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US to close fast food in Afghan bases - Timmies & Greenbean will stay

eurowing said:
Kentucky Fried Chicken is soon to open on the Boardwalk!  Makes me wonder if the Colonel outranked the General!  ;D

Money and politics outrank generals. Merely an observation.
Shared with the usual caveats.  Photo at story link below.

Kandahar Air Base: Part Afghanistan, Part Jersey Shore
By Jason Motlagh / Kandahar Air Field Monday, Jul. 05, 2010

Among the amenities on offer inside the American base at Kandahar: T.G.I. Friday's.

Jason Motlagh

It's another hot day on "the boardwalk." The long line of customers, many in shorts and sunglasses, waiting for iced cappuccinos runs out the cafe door and around the corner, a stone's throw from the outdoor hockey rink and volleyball courts. The merchants hawking everything from iPods to custom-made silk-screen t-shirts are doing brisk business. So is TGI Friday's, the restaurant whose familiar red-and-white sign flanks the stage where live rock concerts are occasionally held. "Feels like I'm back in Jersey," says one young man, taking in the scene. "Right back home on the Jersey shore."

Far from it. More than 6,800 miles, in fact. Back in New Jersey, he'd be arrested for strolling around in public with a semi-automatic rifle slung over his shoulder. But this is Kandahar air base, an alternate universe that is, some argue, more and more out-of-touch with the violence at its walls. You see, Kandahar air base is also the gateway to southern Afghanistan's fiercest combat zone, one that just keeps getting bigger and deadlier.
(See Apocalypse Afghanistan: a multimedia presentation.)

After the Taliban's ouster, the air base was upgraded to support 8,000 people and has swollen to more than three times that size over the past two years, with still more soldiers and contractors in-bound since President Obama ordered up a troop surge to try the tide in the nearly nine-year-old war. Meanwhile, in nearby Kandahar City, suicide bombers and assassins on motorbikes continue to impose their reign of terror on civilians.
(See America's stumbling block in Kandahar: Karzai's brother.)

Surreal as the contrast is, having what amounts to a small Western city in the Taliban heartland involves logistics that are sobering. Every month, more than 3 million pounds of food and 30 million gallons of water are consumed by base personnel. To keep people fed and thousands of electrical generators running around the clock, a parade of truck convoys ply four overland supply lines that frequently come under attack. The rest is handled by the airstrip, which sees an average of more than 5,000 military and commercial take-offs and landings a week, making it the single busiest in the world. "We're really maxed-out here," says British Air Commodore Gordon Moulds, head of the NATO organization that manages the base from a crumbling former air terminal where the Taliban regime made its last stand in late 2001.
(See outsourcing Afghanistan: who's protecting our supply lines?)

Perhaps nowhere is that strain more obvious than waste management. First-time visitors can't help but notice the rotten egg-like stench that tinges the desert air. A half-mile away from the boardwalk lies the culprit: the so-called "poo pond," where everyone's waste is disposed. Originally dug out to accommodate 10,000 people, it is — like much of the infrastructure on base — overworked. To help clear the air, a second pond will likely be completed by the fall. It is part of a new extension that planners say is designed to free up extra space for vehicle parking, a second electrical plant and housing barracks as thousands more troops join the fight.

Of course, such sprawl means there's also more to look after. The security perimeter of NATO's largest base is already some 10 miles long and counting, ringed by a buffer zone that is regularly patrolled. These safeguards still haven't prevented militants from launching rocket, mortar and even ground attacks, as they have against other major bases around the country in recent weeks. Although no one has been killed at Kandahar air base this year, insurgents occasionally burst the bubble. A coordinated May 22 night-time assault wounded four people, bringing the total of injured over the past six months to at least 30, according to Squadron Leader Simon Openshaw, the deputy chief of base security. Nevertheless, for many of the troops and support staff who live on site, the fighter jets that streak overhead are their closest glimpse of the war.

This detachment from the grim reality on the ground has troubled some officers. Last year, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the then-commander of international forces in Afghanistan, ordered an investigation into whether non-essential supplies were a morale boost or stalling the flow of supplies to troops downrange. This spring, he forced several American fast-food chains to shut down, a move that disappointed plenty of soldiers hungry for a taste of home. "You just come back craving that American hamburger," says Army Lt. Hassan Kagoni, who visits about once a month from a frontline base in western Afghanistan's Herat province. Since the general's crackdown, he adds, "some people here are going through withdrawal." Predictably, the anonymous graffiti scrawled inside one of the boardwalk's Port-o-Johns is less measured: "I want my whopper. McChrystal sucks."

While the Burger King, Pizza Hut, and Thai massage parlor are now gone, so too is Gen. McChrystal, whose spartan authority did not apply to non-American owned businesses. Now, an Afghan-owned Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise is about to open on the boardwalk, and a Nathan's Hot Dog stand, of Coney Island fame, is said to be on the way. Construction is also due to start soon on an artificial turf soccer field and running track, amenities that Commodore Moulds says foster a sense of community among the base's multi-national personnel. The upgrade should be complete later this year, when a major military offensive around Kandahar is expected to be in full gear. Should Taliban attacks on base increase, caffeine die-hards need not worry: a sign posted outside Tim Horton's, the wildly popular Canadian coffee and doughnut chain, reminds patrons that it will reopen "approx[imately] 15 minutes after the all clear."

This story was reported with a grant from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2001475,00.html#ixzz0stgnvNZn
Here is the KFC on the boardwalk.  I saw no info pertaining to an opening date.
That's wild. (Thanks!)
All we need to do is let some of the local workers smuggle that stuff out to their Taliban buddies, show them what their missing and whamo. End of the war.
Petraeus thinks the fast food places are a morale issue. :)

Fast food may return to bases in Afghanistan

Gen. Petraeus ‘seriously considering’ reversing order
By Karen Jowers - Staff writer
Posted : Saturday Jul 24, 2010 14:18:42 EDT
Burger King, Pizza Hut and Subway may be coming back to Afghanistan.

Army Gen. David Petraeus, the new top U.S. commander there, is “seriously considering” rescinding the order that booted out 57 individual eateries and shops on U.S. bases, according to a military source in Afghanistan.

On Feb. 3, former Afghanistan commander Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal ordered 50 Army and Air Force Exchange Service concessionaires to close within 90 days following a review of morale, welfare and recreation activities.

Before McChrystal’s order, AAFES operated 141 eateries and shops in Afghanistan, according to exchange service spokesman Judd Anstey. Now there are 84.

Petraeus’ spokesman confirmed that the general is reconsidering the order.

“General Petraeus is considering a number of different issues, and this is one of them. He has not made a decision. However, all options are on the table,” Army Col. Erik Gunhus said.

When asked how feasible it would be to reopen the facilities, Anstey said AAFES is “ready to support the commander’s decision on concession operations. We are ready to execute any orders the commander gives us.”

McChrystal’s February order stated that the command puts a high priority on MWR programs that are important to stress relief and mission readiness, and he exempted from his closure order fitness centers, MWR Internet, the Stars and Stripes newspaper, unit-operated AAFES stores, barber and beauty shops, recreation equipment, and USO package and education services.

Officials in Afghanistan also said logistical issues were a factor in the decision to close the facilities.

Not all facilities were closed as a result of the McChrystal order, because the order doesn’t apply to restaurant concessions owned by companies from other countries. For example, a TGI Friday’s restaurant, Tim Horton’s doughnut shop and several smaller pizza shops have remained open on a boardwalk at Kandahar Airfield.

A small Pizza Hut outlet also has remained in operation at the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command’s base at Kabul International Airport.
KFC is now open and serving!  I don't eat at KFC at home so ....  sorry, can't comment on quality.
eurowing said:
KFC is now open and serving!  I don't eat at KFC at home so ....  sorry, can't comment on quality.

Same here. KFC is......lets say its not what it used to be.
Jim Seggie said:
Same here. KFC is......lets say its not what it used to be.
No more gravy with the 1/2 inch of oil/grease on top, for example....
Remember seeing an all-you-can-eat buffet KFC, oddly enough in Kentucky. I was pretty disgusted by that actually.
Good to see McChrystal closed the Pizza Hut that is used by troops in one of the most dangerous parts of the country, but his Pizza Hut at ISAF HQ in Kabul got to stay open.
Just as a public service, (I swear, I wasn't avoiding the messes,  :P) I tried out the KFC after work the other day.  I can't lie, it was better than the KFC in Trenton.  The Extra Crispy chicken meal was spicy and greasy and delicious.  Of course, everything is delicious after being in the messes.  I've spent this tour avoiding such delicacies like roasted pork neck, MMMMM.  I think I've eaten at the mess a total of 10 times this trip... Me and the Chef Boyardee have become very good friends here.  Now, to go back to Canada and try to fend off this pesky scurvy!**

**Note, I kid, I kid!  I don't have scurvy... I drink the Rani juice to prevent it.  Like drinking a fruit cup or something -- so weird!

Also as a note, moving Timmies did nothing for the lines... It just makes parking over on this side of the base even more difficult, now there are a million US, Romanian, Dutch, etc vehicles all over the place.  I wonder how everyone's doing now, Tim's has been closed for a few days with a "No Water" sign on the door.  Mwahahaha, pretty happy I'm not a coffee drinker!
Oh the hard life of living in KAF.....          ::)

Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
Oh the hard life of living in KAF.....          ::)

If I hear a KAF vs FOB vs OTW vs COP vs whatever argument here, I'm going to blow my lid.  We ALL face challenges, and ALL challenges were unique.  Some were more risky to life and limb, but I could toss out that when I went OTW, I was in a pop can, not a 60+ ton IED eating machine.

It's all relative.

Now, about that Pork Neck...


Now, seriously, what's up with Pork Neck?
Technoviking said:
If I hear a KAF vs FOB vs OTW vs COP vs whatever argument here, I'm going to blow my lid.  We ALL face challenges, and ALL challenges were unique.  Some were more risky to life and limb, but I could toss out that when I went OTW, I was in a pop can, not a 60+ ton IED eating machine.

It's all relative.

Now, about that Pork Neck...


Now, seriously, what's up with Pork Neck?

For real, I don't know!  I had never heard of anyone eating pork neck before... Is it some strange delicacy I've never heard of?  Either way, I'm happily on the ground in the camp of the ice cream and wrap bar.  And humidity.  See you in the fall, Kaf!
See e.g. this and this.


Pork Neck - raw and cooked

Pork Neck, like its neighbour, the fat back, is a popular cut in Asia, where tasty food is still valued and fat intake is controlled by serving small quantities of fatty meat along with lots of veggies.

Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
Oh the hard life of living in KAF.....          ::)
After eating at a Canadian FOB where they have (excellent) Canadian cooks, try eating at the Supreme DFACs on KAF.  You may revise your opinion.
CombatDoc said:
After eating at a Canadian FOB where they have (excellent) Canadian cooks, try eating at the Supreme DFACs on KAF.  You may revise your opinion.

Did 4 times, either coming in or going out. Also lived out of KAF (when not in Lagman or Ghazni) when we did the move from Kabul.

If you hate Supreme, you'd die at a DFAC.

At least the chances of getting the krud 6 times in a tour is somewhat lessened in KAF.
