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No ‘time to waste’: Jean Chrétien's former right-hand man asks Justin Trudeau to step down- NP - Catherine Lévesque -18 Oct 24

Eddie Goldenberg’s call comes when dozens of Liberals are calling for Trudeau to resign

OTTAWA — One of Jean Chrétien’s closest advisors is making the case for Justin Trudeau to step down as prime minister to embrace a bigger cause — the unity of his country.

Eddie Goldenberg, who was Chrétien’s right-hand man for decades and served as chief of staff and senior policy advisor during his years in power, penned a piece called “Justin Trudeau’s Obligation to Canada” on Friday in which he argues that an undefeated Trudeau could be more useful in leading the fight against separatists in Quebec.

“Trudeau could decide to fight the next election, lose, and like the old Roman general, be carried out on his shield. But there is a risk of serious and potentially even fatal consequences for Canada of a decision by Mr. Trudeau to go out on his shield,” wrote Goldenberg, who is now senior advisor at the Global Public Affairs firm in Ottawa.

“The question for the Prime Minister is whether he is more valuable leading the Liberal Party to an almost certain defeat or whether he should do all he can to be in a strong position to be available to take a leading role in speaking up for Canada in a possible Quebec independence referendum,” he added.

Canada is facing the perspective of a Parti Québécois government in the next two years and third referendum on independence in the first mandate. Goldenberg said it is “hard to imagine” that Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre would lead the federalist troops as a non-Quebecer nor are there a lot of “credible federalist spokespersons in Quebec today.”

“Consider the role a Justin Trudeau, who had retired undefeated after more than nine years leading a government, could play in Quebec defending Canadian unity. This Justin Trudeau would have a positive legacy that would be remembered and respected.”

Goldenberg said that the Liberal leader would have a “standing in public opinion that would make him a formidable force in explaining to Quebecers the benefits of being part of Canada” and made the case only he could hold the country together.

“An undefeated Justin Trudeau could very well be the difference between saving Canada and seeing the breakup of it. This is a most powerful reason for Mr. Trudeau to retire now before it is too late,” he wrote.

And Trudeau should make that call sooner rather than later, he stressed, adding that he “does not have time to waste to make a momentous decision that could have profound consequences for national unity, and even some consequences internationally.”

Goldenberg’s call for action is coming at a time when dozens of inside voices in the Liberal caucus are calling for Trudeau to resign. Some of them are expected to make a plea directly to the prime minister during their weekly caucus meeting on Wednesday.

Liberal MPs have expressed frustration that they are headed to a massive defeat in the next election with Trudeau at the helm and believe that many of their constituents would be willing to give the Liberals another chance if they choose another leader.

While some have said it might be too late for the party to hold a leadership convention which would take several months to organize, Goldenberg said there is a “bold innovative way” which could allow a new leader to be chosen in a matter of weeks.

He said Trudeau could first announce that he would retire within two or three weeks. The Liberal party could then hold an immediate town hall to showcase leadership candidates, and the caucus would choose an interim leader who would be immediately sworn in as prime minister as per constitutional practice.

“The Liberal Party Executive could then announce that given parliamentary uncertainty today, a leadership convention would not be held until after the next election. If the new Prime Minister wins the election, the convention would be a formality. If he or she loses, there could be a real contest,” he said.

Goldenberg said that the new prime minister would have time to form a new cabinet, announce their own agenda and be ready to call an election where Canadians who would neither vote for Trudeau nor Poilievre would have a “real choice.”

“It would be a whole new ball game and the result would be far from a foregone conclusion,” he said.

Goldenberg declined to provide comment about his piece.

It is not the first time that someone in Chrétien’s entourage has called on Trudeau to step down.

Last year, Prince Edward Island Senator Percy Downe, who served as Chrétien’s chief of staff before Goldenberg, wrote his own opinion piece calling on Trudeau to resign and to let another leader safeguard the party’s policies and bring the Liberals back to the centre.

At the time, Trudeau seemingly dismissed the criticism and asked reporters how Downe was doing.

“I wish him all the best in the work that he’s doing,” he said with a grin on his face.

No ‘time to waste’: Jean Chrétien's former right-hand man asks Justin Trudeau to step down- NP - Catherine Lévesque -18 Oct 24

Eddie Goldenberg’s call comes when dozens of Liberals are calling for Trudeau to resign

OTTAWA — One of Jean Chrétien’s closest advisors is making the case for Justin Trudeau to step down as prime minister to embrace a bigger cause — the unity of his country.

Eddie Goldenberg, who was Chrétien’s right-hand man for decades and served as chief of staff and senior policy advisor during his years in power, penned a piece called “Justin Trudeau’s Obligation to Canada” on Friday in which he argues that an undefeated Trudeau could be more useful in leading the fight against separatists in Quebec.

“Trudeau could decide to fight the next election, lose, and like the old Roman general, be carried out on his shield. But there is a risk of serious and potentially even fatal consequences for Canada of a decision by Mr. Trudeau to go out on his shield,” wrote Goldenberg, who is now senior advisor at the Global Public Affairs firm in Ottawa.

“The question for the Prime Minister is whether he is more valuable leading the Liberal Party to an almost certain defeat or whether he should do all he can to be in a strong position to be available to take a leading role in speaking up for Canada in a possible Quebec independence referendum,” he added.

Canada is facing the perspective of a Parti Québécois government in the next two years and third referendum on independence in the first mandate. Goldenberg said it is “hard to imagine” that Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre would lead the federalist troops as a non-Quebecer nor are there a lot of “credible federalist spokespersons in Quebec today.”

“Consider the role a Justin Trudeau, who had retired undefeated after more than nine years leading a government, could play in Quebec defending Canadian unity. This Justin Trudeau would have a positive legacy that would be remembered and respected.”

Goldenberg said that the Liberal leader would have a “standing in public opinion that would make him a formidable force in explaining to Quebecers the benefits of being part of Canada” and made the case only he could hold the country together.

“An undefeated Justin Trudeau could very well be the difference between saving Canada and seeing the breakup of it. This is a most powerful reason for Mr. Trudeau to retire now before it is too late,” he wrote.

And Trudeau should make that call sooner rather than later, he stressed, adding that he “does not have time to waste to make a momentous decision that could have profound consequences for national unity, and even some consequences internationally.”

Goldenberg’s call for action is coming at a time when dozens of inside voices in the Liberal caucus are calling for Trudeau to resign. Some of them are expected to make a plea directly to the prime minister during their weekly caucus meeting on Wednesday.

Liberal MPs have expressed frustration that they are headed to a massive defeat in the next election with Trudeau at the helm and believe that many of their constituents would be willing to give the Liberals another chance if they choose another leader.

While some have said it might be too late for the party to hold a leadership convention which would take several months to organize, Goldenberg said there is a “bold innovative way” which could allow a new leader to be chosen in a matter of weeks.

He said Trudeau could first announce that he would retire within two or three weeks. The Liberal party could then hold an immediate town hall to showcase leadership candidates, and the caucus would choose an interim leader who would be immediately sworn in as prime minister as per constitutional practice.

“The Liberal Party Executive could then announce that given parliamentary uncertainty today, a leadership convention would not be held until after the next election. If the new Prime Minister wins the election, the convention would be a formality. If he or she loses, there could be a real contest,” he said.

Goldenberg said that the new prime minister would have time to form a new cabinet, announce their own agenda and be ready to call an election where Canadians who would neither vote for Trudeau nor Poilievre would have a “real choice.”

“It would be a whole new ball game and the result would be far from a foregone conclusion,” he said.

Goldenberg declined to provide comment about his piece.

It is not the first time that someone in Chrétien’s entourage has called on Trudeau to step down.

Last year, Prince Edward Island Senator Percy Downe, who served as Chrétien’s chief of staff before Goldenberg, wrote his own opinion piece calling on Trudeau to resign and to let another leader safeguard the party’s policies and bring the Liberals back to the centre.

At the time, Trudeau seemingly dismissed the criticism and asked reporters how Downe was doing.

“I wish him all the best in the work that he’s doing,” he said with a grin on his face.
The only problem is Trudeau's malignant narcissism. He's right up there with Louis XV who famously said "Après moi le déluge." He doesn't care what'll happen to Canada after he leaves office because it's all about him, not the country.
No ‘time to waste’: Jean Chrétien's former right-hand man asks Justin Trudeau to step down- NP - Catherine Lévesque -18 Oct 24
Eddie Goldenberg’s call comes when dozens of Liberals are calling for Trudeau to resign

Eddie Goldenberg, who was Chrétien’s right-hand man for decades and served as chief of staff and senior policy advisor during his years in power, penned a piece called “Justin Trudeau’s Obligation to Canada” on Friday in which he argues that an undefeated Trudeau could be more useful in leading the fight against separatists in Quebec.

“The question for the Prime Minister is whether he is more valuable leading the Liberal Party to an almost certain defeat or whether he should do all he can to be in a strong position to be available to take a leading role in speaking up for Canada in a possible Quebec independence referendum,” he added.

Seems more like he is trying to provide a face-saving escape rather than a reasonable argument. Trudeau does not appear to have won the hearts of the Quebecers any more than PP has. In fact with the exception of English Montreal it would appear that he has passed his best before date. He is no little man from Shawinigan.

Mr. Trudeau plays the name game on foreign interference

The Editorial Board - Globe & Mail 18 Oct 24

The scandal that began in June with the release of a classified report warning that some names-redacted parliamentarians had collaborated with foreign governments has now fallen to the level of absolute farce.

The person who has pushed it over the brink is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. On Wednesday, he told the public inquiry into foreign interference that he has “the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians and or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada, who are engaged, or at high risk” of, foreign interference.

This calculated partisan act has now taken us beyond the point where releasing the names of the alleged colluders in Parliament would merely be the right thing to do, as we have argued repeatedly. Now, doing so is the only way out of a deepening crisis whose repercussions will be felt in the next federal election and beyond if nothing is done.

Which is to say, once more, release the names.

The allegations that MPs and former MPs wittingly worked to influence their colleagues on India or China’s behalf, or provided confidential information to the Indian state, or accepted support from a foreign state during nomination and election campaigns, were made by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians.

NSICOP has access to highly classified intelligence, which it used to inform its report. The committee answers to the Prime Minister, whose office received the report in March and released a heavily redacted version of it in June.

The idea that there are MPs violating their pledge to “be faithful and bear true allegiance” to the sovereign was a bombshell that landed while the country was already wrestling with the fact that foreign actors had tried to influence the outcomes in certain ridings in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

The right thing to do would have been to confront the domestic collaborators with the intelligence behind the allegations, and to publicize their names.

Instead, Mr. Trudeau and others in his government have insisted this is not possible, because the allegations are based on sensitive intelligence, and releasing the names might compromise the source of the information. It’s not even possible to confront the named individuals with the allegations, the government argued.

It’s a preposterous Catch-22 that would raise the question of whether Canada should bother gathering unusable intelligence – if that quandary were real.

But it’s not, as Mr. Trudeau demonstrated on Wednesday when he implicated the Conservative Party directly in the allegations. The redacted NSICOP had studiously avoided naming the political parties involved; Mr. Trudeau took it upon himself to put that information out in the public without concern for the complications he raised in the past.

As we keep saying, Mr. Trudeau has the authority to release the names of the implicated MPs in Parliament and let those facing allegations defend themselves there.

Instead, this week he exploited the intelligence to raise doubts about the Conservatives – but only as a concerned Prime Minister, of course, and not as a Liberal leader fighting for his political life.

We’re not buying it. No one should. The problem, though, is that the allegations are serious and can’t be ignored. The Conservatives need to address the matter.

Mr. Trudeau says Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre should get the required security clearance and read the NSICOP report, then deal with the issue internally. But that would be done out of sight of the public, which gets us nowhere.

Mr. Trudeau has boxed himself, and the country, into a corner. If the names remain hidden, Canadians can have no faith that the next election will be untainted by foreign interference, or that none of the winning candidates will collude with other states.

It will also show the malign forces trying to undermine Canada’s democracy that, when faced with allegations that MPs are working against their own country, our politicians take no action and instead descend into partisan bluffing games. A defenceless, vulnerable country, in other words.

Parliament, and through it all Canadians, must learn the truth. Those involved must be held accountable. Thanks to Mr. Trudeau’s actions this week, naming names is the only way out of this mess.