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Trump administration 2024-2028

America has changed. This is the pendulum swinging the other way. Anyone upset can thank the left and those who championed their extreme policies which are now being taken apart wholesale. Trump is the result, not the problem. The pendulum will settle.

I’m not surprised by the talk about taking out 47 from those who championed or gave a pass to frozen bank accounts, forced mass vaccinations, lawfare, extreme climate policies, mass immigration and open borders.
Seriously DJT might be in the crosshairs.

That would be a shame.

no way the USSS let’s that happen.

Good to know.

Readers concerned about his health, may, or may not find this of interest.

Are we starting a pool?

The internet already has ,

Heck 60 years ago cuddling to the Kremlin like he’s done would have been the death penalty.


Get the weapons first, then announce it. It sends a better signal, and if you can do it quietly enough, will reduce the likelihood of King Donald trying something extraordinary dumb to stop it.

This is the time we secretly sign a deal with the French for six Suffren class attack subs and two of their SNLE 3G with the missilea included.
Get the weapons first, then announce it. It sends a better signal, and if you can do it quietly enough, will reduce the likelihood of King Donald trying something extraordinary dumb to stop it.
Ok so which shady arms dealer do we need to negotiate with? Ahmed? Ivan? Kim Il Pun?
FWIW most of Africa voted the way China voted, for very specific reasons.

The Red Africans are already Russian aligned.

Not sure I’d call Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil prizes..
Brazil will be a prize in the next 50 years. A large, young, reasonably well educated population in the Western world? Going to be worth their weight in gold.
Perhaps at this time just pulling out of the Canada / US treaty where we bound ourselves not to have nuclear weapons in Canada would be enough of a signal - whether we start looking at having our own such weapons or not.
You are members of the prestigious club that can build a nuke in weeks. We have the tech, the skill, just need the gumption.
Well Israeli shouldn’t be a shock. They see this precedent as legal defense against complaints against them if they chose to want to keep Gaza or go elsewhere.

But I think Canada and the Uk should invade Nicaragua, for nothing more of a reason than you need someplace to snowbird now that Trumps make Florida unpalatable.
why when we can have the Turks for the asking
LGen (Ret’d) Michael Day. Commanded JTF2 and later CANSOFCOM. He’s a good Twitter follow.

That’s the guy. And his comments about NORAD in his next tweet were to say the least very eye opening. He also wrote a very good OpEd in the Globe. It’s behind a paywall, but basically he says the current government isn’t even trying to improve our defence capability, refusing to reverse the billion dollar cuts, choosing to make minimal purchases and basically deferring things in the vain hope that they don’t have to.
I wonder if Putin required the closure of the U.S. base before he would agree to anything with Trump regarding Ukraine.
someone told Putin to ask for it and the worst they can say is no. Now they have to find something else to ask for
Well they will end up nurturing the tree of liberty too.

I’m not giving 47 odds at a much longer life.

Calling oneself King, isn’t a recipe for success down here.
Heck 60 years ago cuddling to the Kremlin like he’s done would have been the death penalty.

Are we starting a pool?

Seriously DJT might be in the crosshairs.

And not by who you think.

Careful, making a martyr our of DJT is probably about the worst thing that can happen.

The lamps are going out my friends.
Even Michael Day posted on X that 🇨🇦 needs to quickly develop a CONOPs to deal with the emerging reality that the US has switched sides.

The US Government is definitely showing that they aren't playing the same old game, but I am not convinced the population of America agrees with this. We may be witnessing the beginning chess piece moves of another US Civil war. We're in opening scenes of episode 1 of Ken Burns: Civil War Part II.

Now we wait for our generation's Fort Sumter.
Who would ally with us ?

We are geographically located on top on the new global belligerent. We have done SFA to make ourselves a solid military power and on top of that have social and economic issues that need to be mended, probably before we can even thing about buying in defence.

If I am nations like has been mentioned above, Canada should be avoided. We would be an anchor on any alliance.

IMHO we have to do this ourselves and stop expecting someone else to do our international relations and military strategy for us.

Canada is broken, it's a sad fucking fact. And it's probably going to get worse. Because of our lack of assertiveness in the post WW2 world we have squandered the international, economic and military clout we earned from that horrible conflict. But we can correct this and come out stronger. We have all the resources in the world to make for ourselves a very big stick to walk softly with. Does Canada want to be a strong independent Nation of the world?

This strikes me as a very apt, for the moment, Churchill speech.

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The US Government is definitely showing that they aren't playing the same old game, but I am not convinced the population of America agrees with this.
The population of America is indoctrinated from an early age to respect the Constitution, Freedom, and that the Founding Fathers stood up to tyranny because all men are created equal (regardless if this narrative has more holes in it than Swiss cheese).

Trump was Elected in a fair and democratic way, on the promise to Make America Great Again. Spending your first 30 days in office ruling like a King by EO, bypassing Congress, intimidating the judiciary, and threatening allies whilst cosying up to a foreign dictator is no where near the 'America' he claims to to want to make great again.

Your non-MAGA Republican is very much not going to support this behaviour as much as a Democrat supporter won't; because it goes against everything they've come to believe about their founding principles.

We may be witnessing the beginning chess piece moves of another US Civil war. We're in opening scenes of episode 1 of Ken Burns: Civil War Part II.

Now we wait for our generation's Fort Sumter.
I will offer though that in this case, the fracture point isn't geographical or based solely on interpretation of states vs federal rights; this is much more uniform across the board in the dissent. Red states have a lot of Blue Centres. Even those Red States are pushing against control from the federal centre.

Congress and the judiciary are also pushing against this with force, so we need to hope that the U.S. military upholds their oath to defend the Constitution.

If anything does kick off, its going to be more akin to a partisan insurrection across the country than a Civil War.

But that's just my 2 cents
The population of America is indoctrinated from an early age to respect the Constitution, Freedom, and that the Founding Fathers stood up to tyranny because all men are created equal (regardless if this narrative has more holes in it than Swiss cheese).

Trump was Elected in a fair and democratic way, on the promise to Make America Great Again. Spending your first 30 days in office ruling like a King by EO, bypassing Congress, intimidating the judiciary, and threatening allies whilst cosying up to a foreign dictator is no where near the 'America' he claims to to want to make great again.

Your non-MAGA Republican is very much not going to support this behaviour as much as a Democrat supporter won't; because it goes against everything they've come to believe about their founding principles.

I will offer though that in this case, the fracture point isn't geographical or based solely on interpretation of states vs federal rights; this is much more uniform across the board in the dissent. Red states have a lot of Blue Centres. Even those Red States are pushing against control from the federal centre.

Congress and the judiciary are also pushing against this with force, so we need to hope that the U.S. military upholds their oath to defend the Constitution.

If anything does kick off, its going to be more akin to a partisan insurrection across the country than a Civil War.

But that's just my 2 cents

So.... We agree ? lol