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Vimy medal, other memorabilia, found under English hedge

Thank you, All, for the very quick response.  With the information, I have identified the first picture as John Richard Bibby, and found the following: Monday, 11 June 1917,  Royal Naval Air Service, flying in torpedo-carrying, Short 320 Type A tractor biplane seaplane, crashed during trials at Torpedo School, Malta.  BIBBY, John R, Ty/Flight Sub Lieutenant, killed.  I also found reference to his grave in the cemetery on Malta.

The second picture is of John Albert Birds.  I've located his CEF attestation papers, and am now off and running through cyberspace.

I know the children and grandchildren of these men will appreciate the photos when I pass them along.

By the way, I have contacted the police to see if anyone has claimed the box of my family's memorabilia.  Maybe good fortune will hold for me, and I can acquire the contents.

Again, Thank You.  I have been trying for 20 years to identify these men.
I am always delighted to see some form of closure to these type of stories, especially
when it concerns the gathering of family history. Very happy for you Jackie.

The expertise of the identification of items shown by
members of the forum speaks highly of the site.

I took the liberty to slightly repair the tear and some creases in one of the photographs.
I hope you don't mind ;)

I just wanted to let everyone know that I received a wonderful email from the Stainbeck Police Station.  My family memorabilia was forwarded to the Seaforth Highlanders Museum in Vancouver, CA. in October of 2010.  My brother, who lives in Seattle, will be contacting the museum to see if they still have the contents.  I have truly enjoyed reading through the websites, histories, and stories recommended; especially now having a personal connection.  Thanks again for all the help.
jbirds51 said:
I just wanted to let everyone know that I received a wonderful email from the Stainbeck Police Station.  My family memorabilia was forwarded to the Seaforth Highlanders Museum in Vancouver, CA. in October of 2010.  My brother, who lives in Seattle, will be contacting the museum to see if they still have the contents.  I have truly enjoyed reading through the websites, histories, and stories recommended; especially now having a personal connection.  Thanks again for all the help.

For your information,

The archives are in the process of being moved into a new location so you may have to be patient until they can get things sorted out.

The new curator is Rob Macdonald and has always been a wealth of knowledge for myself and many other's throughout the Lower Mainland.

his website is: http://westcoastkilts.com/    for your contact info. pleasure... 

Good Luck with your quest,