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Waiting list.


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Good morning.

  I applied for the military sometime in May and all the paper work was processed fairly quickly. I was called in for the CFAT in which I completed, but the issue was, the vacancy of the 3 trades that I chose were completely full. The only ones that were available to me because of my marks and at that time was Steward and or Cook. I picked Steward because I did not want to wait and redo the CFAT. A few days later I was called in to do the medical and a interview with the recruiter. I proceeded with the medical then the interview. Right before the recruiter sat me down he told me that the Steward was just filled and that I'll have to wait until April when they start hiring again. My question is. Would anyone happen to know if they will be hiring for stewards in April? or am I just getting my hopes up?

Thank you for your time.
I don't think anyone would know the answer to that question until April 1st so you will just have to wait and see like the rest of us.

Patience is a virtue! 
Have a look at this: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/88342.0.html