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Traffic Tickets Issued By MP's

  • Thread starter Thread starter GSXRK4
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I just got a ticket a few weeks ago from the MPs on Base Pet.  It was early Sat morning...with absolutely no cars or people or animals on the road.  I came up to a stop sign and slowed down and stopped for about a second, looked and saw no cars and I turned right.  That's when I saw an MP Police car coming the other way and the MP there flagged me down.  He gave me a ticket for not completely stopping at a stop sign.  Now ok, maybe I didn't stop for 5 sec, but it was obvious there was absolutely nothing on the road.  The MP said it was dangerous and I should always stop completely for several seconds before a stop sign because there are often troops marching there.  Well, I understand that, but on that Sat morning, there were no troops on the road.  In fact, there was absolutely no one on the road!  I think some MPs choose to enforce the law, even when it's trivial , but at other times, I've seen Police cars speeding themselves without sirens on. 
George Wallace said:
As you seem intent on going to Court, have you at anytime had that experience before?   What are you going to do when the Judge simply asks you "Were you speeding?   Yes or No."    No shades of grey.   No arguements.   Just 'Yes' or 'No'.   Your day in Court would then be approximately five minutes, after a couple of hours waiting, and only to be told that you have two months to pay the fine.

No judge would ask you that, and even if they did, you would not be required to answer - that little rule about "not giving evidence to incriminate oneself"

Hey - I was'nt always in the army!
Greywolf said:
I just got a ticket a few weeks ago from the MPs on Base Pet.   It was early Sat morning...with absolutely no cars or people or animals on the road.   I came up to a stop sign and slowed down and stopped for about a second, looked and saw no cars and I turned right.   That's when I saw an MP Police car coming the other way and the MP there flagged me down.   He gave me a ticket for not completely stopping at a stop sign.   Now ok, maybe I didn't stop for 5 sec, but it was obvious there was absolutely nothing on the road.   The MP said it was dangerous and I should always stop completely for several seconds before a stop sign because there are often troops marching there.   Well, I understand that, but on that Sat morning, there were no troops on the road.   In fact, there was absolutely no one on the road!   I think some MPs choose to enforce the law, even when it's trivial , but at other times, I've seen Police cars speeding themselves without sirens on.  

Look on the POINTTS website.
GO!!! said:
No judge would ask you that, and even if they did, you would not be required to answer - that little rule about "not giving evidence to incriminate oneself"

Happened to me in Renfrew ON.

renfrew is policed by  over zealous officers of the OPP, renfrew has become a dumping ground for newer officers and they  ticket for anything that  will get them noticed by the desk and detachment SGT.  do not drink and drive in this town or walk home after the bar, they  look for the unsteady walker. they  love the ticket book here.
i live in renfrew and I know it
Troops beat your charge? Well, you have one person to blame for that one. If you had done your job properly, he would have been convicted, but you did'nt, and he walked. I think this is the downside of an army of "thinking" soldiers - sometimes they will out think their leadership!

I'm guessing that you are a Cpl, without a PLQ. Why??? Because you seem to think it is easy to the job "properly". Ever issue a caution to someone??? If so, did the guy/girl get off on a technicality??? How about have someone be insubordinate to you, and you had the presence of mind to pull out your caution card immediately (or quote it, word for word) before you said anything???? How about having to go to a soldier's house, because he didn't show up for work, get a social worker to come along, have a MCpl there as a witness, (thereby having 3 witnesses, one a civvy), and then because you were concerned for his mental well being, let the social worker do the talking, and then because you ask a few basic questions, to cover the basics, not have an AWOA charge not  go through because you had the nerve!!! the nerve!!!! to ask these questions before the caution was read?????? Welcome to my world..... I gotta wait til you're my superior, and I'll push all the buttons I need to get you to not do your job properly, because, Hey!!! I'm a thinking soldier,too, you know... and then I'll laugh my hole off when I walk out of the Base Commander's office... Remember, it's always easy to look up the totem pole and say all you see are assholes, cause when you look down the totem pole, all you see are pricks.

I admit that I "shit the bed" on 2 of these occasions, but my leadership trg was done in an era ('92) where it was look up the info in the good old QR&O's (in a book.... using an index..... no Ctrl F..... IMAGINE!!!!!!), figure out what/where/how it applied, and that was that. No questions asked. Now, if you even breath hard while issuing the caution, which BTW, I just learned of within the last 2 years, the soldier can get off because you didn't do your "job properly".

We do sensitivity trg, diversity trg, harassment trg 2 or 3 times a year, but it seems that the type of PD (professional development) that should be done, isn't.

BTW, I have never been charged, though I should have been, more than a few times. I was going to FORCE my WO and Tp Ldr to charge me for dereliction of duty, just to make sure that a Tpr would also be charged (they didn't want to charge the guy, because it would make our troop look bad.... hmmmm, that's good logic). In fact, the reason that more people aren't charged, is because, well, golly, it is too much work to do it, and all the hoops that one has to jump through to make a charge stick. And then even when all the T's are crossed and the i's are dotted, an OC or CO gives a teeny, tiny slap on the wrist. Is it any coincidence that discipline is in the crapper???? Soldier's could pretty much get away with murder, because they know that little or nothing will be done about it. The only thing stopping me from going "postal" some days is a sense of discipline, pride and professionalism..... I could claim PTSD, stress, boils on my ass, whatever, and I would probably skate.....

Anyway, I'm sure we can all go 'round and 'round on who's right and who's wrong.


"Speeding" is a silly law, but the fact is that it is the best qualtifiable means to enforce traffic rules. It's hard to prove "reckless driving" but if you have a radar gun, you can easily show "exceeds the speed limit." The fact that many speed limits are stupid isn't relevant doesn't matter.

"Speed kills" is also a silly slogan.

And then there are photo radar units....

As for drunk driving - that IS stupid (I know - stupid is as stupid did.)

Whatever the case, be it an MP, Queen's Cowboy, or lesser force - they get similar training. Don't assume the MPs are going to screw things up.

Acorn said:
Whatever the case, be it an MP, Queen's Cowboy, or lesser force - they get similar training. Don't assume the MPs are going to screw things up.Acorn

For those of you who say it a frivolous reason to go to court or you are just wasting the courts time, court fees are built into your fine.  My example.......the fine for speeding was $30 and the court fee was $10....total owed $40.  Not only is it your right to go to court but you in fact pay for that service.  I have two close relatives that are cops and two friends that are cops.  I have never heard them say just pay the ticket...in fact they all say the opposite, you should never pay the ticket.  They even helped my get my last tickets quashed.

The judge can't make you pay more than what is on your ticket so the question is why not go to court.  There isn't may cases where you actually will end up paying the full fine.  If the cop doesn't show up you win, if he/she does, the crown will most likely try to plead you down to a less fine/no points you name it.  If you still think you can do better in front of the judge, have at her.

And if everyone fought their traffic tickets there would be such a backlog that you would never have to pay because you weren't given a trail in a "timely fashion", which is one of your rights
GSXRK4 said:
The judge can't make you pay more than what is on your ticket so the question is why not go to court.  

Oh, I don't know, because you're guilty? If you did speed, you WILL be asked by the judge if you were speeding. You now have a choice: 1-Lie. 2-Tell the truth (I was speeding).

If you choose to lie, then you have just purgured yourself. Not only that, you have no honour or integrity.

If you tell the truth, and admit to speeding, even 1 km over the limit, the next thing you will here is "Fine of ____, case dismissed." That fine will be the same fine as printed on your ticket. The judges have no time for people fighting tickets just to avoid the fine (as opposed to those that legitimately believe they were not speeding).

GSXRK4 said:
There isn't may cases where you actually will end up paying the full fine.  

If you admit it, 99.99% of the time you will pay the original fine.

GSXRK4 said:
the crown will most likely try to plead you down to a less fine/no points you name it.  

They see a hundred of these things a week. This isn't CSI or Law and Order. This is the McD's of the court system. They want you in and out ASAP, ie - no plea.

GSXRK4 said:
If the cop doesn't show up you win, if he/she does,

In BC at least, the cops get OT for court. It's eeeee-zeeeee money. They show up.

GSXRK4 said:
And if everyone fought their traffic tickets there would be such a backlog that you would never have to pay because you weren't given a trail in a "timely fashion", which is one of your rights

Yeah, let's shut down traffic court so you numpties can avoid paying your fine. Don't need to worry about public safety or anything. Your personal finances and wish to break the law are more important.

Grow up.

Caesar said:
Yeah, let's shut down traffic court so you numpties can avoid paying your fine. Don't need to worry about public safety or anything. Your personal finances and wish to break the law are more important.

Grow up.

I agree 100%!!

If you are guilty, pay the damn fine and stop speeding. If you are not guilty, go to court, prove your not and go from there.
The one thing I hate is people who speed and try to fight it by lying. It just shows that you have no personal integrity and no concern for anyone else but yourself. The law is there for a reason and if you think that you should be exempt from it, well it is time for you to move elsewhere. Laws are there to keep people safe from the morons of society.

What would happen if you were speeding down my street and hit one of my kids as they were riding their bike or playing in the front yard? Would you try to say you weren't speeding to get out of it? Would you try to blame my kids? A similar situation happened earlier this year when some punk arse kid sped down my road and miscalculated the corner and ended up driving through my neighbours lawn. My friend and I watched this guy do it and he tried to claim a cat ran across the road and that he was doing under the speed limit....yeah right!! He was doing at least 70 in a 50. My kids play up there all the time so what would have been his reasoning if he had hit one of the kids?? I can guarantee that he would have said that it was the kids fault...somehow it was their fault that he was behind the wheel doing 70 in a 50 and wiped the car out on the curb and almost took out the telephone pole. ::)

Pay the fine for doing the crime.
Caesar said:
Yeah, let's shut down traffic court so you numpties can avoid paying your fine. Don't need to worry about public safety or anything. Your personal finances and wish to break the law are more important.

Grow up.

Wow, someone else using the same two words that I used!  I personnally have a hard time as well with people clogging up the courts with pissy complaints about why they wern't speeding to save themselves 30 bucks.  Our court system is in such dire straits that I know as a judge, I would love to have a docket full of guys wishing to contest their speeding tickets because they "weren't speeding"  But sure go ahead, if it makes you feel good to waste the courts time as well as your time go ahead and contest.  After all, you can go and tell all your friends that you beat a speeding ticket................makes you a big man
Springroll said:
What would happen if you were speeding down my street and hit one of my kids as they were riding their bike or playing in the front yard? Would you try to say you weren't speeding to get out of it? Would you try to blame my kids?

I tell you what i'd do..............................but i'd end up out of a job and in criminal court, not traffic court.
And with that note, this thread has only served to polarize two camps; those who would admit to their transgression and pay for it, and those who would attempt to use the system against itself to not pay a deserved penalty.

If anyone believes they have something more to offer besides reiterating either of these views, PM me with a request to add your comments. And I will consider doing so.
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