Do you mean both the inevitable next government lead by the CPC, or the next leader of the LPC? (or both?) If the latter, why do you think that they are deliberately trying to sabotage the next LPC leader? (and if the former, this who post is moot)
I think they are trying to deliberately sabotage the term for whoever is elected to be PM as his replacement for when he gets voted out, and I think even they know there's a very good chance it'll be Pierre
The reason I think this is being done on purpose simply goes back to the current government's spending habits, and the continuation of growing the national debt
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I've included an article that touches on the amount of debt we now have, and how much it costs to service that debt. $56 billion a year...yikes!
That's money they could be used to make the country a better place in a million different ways, that now has to go towards interest payments on debt. $56
billion dollars ... gone...
If Pierre wants to lower the national debt levels, he has quite a few options to increase government revenue that doesn't require him putting a foot on the average person.
(Ofcourse, not losing $60M here and $40M there will probably help a lot...)
If Pierre wants to shake loose the shackle that is really inhibiting our economic growth, he can eliminate the carbon tax.
But beyond that (which will be a great help!) anything he tries to cut will immediately make him the bad guy that the LPC can/will say "See! We told you he would do this!" while conveniently leaving out the part where they really didn't leave him any options...
If he downsizes the federal government (which has bloated by 31% in recent years) he'll be the bad guy who put all those people out of work.
If he cuts foreign aid money, he'll be made out to be the bad guy ushering those people into an even worst living situation.
If he cuts down on any financial assistance Canadians receive, he'll be the bad guy for leaving people destitute during a time of 'unprecedented financial pressures' - ofcourse not acknowledging that all of this spending (with an equal serving of 'no planning') is what's causing our cost of living to be so high in the first place
Everybody knows he NEEDS to cut spending, because our current spending is out of control. Doubling our national debt in 8yrs out of control. $56 billion in interest per year out of control.
But the current government has done such an insidiously good job of making a lot of people dependent on them that any cuts to spending will be met by cries of how Pierre cut some of the government assistance a lot of Canadians now rely on.
Pierre won't have a choice but to cut spending though. Doubling our national debt every 8yrs is NOT a good direction for our country to continue to go in.
So I do believe Trudeau & Freeland are deliberately sabotaging Pierre's first term in office, as a vast majority of his efforts will have to be focused on fixing everything they have broken.
As for him sabotaging the position as leader of the LPC when he's finally gone, I don't believe that is deliberate. But the more he focuses on leaving a trail of economic destruction for someone else to clean up, the more hated the LPC becomes, which makes it that much harder for any future leader of the party to get the party voted in.