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U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

I'm a bit dazed after a small car accident and no caffeine so correct my history if it is wrong.

As far as I know there is no draft in the US right now; there was 40 years ago. The people who came to Canada to avoid the draft back then had not yet  signed on the dotted line. The people who enlisted and are now running off because "I just signed on for a free education - no one told me I might have to fight" I don't have much sympathy for.

It's one thing to not join the military; it's not for everyone. It's quite another when you actually sign on of your own free will and then run off because the government didn't let you pick and choose the war you wanted to fight.

If the hippie has figured this out, why the hell haven't they?

P.S. - Mr. Layton you're really not helping the lefties with stuff like this!
Jack, Jack......First or shave that god awful 'stache.

I shames me to read this type of drivel.  What if this is picked up by the media in the US. 

commom hard working US citizen: "Let me get this straight, them Canadian's let the terrorists come into the States through there country, and now they are harbouring coward."

It was however nice to read Monty's verbal slap.....
Methinks Jack just inserted his foot directly into his yap. If you haven't Jack then just shut up!

I'm disgusted with this. Can't wait to see what Major Baker has to say but I bet he's on my side ;D

To those from Ottawa looking in: Do not listen to Jack's urging, send those law breakers and cowards back where they belong. If they must have due process then give it to them but please do allow their stink to pollute my country any more than it should.

To the reporters eavesdropping on this: You see Jack more than I do - tell him he still ain't got my vote.
What a reprehensible clown. To turn around after his hypocritical stance on Afghanistan, on top of his hypocritical attendance of a private clinic, and mouth off with something this assinine, this repulsive...

I'm completely at a loss for words. Which don't happen much, as everyone is aware.

how can ANYONE vote for this guy?
I will also confess...that I have met Jack a few times and am surprised that a man who is that sharp would come up with stuff like this.
Big Foot said:
Wow, so Jack is saying that we value busting a contract just to get out of doing something our job requires of us?

Typical NDP,........what was one of the first thing that the Ontario NDP's did when they got power? Yup, passed a law to circumvent their supposed "sacred cow" the  OPs collective agreement[ contract] to mandate we take unpaid days off. [Rae Days]
At least Mr. Harris had the parts to tell us he was trying to screw us.........and waited for the collective agreement to run out.
military granny said:
I wonder if they would find anything in his head if they did a CAT scan, or if would be just empty space?

Granny, let's put things this way - I think if you cracked his head open, the whole world would in fact be sucked right in.

BTW Mr Layton - draft dodging and willful breach of contract, desertion and borderline treason are actually very different from eachother.  Don't compare apples and oranges, but most important of all:  DON'T SMOKE CRACK!!

Trinity said:
I admit. I voted NDP.

I will NEVER AGAIN vote NDP.

Avert your eyes army.ca members....he may take on other forms.......
Once again I rant.

I rant because so many Canadians are ignorant!

How is it that idiots like Layton have even been elected into power?

When will our people see the truth that blindly beleiving and doing anything left wing does not mean your Canadian?

On a similar note, I told someone recently I voted Conservative (we have a conservative MP in our riding) and this unnamed, fat, welfare collecting cheat I know through mutual aquitances basically called me a war mongering pig that wants to destroy our "beautiful nation"  ::)

Seriously I am all for free speech but not when it has created the myths and bullsh*t that flies around this country.

>American deserters dodging military duty in Iraq share Canadian values and should be welcomed in this country, NDP Leader Jack Layton says.

It's not quite the same thing, but I wonder how Jack! feels about people educated at partial taxpayer expense who "desert" Canada in order to "dodge" Canadian taxes.  They are certainly welcome in the US.  At what point does duty (an obligation) kick in, and under what circumstances is one truly justified in shirking it?  How instructive it is that Mr Layton, who presumably aspires to be some sort of leader, thinks blowing off one's obligations - entered into voluntarily and contractually - is a "Canadian Value".
I think we should challenge Jack Layton to leave the comfort of his home, toss away those pricey suits and actually visit Afghanistan. Why not actually see what the troops are doing so you can actually form an opinion. Wow, it really is tin foil hate week on the forums hahahaha.  >:D
camochick said:
I think we should challenge Jack Layton to leave the comfort of his home, t

They did that once...  after they caught him living in public housing.  ;)
Trinity said:
They did that once...  after they caught him living in public housing.  ;)

It was not public housing. Layton and Chow lived in a co-op. Big difference. They paid full market value for their rent.
Hmmmm, not sure about that TMM.....maybe media spin but I thought it was a Govt. subsidized co-op for low income workers and he shared with Chow Baby.

Research time......
He is a man of no honour. No integrity. No courage.

It disgusts me that a creature like this can rise to some sort of leadership position.

"This we defend."
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Hmmmm, not sure about that TMM.....maybe media spin but I thought it was a Govt. subsidized co-op for low income workers and he shared with Chow Baby.

Research time......

He lived in the same co-op as a friend of mine way back then. Some residents there had subsidised units, including I believe Chow's mum but most were not.
How in the name of all that is Holy (help me here Trinity) can any of his supporters buy into this shit? Seriously.

Scott said:
How in the name of all that is Holy (help me here Trinity) can any of his supporters buy into this crap? Seriously.


Being a former supporter, I have no idea.  See, I had to leave after he opened his mouth.

Hopefully others will follow my lead.