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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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2 month is nothing trust me. :)

do not give up. Every thing is going get settle eventually.

vyrago said:
Sadly, ive been waiting 4 months so far and I cant wait anymore.  I've accepted a full time civvy job, sorry CF but I just cant wait for ya.  Rather ridiculous considering we're somewhat a nation "at war". 

Sad to hear that, but we aren't really 'a nation at war'. There is no rationing, no draft, 1 in 10 citizens are not in uniform, and there are no black out hours. We are just 'at war'.
Heh... would appear that the US military has been approving people with long criminal records to serve. 

Imagine, training the "Crips", organising em into better street gangs :(

Now that the press has gotten a hold of the story, we can only hope that they will do better into their VFS
vyrago said:
Sadly, ive been waiting 4 months so far and I cant wait anymore.  I've accepted a full time civvy job, sorry CF but I just cant wait for ya.  Rather ridiculous considering we're somewhat a nation "at war". 

I waited for 2 years...2 years. And that was for a CT...skilled. Now you want to pipe up? Just don't put all your eggs in one basket. Enjoy life.
Heh.... CT from same trade to same trade, per CDS was supposed to be 5 days.....

Oh well, work in progress.
Yeah it was pretty sad... but worth it after I seen my first pay cheque. 15% is a lot. Even if I drop a rank. It worth the wait.
I figure this is the right forum for this, if not please move it where it belongs.

After leaving the army in 2004 I took a job offer and went to Iraq for a year and change. I did my time there, and managed to make it out with a few pretty cool scars, and a fat load of cash.

Now that I have come back and adjusted to civillian life I realise I want back into the army. I want to have my education paid for and do something I enjoy while taking my distance learning.

Heres the kicker. Even though I am 031 regular force trained and experienced, along with lots of off the record training in Iraq, the army is giving me a hell of a time getting back in. My application has been in for over 6 months now, and I am getting told this is just the beginning.

All my med docs, and VFS have come through, but it is the security clearance that is killing me. I did a huge form, which pretty much outlines my entire life for the last 10 years (not the normal one you do when signing up, this is a bigger one) and provided them with all the details of my time in Iraq, along with contacts of my employers, and records of US DoD certificates (proving I was legally in country).

So even with all this they are telling me it could take YEARS to get back in. There is no way anything takes this long, especially not with the technollogy that can be used.  If I havent heard back from them by September I am just going to say screw it and do my own thing again, but I would rather serve my own country.

Yes, I know we need to ensure our servicemen are secure, but there is no way it should take a matter of years. We are talking about someone who is trained, and wants to join a combat unit, something the CF should be jumping at.

Anyone got any advice on how to make this go smoother ?
The thing is hung up at the VFS level.... which means, investigation of activities that you have had since releasing from the Reg force.....
- Activities carried out in Iraq - which the CF, SIU, CSIS will probably have a hell of a time checking / vetting.

Wonder if "Infidel 6" is in the area.... he might have some ideas - given that he too has contracted out.

In the meantime... good luck
I might add that there is also the questions about how you were Released in the first place.  I remember three friends putting in their requests for Release to go to Alaska.  Two wrote neutral memos, while the third really slammed the Regiment and the CF.  A year or two later, all three tried to get back into the CF.  Two did.  The third had burnt his bridges when he left, and was an 'undesirable' when it came to trying to get back in.  Anyone in a similar position, should remember to never burn their bridges behind them, as it will come back to bite you in the end.
Just to clear the air, I was released on good terms. Obviously it is the Iraq thing that is holding me back.

All I want is some advice that people might have to speed up the process. Please, lets not turn this into a flame thread.
From my perspective, I think this is beyond the recruiters.
Verification of former service isn't the hard part, it's the time spent after your release from the Regs.... and that has to be looked into by the nice people at CSIS, RCMP, SIU &/or other similar agency.
geo said:
From my perspective, I think this is beyond the recruiters.
Verification of former service isn't the hard part, it's the time spent after your release from the Regs.... and that has to be looked into by the nice people at CSIS, RCMP, SIU &/or other similar agency.

That's exactly where the problem is.  It's out of the recruiting centres control.  I don't think there is any advice you will receive, or anything you can do to speed this up.
I would like to say something meaningful, or say that i feel bad for you but here's how it is

I have been waiting 3 years for my security clearance to come through , and i need to have it for the job i am already in !!!

The people that do this stuff are very understaffed and overworked, i have talked to them directly....

good luck
vyrago said:
Sadly, ive been waiting 4 months so far and I cant wait anymore.  I've accepted a full time civvy job, sorry CF but I just cant wait for ya.  Rather ridiculous considering we're somewhat a nation "at war". 

Let me laugh 4 month is nothing...if you were not able to wait...perhaps you were not meant to join in....  We are not "at war", we are present in a war zone but not at war.

some people said they waited 2 years... I hope you will have no regrets doing so...I'm in waiting (409 days today) and if i have to wait an other year then be it... the army (even Pres for me) is not just a "job" it is more then that.

God luck in you civvie job.

Hurry up and WAIT as they say.

My VFS only took about a month and a half, but thats because my former unit had my docs there easily accessed and not archived. So if they have been archived they have to find them and send them still...so definately at very least a few months. I was told mine could take up to a year, i was very surprised when they called to book my interview and medical, i wasnt expecting to hear from them for a few months.

I was going through CFRC Winnipeg.  I havent cancelled my application, but with the nature of my civilian job (network administrator), I dont see how I would be able to get time off for summer training.  as it stands, im not holding my breath anymore.  if the recruiting center calls and things in my life facilitate joining back up then I will, if not then I wont.  I fully expected some angry comebacks at my post, im just surprised that there isnt more resentment from those having to wait so long. 

its as if in saying that you cant put your life on hold for the army is somehow an insult to everyone in a uniform?  Please dont forget that I wore the infantry capbadge for 5 years, so im not here to piss anyone off just by saying that I can no longer keep crossing my fingers for a phone call. 

I had to wait 3 years to apply and i have now completed 4 months of waiting for my call, they've been telling me any week now for the past 2 months, but thats ok. I'd say the wait will be well worth it, then freaking out and loosing interest after a couple months of waiting for a call like a nice chunk of people on this site. The soldier i want watching my back in the infantry would be someone who's had the patients to wait like i did for my chance in the forces.
at this point there calling my references that i had provided. 
bring it on month 5    ;D