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The Spam and Scam Superthread- Merged

Michael O'Leary said:
Offered only to you, and 10 million other internet users.  But he only needs one sucker to make a profit.

Yeah, if there weren't enough people being sucked in, the spammers would be out of business.  Wouldn't that be great??  Although, some of them are good for a giggle.  :D
We should choose a couple of the better ones and have a few dozen people respond to them, all using beer.com mail accounts using variations on the same name.    >:D

"Good day sir, and thank you for your excellent solicitation.  Unfortunately, I am not in a precise position under which I can accept you generous offer at the current moment in the galactic timeline.  To be placed in such a fine position and able to assist your eminent dilemma, I will need a local bank account to which you can send the funds which are the subject of your fine offer.  Before I can have this bank account, I will need a new photographic identification card.  I can have this produced for only $50 in untraceable US currency.  If you are able to send me this small sum, I will be able to assist you in your quest.

Your obsequious servant.


Send me some instructions and a garuantee that i'm not going to jail for fraud and I am there. :salute:
Michael O'Leary said:
We should choose a couple of the better ones and have a few dozen people respond to them, all using beer.com mail accounts using variations on the same name.    >:D

There's people out there who've developed aide memoires for such counter-scam shenanigans:

with a bit of MSM coverage to boot

Enjoy, folks!
And here's another one, no mention of helping out a damsel in distress though:

Dear Jeff,

It is my pleasure to inform you that on May 15th, 2009 your information was reviewed and accepted for inclusion in the 2009/2010 edition of our registry.

Strathmore's Whos Who each year, recognizes and selects key executives, professionals and organizations in all disciplines and industries for outstanding business and professional achievements.

This recognition is shared by those who have reached a distinguished level of success in their chosen profession.

Please take a moment to complete the invitation by clicking on the link below.  We ask that you complete it carefully, as it will be reviewed by our editorial department.


** Please complete the online link by June 15th.

Strathmore's Whos Who is pleased to inform you that there are no fees or dues to be included in the publication.

On behalf of the CEO and our esteemed staff, we wish you continued success.


J.M. Blakely
Vice President, Research Division

Strathmore's Whos Who
26 Bond St.
Westbury NY 11590
Phone: 516-997-2525

Google up "Strathmore's Whos Who scam" for rave product reviews like:



Here is one entry from the link provided by Shec in the previous post. That is a very accomplished puppy, my dog can't even come in out of the rain. My cat Mac is a whiz though and follows me around for a handful of cat snacks. Maybe you will see him written up in the book and can peruse his collection of "love me" items these book publishers hawk.


I recently received an invitation for my Irish Setter Spencer to join the registry of Strathmore's who's who. To be chosen for inclusion "candidates must have held a position of responsibility or have attained a significant achievement in their field." I still wonder what he did in order to get included in the mailings besides to get nominated by one of my friends.
Dear Winner,

This is to announce to you that your name have won one of our prestigious prizes in this year’s lottery sweepstake. Individual names were selected from national directories of over 250 countries around the world. After the balloting, your name attached to Winning Number 24-10-4-75-90-2467 won the sum of Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($7,500,000 USD).

To begin your claims, please contact our director of finance in London with the information given below. Please quote your Winning Number;
24-10-4-75-90-2467 to help locate your file easily.

Name: Mrs. Patricia Huff
Email: tricia_h@hotmail.co.uk

However, be informed that all winnings MUST be claimed TWO (2) WEEKS after winning notification otherwise will be returned as unclaimed and eventually donated to charity organization

Yours Faithfully,

Mr Daniel Villatora
British International Lottery Inc
And then there's this little gem supposedly from my bank:

Dear Customer,

In order to make your online banking experience even more secure we have introduced a new security feature that allows us to detect unusual activity on your account. If we detect unusual activity, we will call you to make sure that it's really you.

What are the next steps?

To continue banking online we need you to:

Visit our secure site by following the reference given below.

Complete the new security process.
For banking with a higher level of security, please select 'Continue'

How does it work?

If we detect a sign in with your user name from another country we may decide that we want to confirm that it's really you. You must complete all steps otherwise you will not be able to use the online service until we have completed additional security checks.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this action.

Geoffrey Belsher
Managing Director
Banking and Savings
Some other poor person got bilked of $2500.00.
Article Link

VANCOUVER -- A mother of three special needs children who desperately sought financial relief through a second job fell victim to an alleged con artist offering work on Craigslist.

After landing a job as a secret shopper, Angie Halford, 31, received instructions - littered with typos - to evaluate customer service at a Western Union location and a cheque for $2,980.

Her new employer, identified as Jeff Lawson in the documents, required she deposit the cheque in her bank account, then withdraw $2,500 to wire to an address in England. The balance was supposed to be Halford's pay - save $80 to be used to evaluate service at Wal-Mart.

But, after Halford wired the money, her bank told her the cheque was forged.

Now the mom, living in social housing and earning little more than $9-an-hour as a gas station attendant, is on the hook for the entire sum.
More on link

Why are people still falling for these scams?  It's not as if they aren't in the news in just about every form feasible.  Any time someone sends you a great big cheque and asks you to cash it for them and wire money elsewhere, some lights and bells ought to be going off in your head.  Particularly as this was supposed to be a job.  ::)
Wow, this is better than Publisher's Clearing House!!!

Menara ExxonMobil, Kuala Lumpur City Center50088 Kuala LumpurMalaysiaPHONE: +60.103.822.209 This is to inform you that ExxonMobil Oil Company, Malaysia has awarded you the sum of $1,000,000 USD. This email is randomly sent to 10 people worldwide. Your verification number is: (EM2009-10/6) Please Understand that this promotion is Neither a Lottery nor a Gambling Winning. To file claims, please contact the claims processing officer on the email or phone number provided below:
EMAIL: exxonmobilpromo1@yahoo.com.hk  Phone: +60.103.822.209
You are also advised to provide him with:

SEX (M/F):

We are glad to have you as one of our luckly winners.

Yours Sincerely,Online Co-ordinator..

It is that time again when you may receive this if you are on hotmail.  A fair attempt at a phishing scheme received today, although, not the first time in the past few years.

Subject: Hotmail Alert

Dear Account User

This Email is from Hotmail Customer Care and we are sending it to every Hotmail Email User Accounts Owner for safety. we are having congestions due to the anonymous registration of Hotmail accounts so we are shutting down some Hotmail accounts and your account was among those to be deleted.  You will have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login Information below after clicking the reply button, or your account will be suspended within 24 hours for security reasons.

* Username: .............................
* Password: ................................
* Date of Birth: ............................
* Country Or Territory: ................

After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after two weeks of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.

The Windows Live Hotmail Team

No wonder they are "having congestions due to anonymous registration of Hotmail accounts" 

If it were legit, wouldn't they clue in that such a message would cause more account holders to create a new account to safeguard loosing their current account?
Sadly this method must be working successfully or they wouldnt keep sending them out!

I apologize in advance if this doesn't belong here (on this forum or in this topic) i just want to make sure nobody get stung by this scam

Here is my story in a nutshell

I applied online for a loan
I was called by a company claiming to be

Manhatten Financial Group

I received a call and was told i was approved for $10k with a $1200 deposit (odd i asked for 5k). i asked if it would be in Can or US funds, she said US. I live in Canada and first off she didn't know that, second i asked what the conversion at todays rate was and she didn't know that either. she asked me to fax her a copy of my D.L. SIN, a paystub and a utility's Bill, and the loan would be deposited into my account within 48hrs.
this sounded a little fishy to me. googled the number that came up and turns out that it is a major scam going around right now.  DO NOT GIVE ANYONE MONEY FOR A PERSONAL LOAN.  a personal loan down payment will allways come of the Principal of the loan before it is givin to the customer and under no circumstances should you give money as a way get a personal loan.

Caller ID: New York
Caller: Manhatten Financial Group

if you think this might be happining to you pm ill give you the number that came up on my call display

I really don't know what to say to or about you.  Are you totally Fracked!  What is wrong with going to your own Bank?  Anyone trying to go online and Googling (a "Loan Shark" or "Scam Artist") for a loan is deserving of every penny they loose.   


Secret Code for this thread:  ID 10T
Eveready said:

Ummm, yeah, don't think I need to worry about that.

Here's another one:  DO NOT APPLY FOR LOANS ONLINE
In addition, if anyone ever emails/faxes you asking you to be a "Money Transfer Assistant", or any variation thereof, run away.

I received a hilarious email a little while ago, here's the exact wording of what my job would be:

1) An ACH or Wire transfer will be made to your bank account from our client. I'll let you know it's exact transfer amount and date.

2) You should receive the transfer and send me the confirmation that you've received it. Then you'll have to cash out this transfer at your bank.

3) Then you'll have to sent the money you took from you bank account via Western Union. I'll let you know all the necessary information on this transfer(the name of person who will receive the money and destination city/country).

4) Then you should send an email to me to confirm the Western Union transfer is sent. This email should include sender's name, name of the city the transfer has been sent from, exact Western Union transfer amount, and Western Union MTCN (it's essential for receiving the money).

5) We communicate with our agents mainly by e-mail, but we will also communicate by phone (if your e-mail is not available). It is your responsibility to check your e-mail daily and inform us about any change in your contact information. Supporting communication is your top-priority obligation.

6) The fixed monthly salary which is 2000 usd will be sent to you by direct deposit after 30 day period from first transfer.

What this means is I/you are doing the money laundering for who knows what kind of organization; when the RCMP/Secret Service needs to bust somebody down, guess whose gonna be the guy with the giant paper-trail following him?
Read this:  http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/how-to-tech/how-to-detect-online-scams.htm

Next time you need a loan go to a bank and talk to the loan officer.  (REAL Online banks work just fine, too.  In Canada there's President's Choice and ING that I'm aware of - there may be others).

Topic Locked - if you want to continue talking online scams, take it to Radio Chatter.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff

Edited to add:  OK - I'm a numpty - I'll move this thread over to Radio Chatter myself and unlock it.  It's been one of those days - don't ask.
