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Ultimate Fighter!!!

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Has any1 been following the Ultimate Fighter series on Spike Tv? If so,
who do you think will win the middleweight and light heavyweight
championships this saturday? IÂ'm going for Forrest and Diego. The
SHAMROCK match will be sickkkkk. For those who donÂ't know, this dude
was named "the worldÂ's most dangerous man". So being able to watch him
fight live and free is an awesome thing (probably once in a
lifetime...this stuff is alwaysss 50 bucks on ppv). Any1 else been
following the show?

Yeah and I have seen some pretty sorry fights.

They just end up rolling around on the floor with each other most of the time and have to be reminded to keep hitting each other.

The winnner is gonna get killed in the real thing.
Ghost you're an idiot.

If you had watched the Bonnar vs Southworth fight, the Florian vs Leben fight or the Forrest vs Swick fight you'd realize how ass backwards you statement was.

The winner will get killed in the real thing? How so? Please, enlightem me with your "fighting experience" since you appear to know so much.
That triangle choke to Arm bar was pretty nice by Stephan on Swick. Not only that, but I was on the edge of my seat when Swick had Stephen in the Guillotine.

Some of these fighters have already been in the ring with UFC/PRIDE fighters, Chris Leben and Bobby Southworth come to mind, although Vitor Belfort destroyed Bobby first round.
Ghost that makes no sense.  These guys are professional fighters.  In "the real thing" they would probably slaughter some guy in a bar fight.

And it's not rolling around on the ground.  It's grappling.  Its actually really interesting to watch if you understand the points and moves of grappling.  A fighter can turn what to you looks like rolling around, into an arm bar for the win.  It's a lot more than just "rolling around".....that is, if you know what you're seeing.

Some eye candy for my fellow fans. These are the updated pictures of the fighters as they go into tomorrow nights finale. I must say, Sam looks better, leben cut weight, Forrest looks like he's ready and its clear rafferty has been packing on some weight. Not to mention, canadian Josh Thacker is looking a lot different, mind you im confident leben is going to put him away quick. Rumour is he's been doing kickboxing kickboxing and more kickboxing, but thats about it. he displayed his total lack of experience with grappling on the early episodes of TUF, and if he isnt careful, lebens well rounded game is going to make short work of him. You cant strike with your arm in a key lock now can you?  ::)

My money is on Kenny Florian, Stephan and Shamrock for the Finale Win. Diego is too full of himself, and i love Stephans style. Shamrock, just because he's a beast. i've heard Franklin has improved dramatically, but thats not enough to win me over.
The second Ghost said "rolling around" I knew he was ignorant and knew nothing about grappling.
BTW everyone ... TUF marathon tomorrow starting at 9am!
Hey Steve why don't you shut the **** up you stupid fag.

That is your third strike.
,....this is your first warning, keep the "idiot" comments to yourself.
Maybe we can all play nice here.....
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