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U.S. Annexing Canada (split fm Liberal Minority thread)

And a popular destination of just-released IDF conscripts.

Big Rugby fans...

all blacks GIF
The polling on that reflects the instinctive repulsive response of anything Trump ...
Does that include the 92% of American survey respondents who said "not interested" or "only if they want to join us"? ;)
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CANZUK raises its head....

Within hours of Britain’s declaration of war on 3 September 1939, Michael Joseph Savage, New Zealand’s first Labour prime minister, made a statement from his hospital bed (he was to die seven months later).

“Both with gratitude for the past and confidence in the future, we range ourselves without fear beside Britain. Where she goes, we go. Where she stands, we stand.”

With how many nations do we have such a bond, an alliance so instinctive and automatic that it needs no explanation? The list is a short one, but it surely includes the three countries with whom we truly do have a special relationship, namely Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

We are linked by language, culture and kinship. We share a legal system, drawing on one another’s precedents. We have similar parliamentary forms, complete with maces, state openings, green benches, the works. We salute the same king.

The modern campaign to knit the four chief realms into a closer association was launched in British Columbia in 2015, and goes under the acronym CANZUK, a term first coined by UN officials because the four nations almost always voted en bloc.

campaigners want closer diplomatic and defence collaboration, an automatic right to work in each other’s countries and a common market based on mutual recognition of standards in goods, services and professional qualifications.

For a decade, CANZUK was treated by politicians as a worthy idea, but not an urgent one. Then came the second Trump term, the tariff wars and the upending of US foreign policy. Both main Canadian parties have warmed to a CANZUK-type deal, as have all three coalition parties in New Zealand. In Britain, too, the idea is gaining in popularity. And you can see why.

I didn't know the LPC were fans of CANZUK but it is in print and therefore true.....

In the run-up to Brexit, Jeremy Hunt, as foreign secretary, was astonished to find that Britain’s investment in the defence of Europe – armoured regiments in Estonia and Poland, the RAF effectively acting as Romania’s air force and much else – generated no bankable goodwill. Even now, when you might think the EU would be falling over itself to draw Britain into a closer defence arrangement, it sticks doggedly to the position that it won’t talk to us about anything else until we give its vessels the right to fish in our waters.

No, there is only one set of countries with whom it is unthinkable that we would fall out 40 years from now: the other CANZUK nations. This matters, among other things, because we need to make decisions soon about our next-generation deterrent.

If we decide to build a fully autonomous nuclear capability – one that needs no US storage or spare parts, like France’s – we will need our own rocket-making capacity. That will cost around twice as much as buying the off-the-shelf US alternative. On our own, we couldn’t afford it; as part of a CANZUK consortium, we could.

CANZUK has consistently polled at around two-thirds support in the four putative constituent nations, making it by far the most popular policy that governments could feasibly implement but haven’t.

Why haven’t they? Partly because enthusiasm, until recently, came largely from parties of the Right: Conservatives in the UK and Canada, Liberals in Australia, and all three Right-wing parties (National, New Zealand First and ACT) in New Zealand.

I missed this.

Suddenly, CANZUK is beginning to look both inevitable and urgent. At Canada’s Liberal leadership debate last month, the candidates were falling over each other to demand closer economic links with the other great English-speaking monarchies – despite it being the French-language debate.

When I suggested CANZUK in the House of Lords this week, the level-headed minister, Baroness Chapman, replied that the government would listen sympathetically to any proposal.
YMMV depending on Team jersey.

But, overall, does not look like much enthusiasm among Canadians for "becoming part of the United States."
I don't trust the UK. Auz and NZ, I haven't heard much I'm the way of support from them either.
Trust them or not, they are likely the best allies we could have.

-Similar government systems
-Similar languages
-Similar histories
-And most importantly no strategic goals/claims against each other.

Alternatively why would anyone trust us? We are the loudmouth kid who has nothing to back up anything we say. 12 Frigates well past their life expectancy. A ever decreasing number of worn out fighters. Basically no functional tanks. A very unimpressive amount of towed arty. Struggling to even supply the troops with rucksacks.

We need to ask ourselves seriously, are we a good ally? Because honestly other than not being a threat to anyone we aren’t really much of anything but a source of raw resources.

Even now the politicians are still not getting serious about pulling our weight.
Trust them or not, they are likely the best allies we could have.

-Similar government systems
-Similar languages
-Similar histories
-And most importantly no strategic goals/claims against each other.

Alternatively why would anyone trust us? We are the loudmouth kid who has nothing to back up anything we say. 12 Frigates well past their life expectancy. A ever decreasing number of worn out fighters. Basically no functional tanks. A very unimpressive amount of towed arty. Struggling to even supply the troops with rucksacks.

We need to ask ourselves seriously, are we a good ally? Because honestly other than not being a threat to anyone we aren’t really much of anything but a source of raw resources.

Even now the politicians are still not getting serious about pulling our weight.

I am trying to think of anyone else who would work with us on any terms. We turned away the Germans, the Japanese and the Greeks on LNG. We turned away the Scandinavians on Arctic Security. We have been a little comme-ci, comme-ca with the Brits for a long while.

And the EU isn't what it used to was. The Baltic and the Mediterranean define two very different societies.
Trust them or not, they are likely the best allies we could have.

-Similar government systems
-Similar languages
-Similar histories
-And most importantly no strategic goals/claims against each other.
There is of course the ocean distance separating us and the relative incapacity for fighting a blue-water war if either end of the pole needs assistance.
We need to ask ourselves seriously, are we a good ally? Because honestly other than not being a threat to anyone we aren’t really much of anything but a source of raw resources.

Even now the politicians are still not getting serious about pulling our weight.
A good number of us have been saying this for a number of years now.

As for your second comment - they won't get serious - until something really shitty happens.
I don't trust the UK. Auz and NZ, I haven't heard much I'm the way of support from them either.
They've been distracted with the Chinese launching live fire exercises just outside of their EEZ's (being reported to the government by commercial pilots who happened to be nearby)

They've had their own diplomatic 'crisis' on the go, can't imagine they'd be paying much mind to us on the other side of the planet
Our political class is still stunned f***ed from the absolute destruction of their world order view. I fear that they are incapable of making the pivot. I also fear that our population is unwilling to elect people who see the dangers and are willing to confront them.
Our political class is still stunned f***ed from the absolute destruction of their world order view. I fear that they are incapable of making the pivot. I also fear that our population is unwilling to elect people who see the dangers and are willing to confront them.
Our population has the wool over its eyes as well. Most the population believes we have a very capable military, they have absolutely no idea the true state of it and the politicians like it that way.

It’s the blind leading the blind.
Our population has the wool over its eyes as well. Most the population believes we have a very capable military, they have absolutely no idea the true state of it and the politicians like it that way.

It’s the blind leading the blind.

Our population has the wool over its eyes as well. Most the population believes we have a very capable military, they have absolutely no idea the true state of it and the politicians like it that way.

It’s the blind leading the blind.
I have yet to meet any of these Canadians. Anyone I talk to thinks our military is a joke.