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Trinity's Plan for the Weekend (includes Petawawa)

I will be able to drop by for a bit tonight at Kelsey's

Sig_Des... make sure HOM brings you around here if you get in early enough on Sunday.

Well a good time had by all...albeit a short visit by yours truly though.

Good to put some names to faces....especially after so many years in some cases.

Catch ya on the flip side      ;)

Was fun, I just wish I had some interesting stories to tell as well! After hearing everything said all I could say was basically "um, I'm a clerk and I shoot pigeons outside the headshed"

Still laughing over HoM automatic win argument reply .. and enjoy the wedding sig_des  ;)
2200hrs and the boys are already posting???

Cole, Journey, George, and Edward...What time did we get told to leave fromt he Black bear??  Both nights!

Kids these days....

Wish I was there though boys, I am definately in order for a trip to the old stomping grounds!


Ummmm....got a bit of a trip ahead of me tomorrow morning.

I have a reason.

The rest don't.      ;D


I knew you had reason to leave wee bit early, but I almost thought that after you went the place went to rat shite...and the kids all went home!

actually I think it must have!

Again, wish I was there though. 


Good time, I'll post the photo's tomorrow.  I got a ticket on the way home...Didn't even see him coming.
big bad john said:
Good time, I'll post the photo's tomorrow.  I got a ticket on the way home...Didn't even see him coming.

Damn..  I blame Sig for making you drive fast.

That totally sucks.  I ran a trap on the way back from Ottawa with HoM
on the last meet but I was doing 110 and they didn't come after me.  Sitting
behind a bridge in complete darkness.... never would have seen him until after
the fact AND HoM pointed him out