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tinfoil alert: Russian professor predicts future breakup of US


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At least he wasn't as bad as that other Russian wacko who predicted the end of the world would come and took his followers with him into a cave recently only to be disappointed, IIRC.

As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010

The Wall Street Journal
DECEMBER 29, 2008

MOSCOW -- For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few took his argument -- that an economic and moral collapse will trigger a civil war and the eventual breakup of the U.S. -- very seriously. Now he's found an eager audience: Russian state media
He predicts that economic, financial and demographic trends will provoke a political and social crisis in the U.S. When the going gets tough, he says, wealthier states will withhold funds from the federal government and effectively secede from the union. Social unrest up to and including a civil war will follow. The U.S. will then split along ethnic lines, and foreign powers will move in.
California will form the nucleus of what he calls "The Californian Republic," and will be part of China or under Chinese influence. Texas will be the heart of "The Texas Republic," a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence. Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an "Atlantic America" that may join the European Union. Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls "The Central North American Republic." Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia.


There is a nice map with the article just to show you where you will end up.
What?  Not even WA State?  Methinks we got the bad end of the deal... ;D 
- I suppose that's one way for us to get an elected senate!

- Rich states won't rebel - rich people will: they will stop working to support a welfare nation. 

- Methinks that particular Russian has never visited the USA or spoken to any Americans.  Culture is much more than geography.
Crap!  I think we should trade Michigan and Ohio for Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Maybe this is part of Putin's physcological war against the US.....
I was thinking the same thing. Remember how quickly the USSR splintered.
I have heard many people talk about some sort of collapse yet, like this guy, none of them explain how the US could go through something as extreme as the great depression without breaking up.  I find it hard to believe the economic crisis could lead to something even worse than the great depression.

Even if it did break up, his model looks like a sloppy sci-fi novel. Why would the US split along these lines? Why would foreign powers annex or influence certain areas instead of former states controlling other former states? Why would Alaska go to Russia instead of Canada? Why would other countries, especially Canada, even be in a stable enough state to seize control of another continent?

The whole thing looks like the day dream of a poorly informed anti-american...like a Russian nationalist.



Will second that idea that this professor relates the USSR to the USA and figures that it will splinter the same way his old country did.  Unfortunately for him, it won't work - the USA was built from scratch - no sundry little republics from which the USA was cobbled together... nowhere for them to go back to.

As indicated up above, this fella is designing his tripe for the Russian media's version of National Enquirer
AspiringInfantier said:
Russias full of funny little guys like that, i.e. Siberian Jesus man that guy is hilarious.

- Sung to the tune of 'Personal Jesus' by DM?