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Three Rivers Regiment WW II

  • Thread starter Thread starter sangiebarbie
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Hi, I am looking for information about this regiment. My late father-in-law was in this regiment in Italy and Greece. If there is anyone that was in this Regiment or knows of anyone or information i would appreciate it. I am looking to put together a scrap book for my husband. His father died of a blood clot when he was 12.
Here‘s a site about the Three Rivers Regiment, from the RCAC Association site. This Regiment later became the 12 RBC or 12 Regiment Blinde du Canada, (the 12th Armoured Regiment). I‘ll post the site then go get info from the 12RBC (if I can find any) and edit this post. Hope this helps. http://rcaca.org/r-TRR.htm

Sorry Dawne, there is no active 12 RBC web site that I can find. Will keep looking for other on the TRR though. :D
Hi, thank you for the information. I heard that there was a 3 Rivers Regiment that is still together in Quebec and that they have a history but that it is in french. Do you have any ideas of how to find out who was in this regiment in Italy/Greece. Maybe if I find someone they might be able to shed some light. :cool:
1st Canadian Army Tank Brigade - Formed 27 February 1941 from 1st Armoured Brigade
1st Canadian Army Tank Brigade HQ Squadron (The New Brunswick Regiment) - Raised 24 April 1941
11th Canadian Army Tank Battalion (The Ontario Regiment) - Retitled
12th Canadian Army Tank Battalion (The Three Rivers Regiment) - Retitled
14th Canadian Army Tank Battalion (The Calgary Regiment) - Mobilized 11 February 1941.  Added May 1941

this is what to look for to find info on The 3 Rivers Regiment.

This group went through Italy and the netherlands.
The regimental website of the regiment is http://www.12rbc.ca/index.html
It's only in French, however
:) Hi my name is Bill Alderson. I was a member of the Three Rivers Regiment. Maybe I can help you.

TR said:
1st Canadian Army Tank Brigade - Formed 27 February 1941 from 1st Armoured Brigade
1st Canadian Army Tank Brigade HQ Squadron (The New Brunswick Regiment) - Raised 24 April 1941
11th Canadian Army Tank Battalion (The Ontario Regiment) - Retitled
12th Canadian Army Tank Battalion (The Three Rivers Regiment) - Retitled
14th Canadian Army Tank Battalion (The Calgary Regiment) - Mobilized 11 February 1941.  Added May 1941

this is what to look for to find info on The 3 Rivers Regiment.

This group went through Italy and the netherlands.

That designation (I realize this thread is years old) was changed to

12th Canadian Armoured Regiment (The Three Rivers Regiment)

by the time the unit got into combat.
A new regular force regiment was formed in 1968 called 12e Régiment Blindé du Canada which can closely be translated as 12th Canadian Armoured Regiment as described in Michael's post.
All officers, NCO's and troopers came from the then existing 4 regular armoured regiments: Ld S H ( RC )
RCD, 8 CH and FGH and posted to Valcartier with their new unit.
An interesting fact was that most troopers and junior NCO'S were sort of volunteered out of their original units because they had French names although a great number of them had no practical knowledge of the French laungage, nevertheless they formed the nucleus of a very fine regiment.
The sister regiment of the era, Le Régiment de Trois Rivières ( AKA the Three Rivers Regt ) changed its designation the 12e Régiment Blindé du Canada ( Milice ).
( Souvenirs of a very junior Lieutenant in 1968 ).

;) well put site here, My fahter commanded the 12th CAR at the end of  wwwII  ,brigadier général  Fernand L. Caron.he was in from the begining.A  good part of his men  were from the region and french speeking. They made a small but very interesting  museum in Trois riviere.at the manège . families of vet. should see what  that regiment was about and remember what is was all about for. because of what is going on in the worl d , we seem to forget the lessons we've learn .
The first place to look is on www.12rbc.ca - that is the site of the Regimental Association.  The Association has recently published a book called the Chronicles of the Three Rivers Regiment (Tank), detailing the activities of the unit from the time it was called to active duty, through the Italian and European campaigns, until their return to Canada.  You can find details on ordering the book on the website.

If you live near Trois-Rivières, the Association is holding a get-together week-end with the veterans on the week-end of 20 - 22 Oct 06.  According to the President of the Veterans' Association, there are 86 veterans on his mailing list.  We are hoping to have a dozen or so attend the ceremonies. 

Hope this helps,

Steve Young, Treasurer  Association 12e RBC, Inc., adsum_12@yahoo.com

I am looking for any information on my grandfather that served with the Three Rivers Regiment.  His service number was D- 71119, and his name was Thomas Michael Kelly.  He pasted away some years ago and I would like to find out anything I can about him.  Thanks.

Danny Thomas Kelly

<edit: I removed your service number>