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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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canadianmak said:
well i definately feel better knowing those bullets didnt stop until they blew out the back of ur head. ive had alotta help on this site from a number of different people who im am indebted to. If u dont have an answer dont bother trying to provide one.

Do you write like that because you can't see the keyboard or is it because you didn't do very well in school? Good luck in your attempts to get in the CF.

HH and DA
write like what? u no my vision is 20/20, 20/40 thats good enough to see talking to u is a waste of time, if anyone does know what there talking about, it would be apreciated, thanks
canadianmak said:
Wwrite like what? You u knowno my vision is 20/20, 20/40 thats good enough to see talking to you u is a waste of time,. If if anyone does know what they'rethere talking about, it would be apreciated, thanks

Like how CDN Aviator corrected you. Remember MSN Speak is not tolerated here.

CDN Aviator said:

You forgot one -- apreciated appreciated

if anyone does know what there talking about, it would be apreciated, thanks

Try here:





What the fuck MSN speak, thats the language for everyone under the age of 25, ill send u my high school transcrpt if its so god damn important to u, and if u can remeber my initial question was from what my eye doctor TOLD ME! i was asking about the military eye exam and what is tested. u people need to find a fucking life if ur spending it lookin for capital letters and periods!
Well, guess what?  This isn't MSN and some of us here aren't under 25.  I've read your other posts and you prove that you can write intelligibly.  Please don't trot out the high school transcripts as they usually don't mean diddly.  Instead of getting angry at staff (and others) why not work on improving your grammar/spelling etc and ask about your vision test at the recruiting centre.  You won't get an answer here.
canadianmak said:
What the fuck MSN speak, thats the language for everyone under the age of 25, ill send u my high school transcrpt if its so god damn important to u, and if u can remeber my initial question was from what my eye doctor TOLD ME! i was asking about the military eye exam and what is tested. u people need to find a fucking life if ur spending it lookin for capital letters and periods!

Wind your neck in or I'll just save the trouble and ban you. There are extensive threads on MSN speak here, go spend some time reading before you beak off.

Edit: And before anyone goes off their meds over this, the topic of MSN speak has been beaten to death here and the very large majority of posters here enjoy the current mode we use. So, when someone comes in and uses it then flaps off about getting nailed for it that person gets a response like mine.

Scott Army.ca Staff
Obviously I lost it for a  minute there, I am sincerely sorry to CDN Aviator, NFLD Sapper, PMEDMOE, Scott, as well as Kincanucks, who I did lose my temper at, honestly I am still a little annoyed by the initial comments which was both rude and unjustified. I did however lower myself a few levels. This has been my chosen career my whole life and my deepest fear is I would be turned away; clearly it’s a touchy subject with me. As I said before this site has provided enormous help to me ever since I discovered it years ago, and I am sorry I abused the right to it.
canadianmak said:
Obviously I lost it for a  minute there, I am sincerely sorry to CDN Aviator, NFLD Sapper, PMEDMOE, Scott, as well as Kincanucks, who I did lose my temper at, honestly I am still a little annoyed by the initial comments which was both rude and unjustified. I did however lower myself a few levels. This has been my chosen career my whole life and my deepest fear is I would be turned away; clearly it’s a touchy subject with me. As I said before this site has provided enormous help to me ever since I discovered it years ago, and I am sorry I abused the right to it.

No problem, my comment was meant as a friendly member to member reminder before the MODS drop in and give you the "Rainbow" Post.


The beauty about f*ckups is that you can make them better. You first have to take responsibility for them, which you have, then act on it, learn and make every attempt not to have a repeat.

Don't worry about it and carry on.
canadianmak said:
Obviously I lost it for a  minute there, I am sincerely sorry to CDN Aviator, NFLD Sapper, PMEDMOE, Scott, as well as Kincanucks, who I did lose my temper at, honestly I am still a little annoyed by the initial comments which was both rude and unjustified. I did however lower myself a few levels. This has been my chosen career my whole life and my deepest fear is I would be turned away; clearly it’s a touchy subject with me. As I said before this site has provided enormous help to me ever since I discovered it years ago, and I am sorry I abused the right to it.

Ok everyone gets a freebie from me and you had just had yours. Next breach of the site guidelines that you agreed to on registration, such as demeaning and assinine cracks to other members will result in first hand knowledge of the warning system.

Sorry Newf no rainbow this time. A public I screwed up by the individual who did the screw up is fine enough.

There will be a fundoscopic exam done of your eyes.  Odds are, a more detailed history will be requested from you
and your doctor.

If my prescription looks something like this

Sphere    Cyl    Axis
OD -6.50   
OS -6.50

but vision in both of my eyes can be corrected with lenses to 20/20 or even 20/15, am I V2 or V3 or V4?

My glasses haven't been replaced for a while and I need a new pair that corrects my vision to 20/20.  Will CF provide an artificial one during the medical?
Not sure if you've read any earlier posts here or not.

This is not an official site or medical authority and as such cannot provide you with definitive advice, only conjecture and opinion, neither of which will help you.  While there are medical professionals that post on this site, Army.ca is neither an accredited nor authoritative source of medical information.  To base your personal well-being and your most valuable resource, your own health, on the word of anonymous Internet posters is perhaps not your best course of action.

As every case is different, you will have to have a medical expert, in conjunction with CF Recruiters, answer your question.  Please call or visit your nearest CFRC and let the staff provide you a definitive answer.

In many cases, the answer is available on open source.  For example, googling "Canadian Forces Medical Category vision prescription" gets you 40,000+hits including the following:

Table of Visual Acuity Standards
Instructions for Testing Visual Acuity
Medical Standards CFP 154
The Medical Category System

The search above, including inserting the links here, took me about 3 minutes.  Hence, search before you post and please consider the advice above.

Please enjoy the site.

The Army.ca staff
dreamer02 said:
but vision in both of my eyes can be corrected with lenses to 20/20 or even 20/15, am I V2 or V3 or V4?

Totally depends on how you score on the eye chart without your glasses on.  If your under 6/60, then
your a V4.

If you drop equal too or below -7.00 dioptres then you become a V5.
You should go back and read the first post in this thread.

Is there anywhere where we can find the eyesight requirements for specific trades(Res + Reg)? As far as I have seen "meet CF minimum medical requirements" is about as descriptive as it gets for the information you can get off the recruiting website.
Boater said:
Is there anywhere where we can find the eyesight requirements for specific trades(Res + Reg)? As far as I have seen "meet CF minimum medical requirements" is about as descriptive as it gets for the information you can get off the recruiting website.


The Table in Annex E to CFP 154 shows Minimum Medical Standards by MOC/MOSID:
Hello.I feel kind of dumb to ask this question but I think its better to come than making another thread.So I've passed all my tests and I have to take an appointment with my optometrist so that he can ship my file at the recruiting center .The problem is that my vision is really really bad.I have -6.5 on the first and -7.5 on the other.When the doctor at the recuiting center ask me to read the letters with my eyes uncorrected i could not see anything.With my eyes corrected I've made no mistakes.I wear contact lenses and glasses.I've made application for infantry.I can't do anything about me eyes because I'm 16 so I'll have to wait until 18 to get a lasik operation.Do i have chances to be picked because I'm young and that I could have lasik operation when I'll be older?