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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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I have glasses as well, but I only wear them sometimes during lectures in university. When I did the medical test, they tested me with glasses and without.

Sorry to bring this topic back, but I have a question concerning this a specificity. In fact, it may sounds clear when you read it, but I'm french and I just want to know if I understood correctly.

It's concerning this : ''when the refractive error exceeds plus or minus 7.00 dioptres (+/- 7.00 D) spherical equivalent in the better eye regardless of the uncorrected distant vision.''

I know I'm V4 concerning the Correct/Uncorrect vision. But I want to know about the -7.00 dioptres.

So, my prescription is the following:

Right : -5.25 -1.75
Left : -7.25  -1.75

If I do the math my Spherical equivalence is around -8.125 D(Left) and -6.125 (Right).

What I wanna know is if I'm okay for V4 considering that one eyes is under -7 and the other not.

Hello all,

The links for the medical requirements (visual) have been removed from DND's website for the time being. Anybody got another link or an electronic (PDF or other) version still working?

My bad, I should have been clearer. I was looking specifically for the visual requirements for each MOC. I expected that the general requirements must have stayed the same.
I have a concern and question.. So as of today, March 14th, 2014, I went for my medical, my health is great, my hearing good, no other issues, EXCEPT I got the "thumbs down" Over my Vision... Said I was 'below standards' even 'with' glasses? He told me I wouldn't meet Infantry standards and that has been my long dream to become an Infantry Soldier, and well he gave me forms for an optimist to fill out regarding my vision, so I went today the same day, and the doc at the Opti conducted my vision.. and well, I can't seem to get questions answered anywhere and I apologize for having to ask posting here but I don't know the up-to-date standards... My general results from the optimitrist is as

Uncorrected vision: Right: 6/150
                              Left: 6/120

Best corrected vision: Right: 6/6
                                  Left: 6/6

My main question now which worries and fills me with hope... Am I because of my vision, wither I have contacts or glasses; possibly make standards as an Infantry Soldier.?

Take a look thru that.  Chap 3, and Annex's A, B and E.

Remember though, you can get an informed opinion here from experienced current/former serving CAF Health Services folks, but the final decision will be with the Medical authority for Recruiting.

Good luck.
Thank you so much for that, Eye; but now I am sort of dishearted. It says that for UNCORRECTED Vision; to meet "V3" you need 6/60; whereas I got 6/120 and 6/150, YET I meet the "Corrected Vision" Standards of 6/6 corrected... Is my chances completely blown JUST because my uncorrected vision is not 6/60?
I'll have to leave that one for a medical type, sorry.  Asking me about medical stuff is like asking Homer Simpson about nuclear power plant safety; you'll get an answer but it is pretty much 'made up'.

Dude, sorry to tell you, but you'll likely be a V4 (a least - depending what you're diopteres of correction is) - that makes you ineligible for combat arms.  Your corrected vision in this case doesn't matter - they're worried about what you are without your glasses/contacts.

I have a great left eye, but my right eye is pretty damn blurry, will I be able to pass the medical? I'm joining the Infantry.
JP2371 said:
I have a great left eye, but my right eye is pretty damn blurry, will I be able to pass the medical? I'm joining the Infantry.

Have you seen an optometerist and had your vision properly assessed?  What's your visual acuity?  Do you have a cataract in that bad eye?  Based solely on what you've given us, the answer would be a definite "I haven't a schmick" until more info comes along...

No I haven't seen a doctor about it, because it's never been a real problem. I gotten glasses but never wore them because they didn't do anything really.
You will likely have to go to an optometrist to get an official visual acuity test done.
There is a difference between blurry due to astigmatism and blurry due to near-sighted/far-sighted.
And just because it's never been a real problem for you doesn't mean it won't be for the military.
Wait and see, or visit your local optometrist.
hi ... first sorry for my english if i make some misspelling this aint my first language and dont speak it lot. i got a call today to say that my vision was v4 and did not meet the requirement for the job i want  ... my question is if i do the correction on my view with lasik (laser correction vision) would they reconsider my v4 an give me the job i was asking or it wont change anything...

thanks for your time and all your anwser
Once the LASIK is done, you're cleared by the ophthalmologist and have the new visual acuity on record, the medical category will be changed and sent off to Ottawa for approval.

Hey guys so just a question on how the perform they test, I wear glasses because I have an issue seeing at long distances and wear them nearly all the time, I saw some where that they get you to remove your glasses first and attempt to test you and if you don't do so well when you have your glasses off they get you to put your glasses back on. I was just wondering say I can't read a single line of letters with my glasses off so they tell me to put them back on does this lower my score on the vision test? For Steward you need vision standard of 4, my glasses are nearly the same prescription just my current prescription has changed a tiny bit, am I required to get new lenses for my glasses in order to do my medical once I get scheduled for one? Currently my glasses don't pose as any problems for me.
Visual acuity is taken from your uncorrected vision.

I recommend you read the first message in this thread before you post any more questions, as the entire vision test process is explained there.