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Tiger Stripe Camouflage goes Digital

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guy Cramer
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Moderator Comment

Mr. Cramer - Mr. Bobbitt has paid advertisers on this site. If you want to include a link to your site in your profile, that's great. Starting a thread to promote yourself is in poor taste, at the very least.The only reason I am not deleting or locking this thread yet, is that appears to be entertaining the board members.

In the future, if you would like to promote your business, inventions, etc., you need to purchase some advertising, like the other people promoting their products on this site. Mike can always use more advertisers.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

U.S. Patent 4686605:
Method And Apparatus For Altering A Region In The Earth's Atmosphere,
  Ionosphere, And/Or Magnetosphere
Inventors:  Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued:    Aug. 11, 1987
Filed:      Jan. 10, 1985

U.S. Patent 5038664:
Method For Producing A Shell Of Relativistic Particles At An Altitude
  Above The Earth's Surface
Inventors:  Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:    Aug. 13, 1991
Filed:      Jan. 10, 1985

U.S. Patent 4712155:
Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial Electron Cyclotron
  Heating Region Of Plasma
Inventors:  Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
            Ramo; Simon, Beverly Hills, CA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued:    Dec.  8, 1987
Filed:      Jan. 28, 1985

U.S. Patent 5068669:
Power Beaming System
Inventors:  Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
            Cha; James T., Fairfax, VA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:    Nov. 26, 1991
Filed:      Sep.  1, 1988

U.S. Patent 5218374:
Power Beaming System With Printer Circuit Radiating Elements
  Having Resonating Cavities
Inventors:  Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
            Cha; James T., Fairfax, VA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:    June  8, 1993
Filed:      Oct. 10, 1989

U.S. Patent 5293176:
Folded Cross Grid Dipole Antenna Element
Inventors:  Elliot; Paul G., Vienna, VA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:    Mar.  8, 1994
Filed:      Nov. 18, 1991

U.S. Patent 5202689:
Lightweight Focusing Reflector For Space
Inventors:  Bussard; Robert W., Manassas, VA
            Wallace; Thomas H., Gainesville, FL
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:    Apr. 13, 1993
Filed:      Aug. 23, 1991

U.S. Patent 5041834:
Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Composed Of A Plasma Layer
  Which Can Be Tilted
Inventors:  Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:    Aug. 20, 1991
Filed:      May. 17, 1990

U.S. Patent 4999637:
Creation Of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above The Earth
Inventors:  Bass; Ronald M., Houston, TX
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:    Mar. 12, 1991
Filed:      May. 14, 1987

U.S. Patent 4954709:
High Resolution Directional Gamma Ray Detector
Inventors:  Zigler; Arie, Rishon Le Zion, Israel
  Eisen; Yosset, Rishon Le Zion, Israel
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued:    Sep.  4, 1990
Filed:      Aug. 16, 1989

U.S. Patent 4817495:
Defense System For Discriminating Between Objects In Space
Inventors:  Drobot; Adam T., Annandale, VA
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued:    Apr.  4, 1989
Filed:      Jul.  7, 1986

U.S. Patent 4873928:
Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation
Inventors:  Lowther; Frank E., Plano, TX
Assignees:  APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued:    Oct. 17, 1989
Filed:      June 15, 1987

The U.S. Navy began using ion generators on their submarines since the late 1950's and still do to this day, unconfirmed reports recently indicate the U.S. Navy surface fleet also uses Negative Ion Generators on the bridges of their ships. The reason â “ to keep the crews alert and awake while on Bridge duty.

Oh incidentally having been on the bridges of most major classes of surface combatants I can say that if there is such a thing then it does not work and you can bet I will be asking my colleagues in the USN about this.

Trion generators used in Nuclear Submarine Fleet http://www.airpure.com/trion-air-cleaners.html
Trion company website confirming submarine fleet and Naval use:

Coincidentally, I have Trion Units in my manufacturing area. They were purchased to ensure we meet air quality standards, not to keep our employees "awake and alert". We haven't discovered affordable technology to do that yet..
U.S. Air Force study



Subjective Response to Negative Air Ion Exposure.

Journal of Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, (53) August 1982 p.822-823

Author: Buckalew LW & Rizzuto A

Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

One group of subjects served as controls and was confined to the test chamber for a 6 hour period under air ion conditions typical of an energy efficient building. The second group was similarly confined, but ion generators began operating 2 hours before occupancy and continued all 6 hours of confinement. Generators were masked for all indications of operation, and were also present under control conditions but not turned on. Data from both groups were collected under double-blind conditions.

Summary of Results
"Subjective perceptions of psychological state, using individual 'normalcy' as standard, reflected significant differences between control and negative ion exposure groups. Prominent perceptions reported were reductions in irritability, depression, and tenseness, and increases in calmness and stimulation associated with ion exposure. For psychological state, negative ion exposure appeared associated with feeling better about self, less sensitive, and more responsive or innervated [energized]."
Ok folks....until Mr Cramer and Mr Bobbitt work out some kind of advertising agreement I am locking this down. Guy I strongly suggest you get in contact with Mike before trying to sell your products here.
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