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Trying to get out of Singles Quarters


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I moved to Borden about a month ago, and I'm sick of paying 400 bucks for food, and 120 for a tiny room shared by 3 other people.  I'd like to get a room, but, because I'm on course, and I'm not married, I got shot down on my request to vacate singles quarters.  My unique situation is that I was a Master Corporal in the reserves, and I'm a Corporal now.  I'm not looking for a PMQ, just a month to month lease off-base.  I heard of some guy who got out of singles quarters based on the fact that he was QL5 qualified, but I can't find that DAOD, CFAO, QR&O or CANFORGEN that stipulates anything like that.  Is there anything anyone can help me with?

BH, how ya doing!!?? Don't think you're going to have much luck. It's usually a course requirement for candidates to stay in house. Even us married guys had to stay in shacks when I was there, but that was so long ago it's likely immaterial now. Try talking to Base Accomodations, they might be able to help, or know something. Take care.

Should be changing your avatar and stuff now that your a 'bluejob' shouldn't ya? :P :blotto:
Like recceguy says.  Good luck to you, and cangrats if you can figure a way out, but otherwise fat chance of it happening.
Lol, thanks recceguy.  FYI, I'm not going to stir up too much shit, if I get shot down, so be it.  I'm not going to bring it further than my immediate chain.  I'd just like to have some docs to back up my request before I submit it.


...and I'll change my profile when I get the chance.

Semper Paratus
While I was on course in Borden, I know that a cpl (ex navy or army, can't remember mcpl) bought a house in Barrie while on his AVN course, so it's not impossible. Made quite a hefty profit when he finished course and got posted out east.
  Getting out of single quarters in Borden can be done.  In part, it depends on how long the course is, and whether you have a household of furniture in storage that the military is paying the storage fees. If so, you can build a business case (it'll cost the CF less money to allow you to move out etc)

    Many courses view this time as a way to build on the socialization into the military that was started in BMQ.  As a more experienced military person, they may want you in quarters to help mold the less experienced students.

Start by looking at your course loading message as it may state in there that you are in fact required to remain in SQ's. Or it could also provide you with some supporting arguments to allow you to move out.

As each occupation and QL course varies in length and requirements, there is no all emcompassing guideline to this effect. Rather each is addressed from on its' own merit via the course loading Instr's.
I know that during my PMed QL5 course, we three single people were allowed to live off base since we were paying R&Q, all of us opted to stay in quarters. That being said, remember that part of the idea of living with your peers is the morale and intercourse help that is provided. If you are on a QL3 and were a MCpl in the mo then you do have some abilities to help your fellow candidates. 

As for my experience, just don't try to move an appartement into a barrack room, one girl tried and what resulted was the first inspection of the PMed quarters by the Base SM in quite a few years.... she is no longer in the CF!
RatCatcher said:
As for my experience, just don't try to move an appartement into a barrack room, one girl tried

I wouldn't even thougt that physically possible !
Picture this if you will... walking home from CFMSS we observe a confused moving truck driver. We arrive a T-139 and see a gesticulating commisionnaire trying to explain to the driver that it is impossible that someone is moving all that stuff into his barracks. The girl in question arrives and says yes it is her stuff and it will be going into her room.

She took the other bed appart, put it into dowstairs storage (eliminating any room for the rest of us), and proceeded to make "an appartement" in the barracks. Skip to next morning, instructor informs the class that all F&E (mainly F) should be placed in storage if you stay in barracks and that just because we are in our own rooms doesn't mean that someone else will not bew placed with us.

The instructor said no names, she blows a gasket and he reads her the riot act. All this and the rest of us are trying to stiffil our laughter...

Ah... the good memories
mmm Strange thinking on her part. The inside of her brain would have been interesting to look at :pop: .
Neill McKay said:
Is that allowed in the shacks?

I don't think he means it like that.

RatCatcher, maybe you should look closer at your wording next time; so us people with our minds in the gutter do not mistake your point for something else  ;D
Hey everyone,

Just an update for ya.  My year and half long course that was supposed to be in Borden ended up in Halifax.  But there, I'll be getting TD, and free R&Q.  As for trying to get out of the shacks to avoid paying $425 for this awful food, I tried.  I failed.  I'm staying in these shacks until October.  Now, I'm not a cage rattler (thanks for that story about the chick who tried to make her own apartment in the shacks, I had a good laugh) so I'm not going to bring up any arguments if this is just a short time deal.  However, if those people try and make me pay R&Q while I'm on TD in Halifax... I'm gonna flip.  Thanks, and have a good one.


PS, recceguy... I'm excercising all that built up complaining that I kept bottled down inside me because I was armoured and I didn't like to complain.  But I'm not stupid, the CO will never know my name... hopefully... knock on wood... semper paratus.
Bobby said:
I'm not looking for a PMQ, just a month to month lease off-base.

Is Borden a base where they let single pers occupy married quarters? I know when I was in Edmonton that singles often occupied the row housing in Griesbach.
Bobby said:
My year and half long course that was supposed to be in Borden ended up in Halifax.  But there, I'll be getting TD, and free R&Q. 
However, if those people try and make me pay R&Q while I'm on TD in Halifax... I'm gonna flip.  Thanks, and have a good one.
FYI, you cannot be on TD for a period in excess of 6 months. Rather you will likely be Att-Posted which under the new guidelines entitles you to receive incidentals as if you were on TD for preiods less then 1 year. CANFORGEN 124/06 details this as any pers attached out in excess of 1 year should be entitled to relocation benefits under CFIRP, however as you are still part of the training system you cannot be afforded such relocation benefits and thus be attached out for that period.

DCBA 3-6 310921Z Oct 05 is the authority you seek as it states that you would be subject to pay ration charges if attached out.
PO2FinClk said:
FYI, you cannot be on TD for a period in excess of 6 months. Rather you will likely be Att-Posted which under the new guidelines entitles you to receive incidentals as if you were on TD for preiods less then 1 year. CANFORGEN 124/06 details this as any pers attached out in excess of 1 year should be entitled to relocation benefits under CFIRP, however as you are still part of the training system you cannot be afforded such relocation benefits and thus be attached out for that period.

DCBA 3-6 310921Z Oct 05 is the authority you seek as it states that you would be subject to pay ration charges if attached out.

Don't you get Free Quarters and Rations now when you are attached posted anyways?

SupersonicMax said:
Don't you get Free Quarters and Rations now when you are attached posted anyways?

Everyone already received free quarters, but not all use to receive free rations.