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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Hello everyone,

I served as a Mobile Support Equipment Operator in the reserves for almost eight years, and three of that was as the rank of MCpl.  I VRed from the reserve about four years ago as I had a full time job, and a small business that was taking off.  I found that I didn't have time to dedicate to it and wasn't doing the unit any favours by only showing up once every two or three weeks and barely any weekends.

Since then, I've gotten married, had a child, and I'm looking to get out of my business (wedding photography - I'm getting a little bored of taking photos of women in white dresses). I've begun looking at the Reg force as a possible career but have a few questions:

1. Does my reserve time only transfer over if I join as a reg force MSEop or similar trade?
2. What about if I were to join the navy/airforce? (In an unrelated trade)
3. Even if training/rank/etc doesn't transfer, would I possibly start at a higher point on the payscale?
4. I'm certainly not against taking BMQ/SQ/PLQ/etc over again as it's been four years since I've been in, but is it likely that I would need to retake these courses?

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to reply,
swoop_ds said:
Hello everyone,

I served as a Mobile Support Equipment Operator in the reserves for almost eight years, and three of that was as the rank of MCpl.  I VRed from the reserve about four years ago as I had a full time job, and a small business that was taking off.  I found that I didn't have time to dedicate to it and wasn't doing the unit any favours by only showing up once every two or three weeks and barely any weekends.

Since then, I've gotten married, had a child, and I'm looking to get out of my business (wedding photography - I'm getting a little bored of taking photos of women in white dresses). I've begun looking at the Reg force as a possible career but have a few questions:

1. Does my reserve time only transfer over if I join as a reg force MSEop or similar trade?
2. What about if I were to join the navy/airforce? (In an unrelated trade)
3. Even if training/rank/etc doesn't transfer, would I possibly start at a higher point on the payscale?
4. I'm certainly not against taking BMQ/SQ/PLQ/etc over again as it's been four years since I've been in, but is it likely that I would need to retake these courses?

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to reply,

Your clock is "ticking", as "5 years" out is the magic number in most cases.  Generally, you will retain BMQ and any leadership quals for life but your occupation quals are subject to a PLAR.

If you choose MSE Op and you are beyond the 5 year mark, it will most likely be "Cpl (IPC B, TCP/IC 0), any occupation other than MSE Op, then it is a coin toss.  Hence, the need for a PLAR to determine just what quals they are willing to grant you and also what your TOS on enrolment will be.  I've seen these go many different ways, so there is no real answer to give you other than "A PLAR will be required and once completed, the PLAR will outline exactly what will be granted at the time of enrolment with respect to Pay and Quals."
Just a little update from me. I have made contact with the local recruiting center and am currently waiting for my med files to be sent from Ottawa. Anyone with any experience know how long this step usually takes?
tried_it_once said:
Just a little update from me. I have made contact with the local recruiting center and am currently waiting for my med files to be sent from Ottawa. Anyone with any experience know how long this step usually takes?

Why, yes I do:

5 years out timeline, does the clock run out at the start or end of the 5 year mark for a recruit school bypass?
Get Nautical said:
5 years out timeline, does the clock run out at the start or end of the 5 year mark for a recruit school bypass?

Pretty sure recruit school bypass is 10 years. Technical trades/qualifications are 5 years. It may be a good question to post in the "Ask a Recruiter" forum for an official answer.
PuckChaser said:
Pretty sure recruit school bypass is 10 years. Technical trades/qualifications are 5 years. It may be a good question to post in the "Ask a Recruiter" forum for an official answer.

This has been covered before:



George Wallace said:
With my knowledge of the Recruiting process, if a person has been out for less than five years they often get to keep their Qualifications, but may be required to do BMQ(L) (SQ) over again.  If a person has been out for ten years, they may be able to keep their Qualifications, but are most likely to be required to do both BMQ and BMQ(L) again.  As you have no Qualifications other than a Reserve BMQ and that is from ten years ago, your most recent attempt not successfully completed, then in all likelihood you will have to start with the Regular Force BMQ.

This topic has been covered in numerous other questions on Recruit School Bypass.
PuckChaser said:
Pretty sure recruit school bypass is 10 years. Technical trades/qualifications are 5 years. It may be a good question to post in the "Ask a Recruiter" forum for an official answer.


DAA said:
Your clock is "ticking", as "5 years" out is the magic number in most cases.  Generally, you will retain BMQ and any leadership quals for life but your occupation quals are subject to a PLAR.
Thanks for telling me, twice. Pretty sure I read it the first time, directly above the caps lock button got stuck on your second post. Must have been a slow posting day?
PuckChaser said:
Thanks for telling me, twice. Pretty sure I read it the first time, directly above the caps lock button got stuck on your second post. Must have been a slow posting day?

It's not for you, but the persons who are too lazy to look for this, which has been posted ........How many times now?

And we know that someone else will show up and ask the same question, yet again.  :-\
I joined the reserves when I was 17 and as most kids do got off track and into the party scene at 18 and before I new I stopped going to parade nights. I was filed as nes and  it didn't go threw until I was 20. im 21now and have learned lots of life lessons over the past three years and no my passion and I would like to reinlist. I no its possible but hard. im looking for input and advise. Its been 3 years but im worried since I wasn't technically released until recently because of how long paperwork takes they may look at file and assume I havnt matured enough because its only been a year on there file. (really its been three). Thanks for reading, and any advice
Good day,

Applicants released from a Primary Reserve (PRES) unit under release item 5F due to not parading and being deemed Non-Effective Strength (NES) are required to provide written documentation proving that all kit was returned and that there are no outstanding obligations to the PRES unit or the Canadian Armed Forces as part of the reenlistment application process. 
Master Corporal Steven said:
Good day,

Applicants released from a Primary Reserve (PRES) unit under release item 5F due to not parading and being deemed Non-Effective Strength (NES) are required to provide written documentation proving that all kit was returned and that there are no outstanding obligations to the PRES unit or the Canadian Armed Forces as part of the reenlistment application process.

In the case of an applicant who provides such documentation, is the decision on whether to accept such an applicant made at the unit level?
Good day,

No the decision to process is not made at a Unit level. If provided the appropriate documentation from the applicant the local CFRC may then submit a request for a re-enrolment waiver in order to process the applicant.
First post - appreciate the level of information available on this forum.

My story - served 11 years as a Combat Engineer Officer. RMC - fully trained - retired as a Captain in 2002.

I have contacted the local reserve Combat Engineer Regiment about joining them - and have read / heard about the 5 year expiry on technical qualifications and the 10 year expiry on basic training.

My question is - does the reserve recruiting authority (not sure about the official title) make specific offers based on individual cases - or is it just blanket application of policy, and I should expect to have to do basic again (which I almost find appealing as I am sure I could teach most of the classes from memory, and I predict I would just giggle inside for the entire length of the course)?

As I understand it most reserve combat arms units are under strength, and they are all recruiting for officers and NCMs. So - wondering why there wouldn't be some move to take advantage of former members to fill those gaps (with some form of refresher training and certification testing required). This sort of approach would be much more cost effective than completely retraining former members...

As I go through the process and find the answers to this (and I am sure many other questions) I will post to this thread.

Hi there I am from St Johns Newfoundland. I was In the Canadian Forces for five years. Awhile back I got a release for continuing education but interested in rejoining my home unit but a different trade. My question is How many years do I have to be under, out of the Forces that I wont have to redo my BMQ & SQ? I have been out for three years. I have been told it is under two years and I have been told under five years. Do's Army,Navy,Air make a difference? Thank you for your time :) Hope you can help me out. Cheers!
Good day,

A PLAR is used to assess all prior education and qualifications including courses taken by prior serving members who are applying for reenlistment into the Canadian Armed Forces related to the chosen occupation on the current application. Courses change over time and a PLAR is used to determine what knowledge gained from previous qualifications match the current requirements of the training for the occupation and may result in the granting of some qualifications towards the current courses/occupation standards.

For example if you've already done a basic military qualification course and the course has not changed then an individual would be granted that qualification and not have to redo the course if they are re-enrolled.
Thank you for helping, I am also looking to rejoin.  I was in the Navy from 1989-late 2001. (seems like yesterday)  I was a MS marine engineer cert 2c qualified, submariner qualified.  I got out to embark on a civilian career.  I was college trained through the Navy via the old METTP program and I was wondering if the recruitment process is the same for a re-enrollment.  I understand there is a PLAR process in place and need to know if I proceed with the initial online app or do I book an appt. at the Recruitment office.  I have always regretted leaving and would love to become a "lifer" again :) 
Good day,

To begin your reenlistment you will need to submit an online application through http://www.forces.ca/ website to begin the process of rejoining the Canadian Armed Forces. 
Quick update. Paperwork is in. If all goes well, I will belong to 44 Field Engineer Squadron. I will most likely parade in North Van and Chilliwack though...

I have my Force test tomorrow morning - arranged it through contacts at 19 Wing in Comox. Then, at some point, I will go to the recruiting center in Victoria for the aptitude test (they can't find my original results from 1990) and the interview. Should be fun.

I have asked for a PLAR, and am preparing a detailed resume of my experience since leaving the Army to demonstrate that I have built on, and grown my leadership and planning skills.

Fingers crossed I get a reasonable offer. Otherwise, I won't be putting a uniform back on. I have thought about it, and while attending 2 and a half months of phase training would be a nice break, I can't leave my business or my family for that long. Too bad - I would really enjoy it!