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Traffic Tickets Issued By MP's

  • Thread starter Thread starter GSXRK4
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Got pulled over on the base in Kingston for speeding. This is my first speeding ticket issued by an MP and will be pleading NOT GUILTY.  I dont have my court date yet as I just dropped off my request to the court office here in Kingston

Just wondering if anyone has any idea what the SOP is when an MP's traffic ticket is disputed in court.  Are the MP's required to a) to go to all court hearings b) dont go to any court hearings c) it is up to the issuing officer d) something else.

Thanks for everyone input.

PS Dont speed on base!

By you saying don't speed on base it implies that you were speeding.

By pleading not guilty it implies you were not speeding.

Which is it?

If you were speeding and are pleading not guilty just to avoid paying the price that society demands of you then you are shirking your responsibility to society.

If you were not speeding and its a bum rap, good luck.
AmmoTech90 said:
If you were speeding and are pleading not guilty just to avoid paying the price that society demands of you then you are shirking your responsibility to society.

If you were not speeding and its a bum rap, good luck.

GSXRK4 said:
Just wondering if anyone has any idea what the SOP is when an MP's traffic ticket is disputed in court.  Are the MP's required to a) to go to all court hearings b) dont go to any court hearings c) it is up to the issuing officer d) something else.

Answer is....this court case will be like any other court case.....The Issuing Officer will be there.
George Wallace said:
Answer is....this court case will be like any other court case.....The Issuing Officer will be there.

AmmoTech90 said:
By you saying don't speed on base it implies that you were speeding.

By pleading not guilty it implies you were not speeding.

Which is it?

If you were speeding and are pleading not guilty just to avoid paying the price that society demands of you then you are shirking your responsibility to society.

If you were not speeding and its a bum rap, good luck.

The only dif, is MP's dont get Court Time...
Depending on where you work some cops don't get court time either. Here in the LMD there is a Court Computer Program that schedules court time for both traffic and Crim Court during the period that the police officer is working. Great idea, however if there was a major incident, then 1/4 to 1/2 of the members on a particular squad or watch may be off the road, sitting around court waiting to be called as opposed to out on the road taking calls. This system was probably developed by a "Carpet Cop" looking for some pips on their shoulders.
Yeah - speeding on the base is a big no no.  You may be able to get away with 10 over in town - but when you go through those gates and see the "Marching Troops have Priority" signs, watch out.  MP's don't mess around.

I had a civilian friend get pulled over once doing 52 in a 50.  Ouch.  But those are the rules kids.  I know when I'm in that "marching troop", I don't want any clowns ripping by my guys doing 55-60.  And personally, I think they should lower all speed limits on base to 40 because I'm tired of people who are late for work tail gating me while I go the limit.

if you want a chance to beat the ticket, go find the sign that  states the speed limit on the base closest to where you were pulled over at, if there is no DND sticker on the back take a picture of it. that is how a guy  beat a ticket at base toronto,  since it was not ontario street or highway , the highway  and traffic act  for ontario was not valid. the mps then went around put DND stickers on all the signs and it became a valid ticket.
but in most cases good luck in beating a MP ticket, they  do not get a lot of court time so i am betting that  MP will show up and be there with everything in order to show his side of the ticket as valid and you will be made to pay  it
Good point.  I'm sure if MPs have nothing better to do than strictly enforce the speed limit, they surely have nothing better to do than show up in court.

Don't mean to offend any "Meat-heads" with the nothing better to do remark.  ;D

Fight it hard....you might get a reduction......MP's get real nervous in Court
Thanks to everyone for all the advice...I like the DND sticker idea. I have beaten a few tickets on technicalities and I will definitely look into the DND sticker defence.  This is my first ticket by an MP so it should be interesting.  Sad thing is the ticket is only $40 dollars but factor in all that insurance crap and that $40 can turns into a lot more.

For those that wanted to know I was caught by radar doing a little more the 10km/h over, the MP knocked it down a few clicks. 
For those that wanted to know I was caught by radar doing a little more the 10km/h over, the MP knocked it down a few clicks.

So even though the MP gave you a break you still can't get up on your hind legs and except the consequences? :-[
Bruce Monkhouse said:
For those that wanted to know I was caught by radar doing a little more the 10km/h over, the MP knocked it down a few clicks.

So even though the MP gave you a break you still can't get up on your hind legs and except the consequences? :-[


He is looking at the consequences:

GSXRK4 said:
  This is my first ticket by an MP so it should be interesting.   Sad thing is the ticket is only $40 dollars but factor in all that insurance crap and that $40 can turns into a lot more.

As one ticket is not likely to affect Insurance, it would appear that he is/has 'experienced enough' and knows that several will.
One can "look" all day, that doesn't equate to accepting one screwed up and that reperation must be paid....
I for one have never fought or disputed a ticket (I have received 3). Why? Because I was speeding. Being polite and respectful certainly helped shave a few km/h, dollars and points off those bad-boys  ;)

If the cop said I was doing 150 km/h and I knew I was doing 49, I would fight it (because that is inaccurate). But, as others have suggested, accept responsibility for your action. It seems that people have no spine anymore when it comes to these things. I'm not saying bend over and take it just because, but if you are in the wrong, you're in the wrong. And just saying "well, everybody does it!!!!" doesn't make it right, it only makes one look even lamer.

I know that if I was the boss of a soldier who was wanting time off to fight it in court (if they are just hoping for the cop not to show up, or get off on a BS technicality (like the DND sticker thing), I would make them take a day Annual. That would make them think twice about fighting it. If they were dead serious about it, and would use a day annual, it would indicate that they were probably justified in fighting it (my above-mentioned inaccuracy example, for example).

There was a guy in Edmonton who took half a day off to fight a photo-radar ticket, thinking he could win because there was another car in the photo. The judge called BS. He then said he was speeding because the car ahead of him blew a tire, so he had to speed up to avoid it. The judge again said BS (slowing down would be the logical thing to do, he said). The sad thing was he was given the time off as a freebie, because his boss wanted to see him "stick it to the man". Yeah, ok.....

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