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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

Perhaps. If the party means his ministers and back benches then I'd agree.

If the party means the Laurentien Elite Cadre, he won't have a choice.

And that is the part I wonder about. Why haven't they tanked him yet?
Simple. He has ignored them from day one. They likely don’t have the sway over him that some think. He’s molded the party in his name and image and replaced that group with others that support his vision of where the LPC is going. That’s also why they are where they are in all likelihood.

Some background on what happens if he does.
Setting himself up for the leadership review post-election.
Setting himself up for the potential to step into a leadership review contest, depending on how badly the LPC gets trounced.

I can't see him stepping in to "save" a LPC reduced to 3rd or 4th place. He's too old, and too well established as a speaker on the economic circuit.
Mark Carney is a very smart, very accomplished guy. He might be an excellent prime minister for a G7 country ... might be if he was leading, say, the Conservative Party. But the party he wants to lead and with which he appears, to me, to be most closely aligned, has been in power for nine years and is old and tired and worn out and totally bereft of good, new ideas. It needs a long rest on the opposition benches.

Mr Carney is 59 years old. As I said earlier, I think that CPC, if it has decent leadership and discipline (something for which it is NOT famous) may have two majority and one minority term ahead of it: 25-29, 29-33 and 33-35. Mr Carney will be 70 in 2035.

Whoever leads the Liberal Party in 2025 and beyond has a herculean task; (s)he must persuade the party to either:
  • Go all-in with the NDP and aim to merge the two parties - as some commentators have opined, they are, after nearly a decade of Justin Trudeau's 'leadership' nearly indistinguishable, now; or
  • Go al-in with the so-called blue or Manley Liberals and become a liberal party again .
That, either course, is the work of a decade, is it not?

Maybe Mark Carney wants to be the guy who reshapes the Liberal Party in his own image ... but I somehow doubt that is his aim at this stage of his life. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has remade the Liberal Party in his image. 🇨🇦 , it seems to me, is not buying it. The next LPC leader has her or his work cut out for her/him. I think that would be a waste of Mark Carney's undoubted talents.
Setting himself up for the potential to step into a leadership review contest, depending on how badly the LPC gets trounced.

I can't see him stepping in to "save" a LPC reduced to 3rd or 4th place. He's too old, and too well established as a speaker on the economic circuit.
No way he’s going to take a knee to ‘save the Party’…Chrétien was happy enough to put the screws to Paul Martin Jr. for the perceived slights by his father that cast the LPC into the Ignatieffilderness, Chrétien had more time for the country than Trudeau’s ego will ever permit.
Mark Carney is a very smart, very accomplished guy. He might be an excellent prime minister for a G7 country ... might be if he was leading, say, the Conservative Party. But the party he wants to lead and with which he appears, to me, to be most closely aligned, has been in power for nine years and is old and tired and worn out and totally bereft of good, new ideas. It needs a long rest on the opposition benches.

Mr Carney is 59 years old. As I said earlier, I think that CPC, if it has decent leadership and discipline (something for which it is NOT famous) may have two majority and one minority term ahead of it: 25-29, 29-33 and 33-35. Mr Carney will be 70 in 2035.

Whoever leads the Liberal Party in 2025 and beyond has a herculean task; (s)he must persuade the party to either:
  • Go all-in with the NDP and aim to merge the two parties - as some commentators have opined, they are, after nearly a decade of Justin Trudeau's 'leadership' nearly indistinguishable, now; or
  • Go al-in with the so-called blue or Manley Liberals and become a liberal party again .
That, either course, is the work of a decade, is it not?

Maybe Mark Carney wants to be the guy who reshapes the Liberal Party in his own image ... but I somehow doubt that is his aim at this stage of his life. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has remade the Liberal Party in his image. 🇨🇦 , it seems to me, is not buying it. The next LPC leader has her or his work cut out for her/him. I think that would be a waste of Mark Carney's undoubted talents.
Whatever he does, Carney should stay away from touring cheese factories for his first round as leader of His Majesty’s loyal opposition…
Whatever he does, Carney should stay away from touring cheese factories for his first round as leader of His Majesty’s loyal opposition…
View attachment 87839
The way polling numbers are running, it is very likely that we will see a return of the BQ as His Majesty's loyal official opposition.
Not gonna lie, a part of me would find that hilarious.
The sad reality is, had Singh been playing his cards right for the last year, he would be very poised to slide the NDP into opposition way ahead of the bloc.
When Bloc becomes the opposition, that shows the sad state of Canadian political affairs.
Simple. He has ignored them from day one. They likely don’t have the sway over him that some think. He’s molded the party in his name and image and replaced that group with others that support his vision of where the LPC is going. That’s also why they are where they are in all likelihood.
I think this is bang on and Trudeau set the elites adrift with the Senate not a Liberal plan. Liberal Senators have always acted like a ghost government with their ears and thumbs on the workings of Ottawa while also attending Liberal caucus meetings. Do the Laurentien elites even have the eyes and ears they used to?
Read the tea leaves, anyone?
The rest of the story at this point ....
More from Team Red's info-machine (also archived here)
Can't find any details yet re: who's going to populate this Leader’s "Task Force on Economic Growth". We'll see ...