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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

Not quite. The government can just request special warrants to continue business without a budget.

Normally used during elections but it has been used in other instances like prorogation. To much criticism I will add.

Ship money was a tax of medieval origin levied intermittently in the Kingdom of England until the middle of the 17th century. Assessed typically on the inhabitants of coastal areas of England, it was one of several taxes that English monarchs could levy by prerogative without the approval of Parliament. The attempt of King Charles I from 1634 onwards to levy ship money during peacetime and extend it to the inland counties of England without parliamentary approval provoked fierce resistance, and was one of the grievances of the English propertied class in the lead-up to the English Civil War.

NB - Charles I is often criticized for levying this tax but

But being taken slave was only a risk to the coastal towns and shipping. No concern of the inland counties.


Politics and spin are not new. But I tend to think that running government by warrant could be as popular as the first Charles's Ship Money.


Tangent: Is Charles of Canada I (Canadian), III (British) or X (French)?
But the most of the Conservative caucus would also likely love Trudeau to stay on and run, so there’s the slightest of Venn diagram overlaps, no?

The continuing problem of a party system imposed on an institution designed for individual responsibility.

As I have noted before (along with others), it is the Prime Minister who has to demonstrate to the Governor General that he or she personally has the confidence of enough members of the house of commons to form and sustain an effective government.
Who would want to lead this Mary Rose of a ship?
There is no Provincial Liberal party west of Sault Ste Marie, and its on life support everywhere else save for the Atlantic Provinces. The cult of Trudeau will be the end of the LPC as it marches towards the dustbin of history.
With the CPC more center than anything, there really is no point in a federal LPC party anymore. Maybe the next leader can detach the party from socialist NDP policies which, as we've seen, have a been a complete disaster for the country. Socialism never works.
With the CPC more center than anything, there really is no point in a federal LPC party anymore. Maybe the next leader can detach the party from socialist NDP policies which, as we've seen, have a been a complete disaster for the country. Socialism never works.
The CPC would have been more centre with O’Toole. Poilievre has been trying to court the social conservatives - example being the whole “warrior vs woke” remarks about the CAF.

Those remarks weren’t for serving members - we are not a large enough voting bloc for any party to care about, or else the CAF wouldn’t be in the state that it is. Those remarks were for the social conservative leaning folks in Canada.
Who would want to lead this Mary Rose of a ship?
There is no Provincial Liberal party west of Sault Ste Marie, and its on life support everywhere else save for the Atlantic Provinces. The cult of Trudeau will be the end of the LPC as it marches towards the dustbin of history.

Probably not, but a spell in the wilderness is always good for a party that needs a solid reset...
CBC headline this morning. It will be interesting to say the least:

Trudeau to announce he's stepping down as Liberal leader: sources​

Believe it when I hear it - we've heard variations on this theme before - but still ....

While we wait, Hardcore Team Red polling/data analyst lays out what she wants to see in a replacement ....
Summary of her big four:
  • WAY separate & distant from Trudeau (me: is this even possible now?)
  • "Poilievre contrast" (pick on PP's weaknesses, and neutralize his weaknesses)
  • "the next leader should be seen to be experienced on (the economy and the incoming Trump administration)"
  • "Political capacity" (able to communicate, organize, politic, campaign and win, with a "French and regional foothold"
And what if he decides to prorogue?
"Expect a court challenge if Justin Trudeau puts Parliament on pause"
The CPC would have been more centre with O’Toole. Poilievre has been trying to court the social conservatives - example being the whole “warrior vs woke” remarks about the CAF.

Those remarks weren’t for serving members - we are not a large enough voting bloc for any party to care about, or else the CAF wouldn’t be in the state that it is. Those remarks were for the social conservative leaning folks in Canada.

I didn't mention the CAF at all in my comment, not sure why you went that direction.
The CPC would have been more centre with O’Toole. Poilievre has been trying to court the social conservatives - example being the whole “warrior vs woke” remarks about the CAF.

Those remarks weren’t for serving members - we are not a large enough voting bloc for any party to care about, or else the CAF wouldn’t be in the state that it is. Those remarks were for the social conservative leaning folks in Canada.

I think you are wildly off the mark here. For example "woke vs warrior" is not a social conservative remark. It is a common sense remark. O'Toole was a fence sitter. PP stands for common sense, hence his historic polling numbers.
I think you are wildly off the mark here. For example "woke vs warrior" is not a social conservative remark. It is a common sense remark. O'Toole was a fence sitter. PP stands for common sense, hence his historic polling numbers.
Historic polling numbers are due to an unpopular 10 year government.