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Ukraine Airliner helps locals Trenton, ON deal with their tall trees.... :)


Army.ca Veteran
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CADORS Number: 2007O2179 Reporting Region: Ontario said:
Occurrence InformationOccurrence Type: Accident Occurrence Date: 2007/10/04
Occurrence Time: 1148 Z Day Or Night: day-time
Fatalities: 0 Injuries: 0

Canadian Aerodrome ID: CYTR Aerodrome Name: Trenton
Occurrence Location: Trenton (CYTR) Province: Ontario
Country: CANADA World Area: North America

Reported By: Local media AOR Number:
TSB Class Of Investigation: 3 TSB Occurrence No.: A07O0273
Event InformationCollision with object
Aircraft InformationFlight #:
Aircraft Category: Aeroplane Country of Registration: UKRAINE
Make: ILYUSHIN Model: IL76
Year Built: Amateur Built: No
Engine Make: Engine Model:
Engine Type: Turbo jet Gear Type: Land
Phase of Flight: Approach Damage: Substantial
Owner: Operator: UKRAINIAN CARGO AIRWAYS (11633)
Operator Type: Commercial

Detail InformationUser Name: Donaldson, John
Date: 2007/10/05
Further Action Required: No
O.P.I.: International Aviation
Narrative: The Ukrainian Cargo Airlines Ilyushin IL-76 aircraft was concluding an IFR flight from Keflavik International Airport (Iceland) (BIKF) to C.F.B. Trenton Airport (CYTR). The aircraft landed normally at 1148Z and shut down in a parking spot and before being re-started and repositioned to a different parking spot on the ramp. The flight crew did not mention anything. A post-landing runway inspection about a half hour later found an unusual amount of wood chips/bark on runway 24. As there had been only one aircraft movement that morning (due to low fog off the approach end of runway 24), the IL-76 aircraft was inspected and determined to have struck a tree/trees about a half mile short of the runway. There was little visible damage to the aircraft (smudges/scratches) but the landing gear (especially the right main landing gear) appeared to have taken the brunt of the in-flight collision. T.S.B. staff were advised and sent a team to C.F.B. Trenton to investigate. The aircraft's flight data recorder was removed for analysis and the aircraft has been grounded as a result. More information to follow.

User Name: Donaldson, John
Date: 2007/10/05
Further Action Required: Yes
O.P.I.: System Safety
Narrative: UPDATE Supplemental information received from T.S.B. [2007/10/05]: The T.S.B. advised that they will investigate this occurrence as a Class 3 Investigation. Transport Canada (Ontario Region) will appoint a Minister's Observer.

Emphasis is mine.

This is not the first time these guys have trimmed hedges or uprooted fences - who still thinks it is a great idea to rent airlift for all our needs?  ::)

Edited to note:  Woot, 1000th post, only took me 9 years of posting at army.ca to reach this milestone.
I am shocked and amazed. You mean the guys who wear those open toe safety sandals, who smell of stale sweat (and booze) and smoke wherever they please, may not be the professionals we thought they were?
          We should be using the funds of renting these airraft to buy more transport planes for the Canadain Airforce .
karl28 said:
           We should be using the funds of renting these airraft to buy more transport planes for the Canadain Airforce .

That would be nice. Then I would not have to put up with a certain few who like to yell for no reason, point at their watch as soon as the ramp opens and blame us because they did not have the intelligence to ask for a power cart. I cringe every time I have to deal with at least one of their crews. I have also found out that they do not like it when you yell back at them, it bruises their egos and they write letters to try to get you in trouble. The fact that they take out sections of fence and bash into a few trees does not surprise me at all but the fact that nobody has been injured as a result of their "professional attitudes" while working sure does. I better stop, I could go on about these guys and their wonderfully maintained aircraft (if you ever get a chance to get near one check out the tires, it will make you shake your head) but I digress.
Gramps said:
..... The fact that they take out sections of fence and bash into a few trees does not surprise me at all but the fact that nobody has been injured as a result of their "professional attitudes" while working sure does. ......

You forgot about the approach lights to Rwy 06 that they went careening through as they lost their brakes on a rejected takeoff from Rwy 24 .... xmas '95 as I recall.
Had it not been for the mud and steel approach lighting they would have ended up in the MacDonalds parking lot.
These guys just seem to get worse and worse.

I'm glad I don't live on Montrose Road anymore (or anywhere near the runway for that matter) with these ...... "aircrews" .... flying in and out of Trenton.
Or how about when the winch cable breaks an they decide to tie it in a knot to fix it, then act surprised when it breaks again.

      Sure sounds like there are a pain in the you know what .  IF there this bad than why due we still deal with them is it just a cost factor ?  I would think that it would be better to have this money on another C-17 or maby a couple of more new C-130.
They can be a pain. Of course not every crew is like that just the ones I get to deal with both in Trenton and in KAF.
just a cost factor ?

They're cheap and they do landscaping.  The C17s bring regional industrial benefits, these guys love Canadian Tire.
The one that crashed during Xmas '95 was an AN-124 (if I do remember correctly).  It was landing in heavy fog and landed long (way long).  I think it touched down somewhere around the 5000 ft. to go markers.  I watched her come in.  I was MAMS at the time waiting to offload it.  It was quite the show. 
Chuck 130 said:
The one that crashed during Xmas '95 was an AN-124 (if I do remember correctly).  It was landing in heavy fog and landed long (way long).  I think it touched down somewhere around the 5000 ft. to go markers.  I watched her come in.  I was MAMS at the time waiting to offload it.  It was quite the show. 
Guess the pilot was planning to steal & slide into home base :)
Our  fighter Jets do landscaping some times also. It just isnt the large planes.
Globesmasher said:
I'm glad I don't live on Montrose Road anymore (or anywhere near the runway for that matter) with these ...... "aircrews" .... flying in and out of Trenton.

Cripes ... we were neighbours!! I loved Catalina. When the hercs weren't heard overhead ... I'd awake thinking something was wrong.
Chuck 130 said:
The one that crashed during Xmas '95 was an AN-124 (if I do remember correctly).  It was landing in heavy fog and landed long (way long).  I think it touched down somewhere around the 5000 ft. to go markers.  I watched her come in.  I was MAMS at the time waiting to offload it.  It was quite the show. 

You must know the other evil "Vern" then, my good buddy & cohort in crime ... who was right involved in that particular mishap.
Army Vern,

Yup, I happen to know the "Evil Vern" (TFC TECH) that you are talking about very well.  He's one of my best friends.
And yes, he was along for the ride on the Antonov that crashed.
Chuck 130 said:
Army Vern,

Yup, I happen to know the "Evil Vern" (TFC TECH) that you are talking about very well.  He's one of my best friends.
And yes, he was along for the ride on the Antonov that crashed.

Yes, it was a very bumpy ride. You'll have to give him a tequila .. from me .. then ask him about our CHAR FM radio show ...  that'll be good for a few hundred laughs.  >:D
You could not pay me enough to get on board one of those things operated by one of those companies.

I took a flight from Zagreb down to Split in the back of something that was maintained and operated in a similar fashion back in '95 that some fly-by-night contractor to the UN was flying.  The crew was a collection of bad BO, bad cologne, alcohol and a total lack of the English language.  That was the most terrifying flight of my life.

Never again.
Globesmasher said:
The crew was a collection of bad BO, bad cologne, alcohol and a total lack of the English language.  That was the most terrifying flight of my life.

Never flown Cubana have you?  8)

Flying thru Northern Quebec in a Purple coloured Twin Otter from Air Inuit thru a bad snow storm & whiteout...
Fella across the aisle filled up 3-4 bags.  When the plane landed at the next settlement - he got out & would not get back on...

Cubana - Aeorflot rejects..... and Aeroflot was pretty bad on it's very own.
geo said:
Cubana - Aeorflot rejects..... and Aeroflot was pretty bad on it's very own.

Actually and I speak from experience 20 year old Aeroflt rejects and no spare parts since 1989. :eek:
