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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

We are all the descendants of successful hunters.  Sport hunting passes those perishable skills from one generation to the next, and ideally instills a sense of honour and responsibility as well as thankfulness to the creator who provided the animal.  

Hunting and sport shooting are our true 'Gun Culture'.  Misogynist gang-bangers who have displayed a maladaptation to our western culture and values should be culled from society.

Man is PART of the food chain, not just an observer.

Bambi was not a documentary.

IcEPiCk said:
Though this topic is kind of like 'milking a dead cow' now.

Not anymore.

IcEPiCk said:
The seal hunts are wrong because of the cruelty in which the way the animal dies, and most of the body is not used with exception of the fur.   The reason that some people are offended by this is that animals have no one to stick up for them, and are vulnerable.   Yes as the dominant species we need to sustain ourselves and hunt and eat, but we also have a responsibility to ensure that there is some descency to the acts.

:threat: :threat: :threat:

Do you hunt? Have you killed a seal? Have you seen how about 99.9% of them are killed?

Have you taken the number of seals killed in the hunt, and compared them to the millions of cows that mcdonalds kills, and the methods of killing of those cows?

I think not.

The seal hunt wasn't wrong, isn't wrong, and will never be wrong. The only thing that's wrong, is the fact that the quota's have been cut back a little bit.

Just because a bunch of tree-hugging pot-head hippys film some dudes brutally killing seals, doesn't mean the world should take up the fight with the hunt itself. Take it up with the guys who are on the videos, and it wouldn't surprise me if the guys on the videos were tree-huggers, they obviously don't know how to club a seal.

But even then, I don't really care, doesn't bother me much, I don't do it personally, but the sealhunt will go on. Our ways of life will continue. It's part of our heritage, and it will continue.
IcEPiCk said:
Of course, but lets ignore the over fishing done in the past and illegal fishing done by international ships in OUR own waters.

::) ::) ::)

Yep the seals took em all lol  :threat:
So icepick....you a Marine Biologist?

Edited by Moderator to remove member's name (at member's request).
SemperFidelis said:
 As far as the picture of the dog being splayed...its for the fur, not the food, and it happens in Korea constantly.

Is there a credible source that can back that Doggy up?

On the side, those that have hunted/stalked animals for food or just pictures have a little easier time hunting humans.
The stakes might seem higher, but; when you need to provide for your family over the long haul, you do what you must.
That's our Animal Instinct.  Kill to Eat, Kill to Win, Kill to Survive, Kill to protect, Kill to Make a Point.

And to comment on your previous post about" No fur or leather...Celebrity or something or other"
(The pic's you have posted say otherwise)

I've heard Seal Eyes are the tastiest.  (SurvivorMan...OLC Channel)
Any truth to that?
So icepick....you a Marine Biologist?

No but you sound like a #$@&ing rocket scientist.  :salute:  ::)

Edited by Moderator to remove member's name (at member's request).
IcEPiCk said:
No but you sound like a #$@&ing rocket scientist.   :salute:   ::)

Nasty temper for a fellow almost starting his Military Career.  Perhaps you'd like to rephrase that?
And to comment on your previous post about" No fur or leather...Celebrity or something or other"
(The pic's you have posted say otherwise)

If you're referring to me looking like a celebrity perhaps...but I wouldn't be caught dead in real fur or leather...even fake.
[quote author=Dennis Leary]
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadilac El Dorado Convertable
Hot pink!
With whale skin hub caps
An all leather cow interior
And big brown baby seal eyes for headlights
And I'm gonna drive around in that baby
At 115 miles per hour
Getting one mile per gallon
Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds in the old-fashioned non-biodegradable Styrofoam containers
And when I'm done sucking down those grease-ball burgers
I'm gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag
And then I'm gonna toss the Styrofoam containers right out the side
And there ain't a Goddamn thing anybody can do about it


Damn, even Dennis supports it. Give up hippies, give up.
George Wallace said:
Nasty temper for a fellow almost starting his Military Career.    Perhaps you'd like to rephrase that?

So its okay for you to provoke?  But a little taste of your own medicine is too much?  ...Just an observation.
I understand  vegetarians complaining about cow death camps and boneless chicken ranches and what not, but when people who eat meat are against hunting and slaughterhouses, they are being hypocrites.  If they choose to allow someone else to do their killing for them and provide them with meat they can insist on humane conditions, but have no right to slam the whole industry.

SemperFidelis said:
If you're referring to me looking like a celebrity perhaps...but I wouldn't be caught dead in real fur or leather...even fake.

(Check the Back grounds in your pics)
Ladies and gentlemen, please put the thread back on topic and cease with the name-calling; otherwise the thread will be locked by a Moderator if it appears there is no further relevant content being posted.
"That's our Animal Instinct.  Kill to Eat, Kill to Win, Kill to Survive, Kill to protect, Kill to Make a Point"

- Care to expand on "Kill to make a point"? 

My apologies;

Putting Semper F on the defensive for what she is "looking like a Celeb"
to how the Seal hunters must feel being put on the defensive for who they are and what they do.

I'm sure it is everyones surroundings that affect them; to what is and isn't right.

(Tom- is that sufficient for this point?)
"a COTTON bedspread of a tiger print,'

- A cotton silhouette target?  Now THAT's a bit over the top, what?   ;D

"Tom- is that sufficient for this point?"

- Sure, thanks.  :)

TCBF said:
"That's our Animal Instinct.   Kill to Eat, Kill to Win, Kill to Survive, Kill to protect, Kill to Make a Point"

- Care to expand on "Kill to make a point"?  


That could be the makings of a beautiful thread....
SemperFidelis said:
i said this....

I clearly stated...its about the situation in the picture

You also said this:
SemperFidelis said:
As far as the picture of the dog being splayed...its for the fur, not the food, and it happens in Korea constantly.

Please show me something that shows that it happens in Korea constantly.
George Wallace said:
So...will we be spliting threads now.  

Not until I Check the search function to make sure there isn't a thread already. ;D