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Tommy Prince

What really stands out in my memory from the book I mentioned Snoman is how, In his first engagement in Italy, IIRC, he took out 3 enemy machine gun posts, at night, by himself!
Adam Beach will be playing Tommy Prince in a movie about him.

There are duplicates of Sgt Prince's medals in the 2 VP complex in Shilo.

Sgt Prince is from the Brokenhead Reserve in Manitoba I beleive. :salute:
Big Silverback said:
Adam Beach will be playing Tommy Prince in a movie about him.

There are duplicates of Sgt Prince's medals in the 2 VP complex in Shilo.

Sgt Prince is from the Brokenhead Reserve in Manitoba I beleive. :salute:

Correct Big Silver....

Tommy Prince of the Ojibw'e Nation, Brokenhead reservation in Scanterbury, Manitoba.


He was a member of the Royal Canadian Engineers, the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, and the First Special Service Force in addition to being a member of PPCLI.

CHIMO! Sgt Prince.
Keep watching the T.V. listing's for the History Channel,the story of Tommy Prince will be aired again.
It is a moving story of one man's heroic's and his end.

I wish Adam Beach good luck in his endevour of bringing the true story of Tommy Prince' life to the silver screen.
The thread is old, but perhaps Tommy Prince's relative(s), or others interested in his story will come across it in the future. 

Before I was at least 7y old, I could have told you who Tommy Prince was.  So could my siblings, as they came along.  We grew up knowing Mr. Prince was Canada's most decorated WWll and Korean War Serviceman.  My Dad served with him in Korea, with the 2 Batt PPCLI and at the time, knew Tommy Prince quite well.  Dad, a WWll sailor (1939-1945), revered him.  I never ever heard my Dad mention anything about Tommy Prince drinking before going or while on patrol or on duty  .. whatever.  Later, although I don't recall when my Dad heard about it, he was in an up-roar over the fact that the Legion [in Winnipeg?] refused to admit Tommy Prince as a member, nor would allow him into the bar for a drink.  Not even on Rememberence Day!  To the day he died, 21st April 2003, my Dad refused to join the Legion.  Whenever asked if he was a member or encouraged to join by his mates, his stock answer was:  "If Tommy Prince wasn't good enough for the Royal Canadian Legion, then the Royal Canadian Legion isn't good enough for me." 

By the way:  The Devil's Brigade was a Canadian idea, with most of the members being Canadians .. similar story with the Dam Busters!
I wouldn't blame the Legion.  Perhaps they were trying to stay out of jail.


"Sale of Hodgson’s Sgt. Tommy Prince Legion marks end of recent troubled history:  'If there’s no support, then it’s goodbye legion.' ":