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Two CF members arrested in Petawawa over Cpl Bloggins Facebook page

Schindler's lift said:
Actually, EVERY JAG officer will tell you that a COs search warrant should not be used in Canada.  The courts have long held that a CO does not have the required legal knowledge to issue a warrant and the only place they will be used successfully is overseas.  There are also two court cases right now working their way through the system to overturn any form of CO search warrant and make it so that MPs must go to a Military Judge to get a warrant under the NDA the same way they now need to go to a Military Judge to get a DNA warrant under the NDA. 

Funny, that is not the advice I received from my JAG Officer(s) at the time when I issued a warrant on two different occasions.  Warrants were executed (in Canada, on a CFB) and subsequent prosecution took place without issue.  Both of these instances occurred since 2008.

MedCorps said:
Funny, that is not the advice I received from my JAG Officer(s) at the time when I issued a warrant on two different occasions.  Warrants were executed (in Canada, on a CFB) and subsequent prosecution took place without issue.  Both of these instances occurred since 2008.


Just because they got through and nobody challenged it does not mean it was right.  Yes, the system does allow for it but if you did it for a Court Marshal or for a civie case downtown, where the standards are much higher, you will find the warrants could have been easily challenged and tossed.
Schindler's lift said:
Just because they got through and nobody challenged it does not mean it was right.  Yes, the system does allow for it but if you did it for a Court Marshal or for a civie case downtown, where the standards are much higher, you will find the warrants could have been easily challenged and tossed.

A directive to an employer, from our Act and Regs is and Order. Some, in my civvie job, say:

"Any Order that doesn't get appealed is a good Order" ;)
recceguy said:
A directive to an employer, from our Act and Regs is and Order. Some, in my civvie job, say:

"Any Order that doesn't get appealed is a good Order" ;)

I'd prefer to contend that someone who doesn't appeal a bad order is a fool.
Schindler's lift said:
I'd prefer to contend that someone who doesn't appeal a bad order is a fool.

In order to determine such a thing requires the employer to actually be cognizant of the Act and Regs. If they are not, they risk worker safety and if given an order that makes those workers safer, even though it might be a little grey, it's more acceptable than the consequences.
I know this is an old thread, but can someone explain to me what this Bloggins joke is about? I feel like I'm missing out on something funny here :(.
See topic 124584 to answer your question.

This topic has nothing to do with "something funny"

war2001v said:
I know this is an old thread, but can someone explain to me what this Bloggins joke is about? I feel like I'm missing out on something funny here :(.
At least on the disciplinary side, I'd be willing to bet that there were some administrative measures here.
Sounds lame but I find myself constantly using this case as an example/teachable moment for soldiers and social media.

A big irony here was that the crap Cpl bloggins would post wasn't actually that harsh or disparaging. The comments from everyone else was the brutal stuff. Soldiers got warned if they "liked" a post they would face consequences.  CoC overstepping their boundaries  IMO.
jeffb said:
At least on the disciplinary side, I'd be willing to bet that there were some administrative measures here.

And, on the legal side,

Top 10 Tips for Internet Defamation Victims from a Canadian Defamation Lawyer

Jarnhamar said:
Sounds lame but I find myself constantly using this case as an example/teachable moment for soldiers and social media.

Especially if they are considering applying for another job,


Would you reveal your Facebook password for a job?
In their efforts to vet applicants, some companies and government agencies are going beyond merely glancing at a person’s social networking profiles and instead asking to log in as the user to have a look around.

"Oakville resident Rob XXX ( I omitted the name in the article ) breezed through the early stages of the interview process and become a finalist for a police job when he was lobbed a question he hadn’t anticipated:

What is your Facebook password?"

mariomike said:
Would you reveal your Facebook password for a job?
In their efforts to vet applicants, some companies and government agencies are going beyond merely glancing at a person’s social networking profiles and instead asking to log in as the user to have a look around.

"Oakville resident Rob XXX ( I omitted the name in the article ) breezed through the early stages of the interview process and become a finalist for a police job when he was lobbed a question he hadn’t anticipated:

What is your Facebook password?"


Labour laws in Canada offer strong protection from employers who ask job seekers for personal information such as social media passwords, lawyers said. Rules in the U.S. are much more lax, they said, citing several cases in which prospective hiring managers have asked candidates to turn over their login information as part of the vetting process
source :  http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/facebook-snooping-employers-limited-in-canada-1.1161720
Jarnhamar said:
In a lovely display of irony some members of the bloggins gang seem upset that the news isn't covering the alleged threats, posting on funeral pages by someone "pretending" to be "bloggins" (which in itself is ironic), impersonating SNCOs and Officers and making fake accounts by someone they initially were making fun of.

They're upset at, get this, at being harassed  :'(  Someone suggested that the woman involved with the homophobia and individual harassment "brought it on herself". What an awesome mind set. 

I'm sure any CF member involved with this will get a 129 slap on the wrist and sent on their way without some serious career speed-wobbling  :nod:

I know both of the women involved and they are definitely crusaders, and as such do bring much legitimate criticism on themselves. That said, I know that wasn't what you or likely that person meant. There is no need to attack them or their families. Not only is it unethical, and just plain mean, the spouse who is still in is very active in policy surrounding transgendered  CAF members, Op Honour, etc. Attacking her, and her family,  will merely ensure she fights harder to institute all the changes they hate.

I really wish we could afford to get rid of these types of asshats before they do shit like this but it is rarely possible or even viewed as desirable these days. You have a knuckle dragging asshole who is reasonably good at his job? Promote him because it will take 10 years to replace him. Even if they arent good at their job it is hard to get rid of them. We used to just not offer them new terms of service but a new CANFORGEN came out saying we can't refuse further TOS based on conduct or competency. As units have a harder and harder time meeting their mandates, they will be less willing to deal harshly with people who need to be dealt with. The fact is a large percentage of soldiers, sailors and airmen are neither well trained, disciplined, well led or representative of the military ethos but they have that one crucial thing units everywhere need: the are a body. If I look around my work space, I could probably pick 40% of the people that should be replaced in a ideal situation but without those 40% we can't even maintain a duty crew with any sense of sane scheduling.
Tcm621 said:
I know both of the women involved and they are definitely crusaders, and as such do bring much legitimate criticism on themselves. That said, I know that wasn't what you or likely that person meant. There is no need to attack them or their families. Not only is it unethical, and just plain mean, the spouse who is still in is very active in policy surrounding transgendered  CAF members, Op Honour, etc. Attacking her, and her family,  will merely ensure she fights harder to institute all the changes they hate.

Just to be sure I'm clear are we talking about the women who were so pissed off at the Cpl Bloggins webpage that they lied and made fake Cpl Bloggins web pages (pretending to be Cpl Bloggins) and began making homophobic and anti-trans personal attacks and attacking the families of dead Canadian soldiers ALL to try and get Cpl Bloggins in shit? To frame them?  Kind of fucked up of them if their spouse is, as you say, active in trans policy.

Were they ever punished for that?