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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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While on the topic of eyes, enyone have a problem with the projections they use instead of the old eye chart. I have excellent vision but I could barely see the transparent letters they used in my eye exam. I evan got worried that my eyes were going bad so I got them checked them after the CF test and again they were excellent.
Hi, I know that to be able to join the Canadian Army you must be medically fit but I have this medical problem and I am not sure if they would accept me, here it is. I cannot see out of one eye...well I can but I cant read anything but I can see things too a certain distance, would they accept me?
It depends on the severity of the condition. If you‘re legally blind in that one eye, and it‘s not correctable, then you will more than likely be ineligible to join the forces at all.

If the vision defect is correctable, you still won‘t be allowed to join certain trades (combat arms for one) but may not limit you from joining others. It all depends on what the defect is, and to what extent is affects your vision.
What about food allergies? I‘m anaphylactic to milk products as well as peanuts.
My application is on hold pending allergy testing results. I need to determine if I suffer from anaphylatic shock due to bee stings. It‘s been so long since I was stung that it is likely I have outgrown the allergy.

Anyway, it‘s not simple yes or no answers that are on the form I have to submit to the allergist. There are a multitude of questions, ranging from, severity of allergy, to "is an epi-pen required?", anyphylactic shock?, and could I perform the required duties listed on the second page of the form?.

I suspect that in the end, they are mostly looking for nothing more than a very accurate medical history. I don‘t think allergies should be a big problem. If you can get through every day life without eating peanuts, and drinking milk, then the military shouldn‘t be too much harder...should it?
I don‘t know about the medical acceptance GrahamD, but if you go in, try for the Air Force and get a northern posting.

Nothing much up in the Arctic expect these huge freaking bumble bees about the size of a quarter. A big round flying tuff of fur. They fly around, go for the flowers, and catch the wind. I dunno if they‘re like humans, something like if diving a car, you end up turning in the direction that you‘re looking. These bees fly around and they gotta be lookin at you (maybe near sighted)and then catch the wind or something and BANG they fly into you, bounce off, and continue on their way. I‘ve never had problems with them.

Good luck.
Something like an anaphalactic reaction to nuts could prove a significant problem in the military. It isn‘t just a matter of not eating nuts, it‘s about having an entire mess hall having to abstain from including nuts, nut products, or products with traces of nuts ANYWHERE in the mess. It‘s a lot to ask of the military, simply for one person. I can imagine it being a MAJOR obstacle in your joining. I‘m not trying to scare you, just being honest.
Come to think of it, I don‘t recall having any medical problems of any sort, as well as 20/20 vision since I last tested about 6 months ago. I like all foods that I have eaten ‘til this point, and have found no reactions to anything except strawberries, which give me a barely-noticable rash on the chin, or a slightly itchy throat. Shouldn‘t be too much of a bother though. I like strawberries w/ sugar.
Thats awesome Waltz, simply amazing, you should try harder though.
Hi everyone. I‘m interested in joining the Army as an infantry soldier. The one thing that bugs me is my eyesight. I can‘t see from far distances. I need to wear glasses. My question is; will I be able to join the infantry with glasses?

I‘ve asked many people, and they gave me different answers. Some say it doesn‘t matter, as long as I can see with glasses. Some say I can‘t.

Thank you very much in advance! :)
What‘s your prescription? As I recall, combat arms have to have V3 vision or above, above being V2 and V1. Do some searching on the internet, there is an army chart out there on the net that shows the diopter error being assigned to the categories.
It depends on how bad your eyesight is without your glasses. If it isn‘t too bad, it shouldn‘t pose a problem. Glasses are fine, I‘ve seen plenty of people wear them.

If your eyesight is too bad, then you‘re going to need laser eye surgery.
Do the Canadian Forces have those funny, super thick glasses like you see guys wear in the US army?
I wear glasses and I have no problems, I have astigmatism so I cannot see far distances and I am in the Infantry. As far as the thick funny looking glasses go I do not know, in the past you where given a budget, so if it was $50.00 with lenses and you have no extra cash to upgrade then you will get the cheapest pair, the thick funny looking ones. Also in the US, they may have to wear them to conform; a US soldier would have to answer.

The problem arises when you have to wear a gas mask, then you cannot wear glasses, or you will have to get issued gas mask glasses, contacts are handy but as an infantry soldier, the solution freezes in winter, and you get a lot of dust in summer, so they are out.

Also many times in summer, more so when it is raining, I took them off, they where wet and if you are speed walking you sweat so they were useless, all wet and fogged up. But the guy's with perfect vision were affected as well; it is hard to see distances in the rain.

That website will match your current prescription to a CF eyesight level. I can‘t remember mine though, I‘ll have to check it. I heard someone say that V3 is assigned if you can only read the big "E" on the top of the chart, not sure if this is true though.
Thanks for all the information guys!

And yes, my eyes are pretty bad. I get it from my father. :mad:

I hope I can pass the eye exam. Infantry is my priority.

And for eye surgery, does it cost anything? Are their any downfalls to it? Can something go wrong?
Can I wear the contact Lans during the BMQ? is that allow? or I really have to wear my glasses instead of contact lans
On your BMQ depending you could wear contacts. Nothing in life changes, dust is dust, dirt is dirt. The problem is you might not have the time to keep the contacts clean, and if you are practicing attacks and there is a dust storm you cannot go "time out" and remove and clean them. Then there is the problem of bringing all of the solutions and cleaners. I would rather bring a extra pair of socks. And in winter the solutions will all freeze.
If your prescription is worse than -7.0, then forget about infantry, and likely the entire CF as well. I‘m a V6 (R -9.5, L -9.25). When I first tried to pass the eye exam 12 years ago, I was at least -8, and there was nothing that could be done. I can‘t even get into the CIC, so go figure.

However, you can get your eyes zapped -- if you have a couple of thousand bucks sitting around -- and the CF will take you then, although I believe they want you to wait at least 6 months after the operation. I looked into LASIK and my corneas are nice and thick, which means I could get zapped and then pass the test. But then I don‘t have $5000 sitting around (I just work for a bank, I don‘t own one).

If combat_medic is listening, maybe she can set us all straight.