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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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Its like a Hanukkah in May, Instead of 7 days of Gifts

its 7 days of thank god my OT is accepted messages

It seems as if most went to the Blue Side of the fence here.
So now that a few weeks has gone by since we received the messages,

Who has gotten the official message? (the one coming after the offer) and has anyone PLARd?

My PLARs are in for 3s and 5s, Ill have to do an OJT component, but its all good. As it stands now I should be posted right to a unit and wing and be gainfully employed and starting my QL4 OJT package.
nothing here yet nut my unit still has yet to get my offer msg thru "official" channels. which is just killing me... so unless the Career shop sends it directly to me i don't think i will see it for awhile.
aequitas said:
nothing here yet nut my unit still has yet to get my offer msg thru "official" channels. which is just killing me... so unless the Career shop sends it directly to me i don't think i will see it for awhile.

HA, sorry to laugh, but it sounds like your at a Comms Unit with too many people dipping their grubby paws into the Hunny pot hanging onto information.

Im not sure what the time line is for them, It looks more and more like my 3s will be granted to me in my new trade, so a direct posting. The CM said he is just waiting on the message then they will attach the PLAR to my file so a direct posting.

Lucked into this, I wasnt expecting this trade, a yellow trade (apparently green) to a green trade.

I have been waiting for an OT (AVOTP) to Postal Clk or Clk and haven't received any message yet. Going on the most recent Canforgen I was under the assumption I would hear back early May for successful application or late May for unsuccessful. I am a bit confused on the timeline because the PSO says my unit here in Petawawa would get message first and my clerk and CoC have told me nothing has come in yet. Still waiting because maybe I get something this week but seems unlikely.
bluecollarb said:
I have been waiting for an OT (AVOTP) to Postal Clk or Clk and haven't received any message yet. Going on the most recent Canforgen I was under the assumption I would hear back early May for successful application or late May for unsuccessful. I am a bit confused on the timeline because the PSO says my unit here in Petawawa would get message first and my clerk and CoC have told me nothing has come in yet. Still waiting because maybe I get something this week but seems unlikely.

Call your PSO. That what I had to do to get mine. Todate my unit still says that they have not received it.. Which means someone lost it along the way..
211RadOp said:
A friend of mine received his today from ACISS-CST to ATIS Tech.

yeah, the official message, the AVOT instructions should be coming out now
I called PSO here in Petawawa and they insist message will be sent to the unit first and no interest in inquiring any further. My clerk has said "I spoke with IC ROR and he said that OT msgs will still be coming through until mid September, so yours might still be coming in, but we have no information its all up to the career managers."  Maybe I am out to lunch here but I thought the Canforgen was pretty clear about AVOTP successfull messages early May and unsuccessful messages late May.

And I thought my CoC was bad.. Why do a lot of people take it personnal that we want to change trade ?
jlv031 said:
And I thought my CoC was bad.. Why do a lot of people take it personnal that we want to change trade ?

Pride- Pride in their trade, and some see it as a "im too good for this" attitude from you.

Dont worry, I received that here too, except it was from someone not even in my trade, let alone branch. Until the day I actually leave, they wont let up on me because of it.

I wasnt happy where I was, what I was doing, it showed in my work, my health and stress level. I made a change, took a risk and it worked out. Some people not in your own shoes may not see this, they may only see it as you trying to get away, or being lazy. In truth, my AVOT was alot of work, i had to do alot, and people had to do alot to ensure it occured.
Everything from the original Memo, Meetings, Appointments, travelling around to various offices, and on top pf that PLARs etc. it added up the amount of work I had to do.
I am not sure what to do at this point. I keep checking with my clerk and PSO and neither going anywhere. I keep reading about the requirement for AVOTP to be transparent but this is brutal.
I was told once an offer is made that the unit had 3 weeks to answer back. After that delay someone higher than them would ask question and cover the guy trying to OT. Maybe that is wrong but I like to think the CoC can't just hold it so you kind withdraw without knowing it
jlv031 said:
I was told once an offer is made that the unit had 3 weeks to answer back. After that delay someone higher than them would ask question and cover the guy trying to OT. Maybe that is wrong but I like to think the CoC can't just hold it so you kind withdraw without knowing it

Withholding something like this wont ever happen. It cant, if someone was caught- thats deep shit, and in turn, if it affects your life enough, they are personally and could be financially responsible to you, that could possibly involve a lawsuit. 

Its fraud, straight up through and through. There is a Nil Reply Required on that. D Mil C will ask what the response is, and if someone says "member rejects offer" without you knowing that is Fraud, no question about that.

i got my "official" VOT instruction today... same thing as my VOT offer somehow didn't make it thru unit official channels.. i had to call the section in Ottawa directly. oh disclaimer the BPSO told me to call them directly i didn't do it on my own accord.. they tend to frown on that. anyone else get it?