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As a proud Canadian, I was outraged to see this site had been farked. The outrage quickly turned to embarasssment... then relief.

I am relieved that this is not in fact the "official Canadian Army" site.

Frankly, in tems of design, this site is awful. An off-the-rack message board with amateurish graphics and broken css would really be unfortunate if this really were the product of the DND.

Glad to hear this is volunteer effort instead, it‘s a real load off my mind.

As long as we‘re talking about wannabe‘s & sycophants, how about a bunch of dweebs hanging around a poorly-designed, military-themed message board cracking jokes about getting their revenge on the mean old farkers?

I must admit, though, the "honour" thing is pretty funny. And yes, the people posting in the discussion areas on fark are pretty much useless... but still, have some dignity.

And judge not lest ye be judged, etc.
Originally posted by Tyrnagog:
[qb] lol... I wouldn‘t say that it was designed by a 12 year old girl..[/qb]
Ooh, now it‘s getting personal. :D

Well really, these guys just need to get a life. Like so many people before me have said, they‘re not even WORTH the bandwidth that we‘re wasting fussing over them. It‘s just what they want, our attention.

So don‘t give them any thought, and if need be leave Mr. Bobbit to sort out those little snot-nosed brats. :)
And judge not lest ye be judged, etc.
Wasn‘t that the point? You farkers were judging us..

As for the rest of your post, I won‘t even bother.
...and better still, have now come here to lay judgement. If you have constructive criticism, I‘m all ears.

Telling me we have "a broken css" is not useful. Since you‘ve taken the time to type up a response, go the extra step and clarify with a specific example.

I find it amazing how much some people love to admonish the work of others. krush: ever had any of your work FARKed? I thought not...

If you really don‘t like what you see... what are you still doing here?

I‘ve already wasted way too much time on this whole affair...
And just for my own edification (and because apparently I *haven‘t* wasted enough time on this yet):


Seems the CSS is not broken afterall. If you‘re going to complain, at least try not to make stuff up. ;)
Glad to hear this is volunteer effort instead, it‘s a real load off my mind.
Hey Krush, get a life. I notice you list ‘media designer‘ as your job. Not everyone has the time to sit around and make graphics, drawing doodles for porn sights for a living like you do.

Most people on this board have real jobs that contribute and have an impact on society. The reap of their hard work is not some crappy graphic that no one gives a crap about and has zero inpact on anyone.

Mike puts forth a tremendous effort to build and maintain this sight, and he does an amazing job. I think I speak for the rest of the members of this board when I say that if you insult him, you insult all of us.

I consider this board to be of excellent quality, and it may not be as fancy as some of the web sights out there. But considering Mike did this himself and did not hire a lame *** like you to make some pretty pictures for him it is top quality in my books.

I like the sight the way it is and would not change it.
I don‘t understand what‘s all the fuss is about. It‘s a great site with an easy-to-use interface and it‘s green ( this is an army site after all ).
Great site mike don‘t let little kids discourage you.

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

I tried to post there.
Thing said i had to wait 23 hours.
I‘ll lose interest by then. What a bunch of losers.
I‘m hotter than every single one of them.
I am going out on a limb here but..


You should be flattered Mike, that all these kids from other countries are devoting their precious time to you. Deep down, they really love us. :)

All I have to say to the Americans who‘ve insulted us is....

Originally posted by Patrick H.:

ahahahaha! told.

Also, I find it funny they call our Army bad... yeah we dont have a $2 Trillion defence budget, but ****, we do the best we can do with what we have, and it‘s still better than the Americans.

Numbers aside, their airforce is the only thing that‘s better than ours. We have excellent boats, tanks that out perform the M1A1 Abrams (due to crew training) and Infantry that‘s some of the best in the world.

We‘re just small, that‘s all. Not to mention the USA is x10 our size...
Don‘t start that pissing match pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease it‘s painful, look what happened to their board when they started that.

Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop.
natural selection is supposed to take care of these people...
Originally posted by Che:
[qb] Don‘t start that pissing match pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease it‘s painful, look what happened to their board when they started that.

Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop. [/qb]
No kidding. Those boys were like a sewing circle after a church bake sale. I bet they argue about who shaves the most in a week. Maybe a formal complaint to the FCC might change their tune. Don‘t know how much water it‘ll hold considering this is a Canadian site but it might not be the first so they might be inclined to do something about it. Heck they originally thought this was the official Army site! :rolleyes: So they have no qualms about disturbing a governmant website. Kind of reminds me of the guy who gives you the finger when you‘re walking down the street as he drives by in his camero.
See you in the real world, fark people.
So, I wuz thinkin‘, eh?
Maybe me and sum of da boyz should pay deez fark guyz a liddle visit ...
Haha bossi..

It might kill them to open their door and actually see natural light. Have you seen the pictures? Ouch. That‘s all I‘m saying.

Yes, Che is right, let‘s not let this turn into a flame war and conclude by saying.. Great site Mike, you have done nothing but extraordinary work here and I thank you for your time and efforts to create such a community.

Also, I find it funny they call our Army bad... yeah we dont have a $2 Trillion defence budget, but ****, we do the best we can do with what we have, and it‘s still better than the Americans.

Numbers aside, their airforce is the only thing that‘s better than ours. We have excellent boats, tanks that out perform the M1A1 Abrams (due to crew training) and Infantry that‘s some of the best in the world.
I missed this remark.

Sure gained alot of knowledge on your BMQ, didn‘t you.
properganda alive and well int he canadian forces eh?

"Forget what you hear on TV troops, our tanks arent 25 years old and our submarines are tip top shape. No leaks and they can spend longer than a week at sea.

Still good to have pride in canada though
Originally posted by krush22:
[QB] As a proud Canadian, I was outraged to see this site had been farked. The outrage quickly turned to embarasssment... then relief

Glad to hear this is volunteer effort instead, it‘s a real load off my mind.

yeah krush, its a really a shame for us to be farked. hahahahahh
fark who? where? when? who the **** is fark? who the **** cares? i never heard of it before this post. i am going to stop wearing the uniform now because army.ca has been farked haha
honestly krush, you must be really proud of being canadian, i mean to a point where you get outraged for being farked, and also for the fact that you are attacking members of your armed forces who are trying to have a nice way to communicate over the net, and taking side with a bunch of farkers. u think the spelling of " honour" part was funny, try spelling "embarrasssment" correctly u moron. i won‘t even comment on that website fark.com, i think the pictures of the members there speak for themselves:) call me shallow, but i couldn‘t find one decent looking person, they all look like retards, which kinda explains their memberships to fark.
i know i train hard to protect and serve my country and the people of my country, but i think im going to start excluding media designers. what a big waste of time they are. and krush, kiss my farking ***.