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the waiting part !!!


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For many of you that are already in the army and people who are still in the process of getting enrolled. What is the longest you had to wait and did you have any problems? what was yours? what stopped the process and held you back a couple months?

Me? i am pissed off that i have to get another allergy test and a speicalist that states i do not need an epi-pen but the test is dated on Nov 19...so that is another 4-5 month wait on top of my 9 months  :rage:
whats the record at 9 years? try doing a search with the word "wait" im sure you will find your awnser.
1 year almost exactly.. enrolment is Aug 04 flying out the 5th hoooooray

what held me up longest ... the medical. Now, I have extrenuating circumstances with my knee but that notwithstanding, it took too long and went through way too many damned channels not to mention they lost the whole file for a few weeks .. total time lost.. probably 1.5 months

it will be 2 years for me on the 1st of August.  Finally merit listed on June 21st  :).  What held me up was the fact I was out of the country for a year so my security clearance took longer than normal.
whoa wait...this is making me nervous now. So, even if they accept me, i still have to wait until they give me a cal?? is there any chance they do not want me in just because they dont feel  like it or if they have enough soldiers they will just reject me again?
It took me 10 months to get in, when I started my app in late 2001.

Patience is a virtue on the Army.
its been rather quick down here, no major problems looking on my 7th month now

couldn't agree with ~RoKo~ anymore patience is key!

good luck
tang72 said:
is there any chance they do not want me in just because they dont feel  like it ......

Don't be silly.  I suggest you review the various recruiting pages and web sites.

50 weeks?...the waiting is killing me, i wanna be in the CF and the worst part is im not even sure if my doctor is going to approve :rage:
i try not to think about it but its hard
Pte (R) B said:
Took me one year and fifty weeks; held up by medical.

tang72 said:
50 weeks?...the waiting is killing me, i wanna be in the CF and the worst part is im not even sure if my doctor is going to approve :rage:
i try not to think about it but its hard

Read it again - 102 weeks.
As of last week, 30 months, and still waiting.  Combination of a medical issue plus a few bureaucratic fumbles. 
Listening to the stories on the site, i think i've been lucky.

Application Date: May 4, 2005
First Contact: May 17, 2005
Aptitude completed : May 30, 2005
Med completed : June 3, 2005
Interview completed: June 14, 2005
PT Test completed: July 7, 2005

Now the ONLY thing keeping my file from being at the July 18th board is some sort of an agreement letter from a debt that I should have dealt with a long time ago.
I applied on january 25th and I get sworn in july 28th and I'm off to st-jean on august 7th. I'm reg force and I didn't have any issue with my application so that went very fast. Be patient! And no, they won't have "enough" soldiers, except if your MOC is full for the rest of the fiscal year...

Good luck! Don't worry you'll get your call, it's all a matter of time!
tang72 said:
whoa wait...this is making me nervous now. So, even if they accept me, i still have to wait until they give me a cal?? is there any chance they do not want me in just because they dont feel   like it or if they have enough soldiers they will just reject me again?

Reject you again, what for spelling and unable to use the english language effectively? I don't think you make it by the psych testing. Look at your 'signature' about killing (what do you know), pic (FMJ's 'Born to Kill'), and again using the word 'kill' again, wanting to 'kill' (not that you mean it, but to say it in its context) to get sworn in is to me obsessive to say the least.

Maybe you should think twice before posting such things.
what is wrong besides my typos and that i dont take every sec to carefully type out a paragraph. first of all my fav. movie and a quote i like has nothing to do with this post, so please post in the topic. and btw it is a coincidence that i have alot of the word 'kill' in my profile and believe me there is alot more people who want to join CF just to bag some terrorists.

Signatures and pics usually tell something about one's persona. Profiles are there to give other members a glimps of who you are, and give a base to allow opinions and advice on one's experience. Yours is empty. Need I say more on that matter.

So you are saying you (and the majority of others wanting to join) want to join the CF to 'bag' terrorists (otherwords kill- we bag deer don't we when we hunt)? Where did you here such bullshit? Life in Defence is not like your favourite movie pal, and there is more to a carreer in the CF than killing (thats the last thing any serious professional soldier even thinks of doing), and I find those who want to join, and are obsessed with this cause are the type who end up getting their friends killed, and kill indescriminatly. Considering you are the apparent SME (thats subject matter expert, but since you know it all you'd know that) on reasons why people join the CF where did you get this INCORRECT information. Just an assumption?

If your intentions are joining the the reason stated above, I certainly hope you don't waist your CFRC's time, as you'll never make it past the get go. They know how to weed the good from the bad, and the bad from the fantasiers/wannabees/freaks of nature, and the dangerous.

I don't care who you are, but with your few posts you have managed to create, maybe you should get some time on this site in before even attempting to tell   other people what to do.

Get a grip on reality, act your age, and have some manners on here, before you ruin things for yourself on here, if you have not already.
Hey tang72 ,

You are a piece of work, you know that.

I do hope that you clear up   your medical challenge.   That way you can take that mouth and attitude of yours, where you will be able try it on people who can reach you, rather than just have to read you.

Then see if you can really make it.

Here since you love quotes and movies I have provided this for you from Platoon;

You talking about killing? Hmm? Y'all experts? Y'all know about killing? I'd like to hear about it.

Either shut the eff up and listen to our advice, or just plain go away.





The English language is a "code" the rules to which we've all agreed upon to let us communicate our thoughts to each other.  When you don't follow the rules of the "code" (no matter how inconsequential those rules may seem), then you are not communicating properly with others.  When you are not communicating properly with others, you cannot be a member of a team.  The CF is a team.  Think about that.

Part of me celebrates your youthful exuberance and impatience.

However, a much larger part of me just wants to reach out and swat you.  STOP antagonizing people who are in a position to provide advice which will enable you to achieve your ultimate goal.  Are you aware that many on this board have accomplished things, mastered skills, and have experience which you do not yet even possess the requisite knowledge to dream of?  Save your childish rhetoric, showmanship, movie hero worship, and ridiculous one-up-manship for the playground - where you should be playing nice with the other children while awaiting maturity, and a possible call from the Recruiting Centre.

Do yourself a favour - switch to "receive" for a while.
Killing is not the reason y i want to join the CF, that maybe the last reason y i want to join....u guys r takn this wayy too seriously. lol i dont care how the F i type and i realize many of u are not much help u just like to mouth off and complain and like to prove other people wrong.