact that the combat uniform of the CF is so unrecognisable by current membership of the Legion, and the forms of CF ID. Forget the wingnut factor altogether, I think it's good that the Delta PD arrested the twit.

Then again, when in DEU's just over a year ago, I was asked by a bartender at a legion what company I drove for....I think she thought I was a bus driver.....

The Librarian said:
It's about time too; impersonating a member of the CF is a federal offense I believe.

It is

Unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates

419. Every one who without lawful authority, the proof of which lies on him,

(a) wears a uniform of the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force or a uniform that is so similar to the uniform of any of those forces that it is likely to be mistaken therefor,

(b) wears a distinctive mark relating to wounds received or service performed in war, or a military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron or any decoration or order that is awarded for war services, or any imitation thereof, or any mark or device or thing that is likely to be mistaken for any such mark, medal, ribbon, badge, chevron, decoration or order,

(c) has in his possession a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card from the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force that has not been issued to and does not belong to him, or

(d) has in his possession a commission or warrant or a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card, issued to an officer or a person in or who has been in the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force, that contains any alteration that is not verified by the initials of the officer who issued it, or by the initials of an officer thereto lawfully authorized,

is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 377.

He has also committed


366. (1) Every one commits forgery who makes a false document, knowing it to be false, with intent

(a) that it should in any way be used or acted on as genuine, to the prejudice of any one whether within Canada or not; or

(b) that a person should be induced, by the belief that it is genuine, to do or to refrain from doing anything, whether within Canada or not.

So I think with the two of these, they should be able to charge him.

Edited to add the quote of the act for Forgery
What is continually surprising is that these type of people would never even think of impersonating a police officer, but think its okay to impersonate a member of the CF.  Perhaps they are unaware that it is punishable by law?

HollywoodHitman said:
What occurs to me is the fact that the combat uniform of the CF is so unrecognisable by current membership of the Legion, and the forms of CF ID. Forget the wingnut factor altogether, I think it's good that the Delta PD arrested the twit.

Then again, when in DEU's just over a year ago, I was asked by a bartender at a legion what company I drove for....I think she thought I was a bus driver.....


I was waiting for a vehicle outside a major hotel for a vehicle and three different couples approached me to either valet park their cars or carry their bags.  I guess they figured I was a valet.  One guy clued in when he saw medals, but the rest looked baffled when I chuckled and told them that I was not an employee.  You can only laugh sometimes.

That being said I feel sorry for the folks who got deceived.  Hopefully he'll find it harder to get a mark now.
WOW! I can't believe this. What a f^^kin' poser...seriously.
anton said:
WOW! I can't believe this. What a f^^kin' poser...seriously.

I would have to agree with Danjanou on this one.

I mean the guy walks in with uniform, albeit an odd one, and hoodwinks the people at the legion.

The fella has issues.

However, I too have issues in the people that were duped.  I have mentioned this before, but if the legion was in tune with our modern vets, would he not have been stopped at the door?

I attended a wedding of a fellow highlander.  He had the reception at the legion in his local town.  We were there the two days before planning things, so most knew us.  The day of the reception those of us in the wedding party decided to go down stairs to the legion proper for a quick drink before the speeches, dinner etc.  All four of us were wearing our mess dress medals, indicating pretty much who we were.  A big civvy type stops us at the door, tells us we are not welcome, unless we were invited.  It took the President, and the Bar Steward to come over and tell him who we were.  I felt like I was walking into a biker bar.  It was full of civvies.  All of them claiming connection because of some relative.  However, we were blocked from coming in.  No recognition. 

It is a wonder how a dufus can walk in, with wrong uniform and claim to be  a vet.  It is about time the legion makes an effort to know the new generation.

I think the guilty party is not the crazy fellow, but the establishment of the legion.

Rant off.



In the now famous words of paracowboy....
"Kneel down and face the ditch"
The last time I was at the Legion which was Remembrance Day they knew who I was pretty quick. They made vets from all the wars and peacekeeping missions stand up in sequence then they asked for current serving members. I was around the corner at the time and they pulled me out into the open. Even though I really haven't done anything at all really they still recognized the uniform and I felt pretty proud.
Since the thread has devolved into anti-Legion comments.....(Mods may wish to open a "Legion Relevance" thread)

A few years ago at a Legion in Kingston, on Remembrance Day, I was hassled by some obviously civie Legion members for being in the military. I haven't been in a Legion since. If the Legion chooses to abandon its heritage, I have no desire to prop them up.
Journeyman said:
Since the thread has devolved into anti-Legion comments.....(Mods may wish to open a "Legion Relevance" thread)

A few years ago at a Legion in Kingston, on Remembrance Day, I was hassled by some obviously civie Legion members for being in the military. I haven't been in a Legion since. If the Legion chooses to abandon its heritage, I have no desire to prop them up.

There are already some topics on that subject:

Is anyone a member of the Royal Canadian Legion?

Small town support, pathetic.

Why Not The Legion?

......and I am sure there are more.