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Veterans on strike

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Jr. Member
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Now is the time for Veterans to take action, with the week of the Veteran and possible fall election approaching. We need to picket the nearest military establishment, similar to what the Public Service union does whenever they strike. We only need one day of causing DND a headache, with news coverage, to get more public awareness. I propose doing it nationally on Nov 8th, the Thursday before Remembrance Day, as the Friday will most likely be a holiday for most of the CF. I just need help getting word out to all the different organizations, and individuals, with some sort of contact for each location, so they can contact their local news stations, and get some sort of confirmation of attendance. This also doesn't need to be limited to any specific group of veterans, as we are all facing someĀ  sort of discrimination or other from the government, from SISIP, to CPP, to survivor benefits, so all veterans and their supporters will be welcomed. If we cannot get enough interest for next month, a future date will be considered.

If anyone wants to volunteer for their area or just wants to express interest in attending, please contact me at (902) 252-9544 or send me an email.

Please forward this to as many veterans as possible. thank you.

Steven White CD

Lower Sackville N.S.

I empathize with your goals, however Milnet.ca does not wish to become a rallying point or basis of organization for any activities that will disrupt DND's daily operations. Accordingly, I have locked this thread.

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