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Two CF members arrested in Petawawa over Cpl Bloggins Facebook page


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I'll be interested to see how this story develops.
I've heard a woman from out West got in quite a bit of hot water for making a fake Cpl bloggins Web page and saying some pretty  bad shit in an attempt to make bloggins "look bad".  People at work and posts I've seen on that dumb page are saying it was the woman from the ctv link. 

You would have to try exceptionally hard to make Bloggins "look bad". In fact, looking bad would be an improvement over the current content. Having watched the video, some of the stuff they showed appeared to have come from the source, so I don't think she was making anything up. To add, if the NIS arrested someone, they would surely have sufficient evidence to do so.
I'm sure she wasn't making up being made fun of and harassed one bit, the harassing comments looked like sop for that page.

I never seen the fake bloggins page but I did catch some posts of bloggins and friends going ape shit about comments alledegly made by the woman.
I'm confident this will be resolved appropriately.

I am content to see this item move forward and some action being taken, as warrented.
kratz said:
I'm confident this will be resolved appropriately.

I am content to see this item move forward and some action being taken, as warrented.
Perhaps I'm cynical....OK, scratch "perhaps".....I see nothing coming out of this.

The military wants to do the right thing (ie- CSD, appropriate punishment, justice being seen to be done), but you just know that the advocates of "freedom of speech trumping responsible behaviour" will have a field-day of 'those moving$$-entitled Generals picking on the Cpls.' And we all know, the regular cast of rent-a-talking head and anti-military hand-wringers will be lining up for an "opinion."

I'm afraid the military justice system has become too emasculated, coupled with political oversight pre-disposed to cringe at potentially negative media coverage -- even though they're already reporting it as a hate crime [should be win-win]
Journeyman said:
I'm afraid the military justice system has become too emasculated, coupled with political oversight pre-disposed to cringe at potentially negative media coverage -- even though they're already reporting it as a hate crime [should be win-win]

I know cynicism is the order of the day but let me reassure you that the military justice system has been neither "emasculated" nor "coupled with political oversight pre-disposed to cringe at negative media coverage".

While quite some time ago we lowered the powers of punishment for commanding and delegated officers all that resulted in is that the more serious offences are diverted (by election or direction) to the court martial system where heavier punishments are available.

The JAG stands completely independent of the chain of command. As far as the court martial system is concerned, so has the charge preferral process since it was transferred from the chain of command-based convening authorities to the Director of Military Prosecutions.

Charges are authorized when credible evidence of an offence is developed by the police and prosecutions are moved forward when the prosecutors determine that there is a reasonable likelihood of conviction. The chain of command cannot interfere and media coverage, whether negative or positive, plays zero role in the process.

Have a good one.

FJAG said:
.....let me reassure you ....

Yes, that's nice.

Belly up to the bar and pull your cash out.  Are you willing to bet on the outcome of these two arrests?

Journeyman said:
Yes, that's nice.

Belly up to the bar and pull your cash out.  Are you willing to bet on the outcome of these two arrests?


I'm with Journeyman on this one.... emasculated....

Much has changed in my time, though not always as a negative.

Edit:  Checked the page, they (it and it's followers) are still making fun of the LBQTs and now added the MPs and CTV to their hate parade.  Still lots of soldiers posting hate and participating in bully other soldiers under their own names.
His other page seems gone though. Or at least content was removed.
bradley247 said:

I'll be interested to see how this story develops.
Here's a readable version of the CTV story .....
A Facebook group berating gays and lesbians in the Canadian Forces is being investigated after publishing personal information about a B.C. transsexual woman.

Comox resident Katherine Bickford, a former member of the military, said the “Cpl Bloggins” group crossed a line last Saturday when it posted pictures of her family online.

“That became the point where this went beyond making us angry and got to the point where we were afraid,” Bickford said. “That’s when it became personal.”

The group also shared the name of Bickford’s partner, who is an active Canadian Forces member, and revealed where she works.

Fed up, Bickford reported the online harassers to military police.

“There are a lot of good people in the military who have been harmed by this,” she said. “A lot of people are suffering from [post-traumatic stress disorder], this kind of stuff doesn’t help them. It certainly doesn’t help me.”

The Canadian Forces told CTV News the “Cpl Bloggins” Facebook group has been investigated in the past, and in January two members of the military were arrested for allegations of defamation and inappropriate comments.

The page appears to have been taken down, but another popped up under the same name on Jan 26.

Military police have launched another defamation probe into the new page, but the Canadian Forces said it cannot comment while the investigation is underway.

“The Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Forces Military Police take seriously all allegations of inappropriate conduct by Canadian Armed Forces personnel,” a spokesperson said in a statement.

“In all cases, investigations are conducted to determine the facts, analyze the evidence, and if warranted, lay appropriate charges.” ....
Lightguns said:

Edit:  Checked the page, they (it and it's followers) are still making fun of the LBQTs and now added the MPs and CTV to their hate parade.  Still lots of soldiers posting hate and participating in bully other soldiers under their own names.

The cat is out of the bag, doesn't matter if this Bloggins gets arrested, another Bloggins will rise up to take his/her place.

I was just reading comments on the Bloggins page and this one stood out in my mind:

"The funny thing is Cpl bloggins is every Roudy member of the cf. So why do they think they can end it...." 

Now the guys spelling may suck but he does have a point.  I said it in an earlier post in the other Bloggins thread, this page is merely an extreme representation of "combat arms machismo" that exists and has always existed within the army.  Contrary to popular belief, the combat arms aren't filled with a bunch of nice, pleasant people that hand out teddy bears to kids.  Disagree with me all you want but I've been an assisting officer enough, seen enough summary trials and read enough police and court reports to know better.

The one tool that the military had to deal with this was discipline but it seems that discipline has taken back seat to "freedom of speech, human rights, etc..."

Discipline is a leadership problem and requires, dare I say it, leadership.

I remember a certain Australian General releasing a statement on Youtube about a similar incident which demonstrated tremendous leadership on his part....


Where has our leadership been hiding this whole time?
"combat arms machismo" perhaps, complete loss of message control definitely.  Cpl Bloggins has now instructed it's followers to "light up" the CTV facebook page.  Pissing them off will lead to pissing DGPA off.  Watch and shoot for the biggest witch hunt in the history of Canadian military. 

Edit:  it will make interesting watching whether Bloggins commands enough "combat arms machismo" types to do any real damage to CTV facebook.
RoyalDrew said:
Contrary to popular belief, the combat arms aren't filled with a bunch of nice, pleasant people that hand out teddy bears to kids.  Disagree with me all you want but I've been an assisting officer enough, seen enough summary trials and read enough police and court reports to know better.

Contrary to popular belief the combat arms aren't filled with knuckle dragging criminals either.  This turd is one of the bad apples.  The kind of guy that gets units disbanded for his actions when left unchecked or undealt with.  His type, makes the military as a whole look bad.  I know plenty of combat arms types that volunteer, are Big Brothers etc etc.  So maybe not teddy bears but close enough. 

Machismo is one thing, this is outright, overt hate and harrassment.  Excuse it any way you want, it isn't acceptable.  It goes beyond the combat arms attitude, dark humour and sometimes politically incorrect talk  that may be limited to unit lines and messes.  He's gone into the public domain and is taking it to places where that kind of stuff shouldn't be tolerated. 

I predict that this guy is on borrowed time anyway. 

And it seems that some of his more hateful stuff has been taken down or removed, so I guess the "visit" he had rattled him somewhat. 

With all the SHARP crap, ethics training and citizenship lessons in the CF, you would think that a soldier would get it. 

So forget that he's combat arms, infantry etc etc.  The only explanation is that he is an idiot.

Here is a proper link to the article:  http://bc.ctvnews.ca/canadian-forces-probes-facebook-group-belittling-gay-and-lesbian-members-1.1695115