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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
  • Start date
RetiredRoyal said:
Good day,

If any are considering re-enrolling, here's my experience.

Aug 06        Online Application
Sep 06        CFRC Phones me
Sep 06        Take doc's etc to CFRC and they request VFS
Dec 06          VFS Returns, shows outstanding kit from reserve transfer
Jan 07          Return Kit plus file lost stores report for kit stolen from locker
Feb 07          Pay $400 for kit that could not be written off.
Mar 07          CFRG waives to allow re-enrollment
April 07        Interview and Part I & II medical

If you were an AVN, AVS  etc and got out...they need people. They're trying to generate 200 tradesmen. You will not have to do the aptitude test if you are 'skilled' nor will you have to go to basic, even if you've been out over 10 yrs. One of my students just re-enrolled after 12 yrs on the streets. He was an AFT and has since departed for Borden. He did have to do the CFAT as he never IOC converted but was a recruit school bypass.

If you are skilled, ex-air force NCM and want to re-enroll contact :

Chief Warrant Officer Tom Walker at
walker.wt@forces.gc.ca or 1-866-355-8195.

He heads up the Air Force Intake and Liason Team. The Chief has been very helpful in keeping some of the other parties concerned motivated and liasing with the recruiting center to keep the ball rolling. His goal is to turn your 12 month experience into a 6 week experience, if possible. I was told by a MCpl in supply that he wasn't in a position push a young LT into action...the Chief did when I let him know.

You'll notice that VFS is a long wait....

So latest is:
9 May 07 3 Month post Lasik Appt
1 June 07 Aircrew Vision
4 June 07 Aircrew Part II Medical (bloodwork, ECG etc)
7 June 07 Docs off to Ottawa etc.

June 13th...waiting.
Crantor said:
However it can take some time to get your former documents and medical records as they may be in transit or still in St-Jean. 

So true, I'm rejoining the reg force after a VR during BMQ.. everything is completed (VFS/PLAR,etc) except for getting my previous med docs... I reapplied back on Feb 15 not sure why the med docs are taking so long .. I'm keeping updated w/ my CFRC and trying to find out why the delay (no previous med problems)... while waiting sucks (big time) it's gonna be worth it..just gotta stay patient.
15 June 07 Docs clear Medical Review Officer in Ottawa, go to Toronto for Air Factor (happens to be my 42nd birthday, too)
I reapplied back in Feb 07 after making the stupid mistake of VRing and have been waiting since then to get my interview/medical done... I stayed in contact w/ my CFRC getting regular updates and for the past few months was being told that everything is done(PLAR/VFS,etc) except we're just waiting on your previous med docs to come back fr St. Jean... I finally found out today that that the request for them was being sent to people that no longer work at St.Jean and that the people in St.Jean weren't getting the request.. The request was resent last week to the proper people.. so my question to my booking clerk was "This isn't gonna take another three months months is it?" He said "no it should only take a couple weeks".. my interview/medical is now scheduled for 2 weeks today. :) While the waiting has been frustrating I'm just glad that the ball is finally rolling.
At least the ball is rolling. Either call them up in two weeks for an update or ask them when you go in for your interview/medical.
RetiredRoyal said:
15 June 07 Docs clear Medical Review Officer in Ottawa, go to Toronto for Air Factor (happens to be my 42nd birthday, too)

04 Jul 07 Docs still in Toronto for Air Factor.

Talked to file manager this am, she says that DRDC Toronto, or at least the department doing the Air Factors has been/is closed for about a month to move. Go figure, send my file to a closed department.
Sorry if it wasn't clear.. my interview/medical is scheduled for July 17  :)
From your post, I figured it to be around there. If they said a few weeks, I'd go on that. However, I applied in July 2006 and got a call in December that my documents had arrived back to CFRC from Borden.

I remember reading the same thing in another thread.....same info same story.

Was it realy necessary to start another thread with the same thing ?

army.ca staff
CDN Aviator....

Just figured I'd start a new topic in case someone did a seach/ or didn't read my previous thread.. if you wanna lock this topic I understand.
RetiredRoyal said:
04 Jul 07 Docs still in Toronto for Air Factor.

Talked to file manager this am, she says that DRDC Toronto, or at least the department doing the Air Factors has been/is closed for about a month to move. Go figure, send my file to a closed department.

13 July 07 (Yes, Friday the 13th) Air Factor awarded, docs cleared for Borden to formulate offer.
Hi, I used to be in te canadian forces last year (2006) at least I did my BMQ in Valcartier from may to august. I've finish best student and best athlete, so im not some kind of fuck all. After that, my fiance finally realized that she didn't like the military way of life for our relationship... So with some pression from the family I decided to retire from the army in october. It's not been yet a year and Gosh I miss the army way of life. I'm still with my girl but I,ve kinda change my way of seing things... I'm not happy at the university despite being an overaverage student. I don't want to be an officer,, well not yet... I don'T believe that I have what it takes to lead men... I would be interrest in rejoining as an armour personnel (what I used to be) or in the infantry. I would like to know if anyone knows if the army really likes to re-enroll personnel? and if yes what can I do except (phys test) to be more interresting for them?

Thanx a lot

:cdn: Federalist Frog  :cdn:
Plenty of folks re-enrol. 

Head down to a CFRC and have a chat with them.
You will need to think about and be able to explain in your interview why you left the first time, and what is different this go around that means you won't leave a second time.

Good luck!
funny, nobody in the system ever asked why I got out and I'd actually written down all my points and put them into a bit of a speach/answer so I'd know how to answer.

I know another gent who has been out as long as me, was the same trade and he has to write an essay for the Military Career Counselor on why he got out and why he'd be a better soldier now.
My guess is it all depends on circumstance....  plenty of Recruiting folk around here have been saying for some time how that every situation is different.
I had my interview last tuesday (7/17) after Vring during BMQ.. it went great, was told I scored better than last time. The captain that interviewed me never really asked about why I left/what's different.. if fact I was the one who made a point of pointing out  my reasons/ whats changed.. he basically said "it's good that you've learned from your mistakes and are correcting them" and it (VRing) happens.
Ive been in for about a year now. tried to switch trades, but wasnt able to due to red flags.  SO I am a VR got another month till im out but I am going to join back up in the desired trade. Anyways, my question;  The time it takes to reenlist was at 6 months.  I heard it was lowered but I dont know if this is true.  Does anyone here know if this is true?  If so lowered to how long?  Chimo
Ive been in for about a year now. tried to switch trades, but wasn't able to due to red flags.

Is it me, or are there some spaces here.  If you already red flagged what makes you think you can get back in?  You know that they will have your file readily available.

Wouldn't you agree this sounds a bit, how can I put this politely, sensless?


sorry read that wrong.  I am not red flagged.  The combat engineers is a red flag traded, youre not able to transfer out of it.