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The Ruxted Group


New Member
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It's been a while since my last post... but I couldn't help myself once I noticed this:http://ruxted.ca/!


(Apologies if a similar post exists on this topic)
After reading this most recent poll from CBC:http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/afghanistan/afghanistan-survey2006.html I recall the Ruxted Groups many articles on Canada's involvement in Afghanistan and those targeted in particular at informing the public. 

I have to say I'm not surprised anymore by the responses of question 5 (below), though they may be somewhat of an improvement from earlier polls.
5. As you may know, Canadian troops are now active in Afghanistan. Why do you think Canadian troops are there? What is the reason or reasons? 
Support U.S. troops / U.S. foreign policy / help George Bush 22
Support NATO/support United Nations 5
Restore peace 13
Defeat Taliban / warlords / insurgents 9
Help create democracy 8
War on terror / defeat world terrorism/defeat Al-Qaeda 8
Peacekeeping 24
Humanitarian assistance/reconstruction 18
Negative U.S. influence / pressure 2
Stabilize Afghanistan 2
Sent by Canadian government 2
DK/NA=0 11
In an effort to increase awareness of the Ruxted Group (especially in its nice new home), I have forwarded it on to numerous comrades in uniform and and may civilian friends, including senior officers, NCOs and some academics who likely aren't aware that a) such a group exists and b) that it is writing on a myriad of military subjects without an obvious political bias. 

Some of the people I've emailed may not be the most up to speed on this thing called the 'internet' or have become disappointed by the many pro-military sites that also echo a highly conservative approach to other topics (both in the political and social senses) that can lend them to be easily dismissed by the very audiences they seek to effect.  Others on this list are people are not so aware of current events and of course there are those who will empathize with the editorials and recognize many of them as the things that are discussed at work or in the mess and were not aware of such an organization... 

So well done Ruxted Group!  I will do my utmost to subtly pass you on as a 'good read' so as to increase your beaten zone to include as many people as possible. 

Very respectfully,


(BTW the spell check doesn't recognize 'Ruxted'...great Scott!)
The more people/groups we can get the word out to about Ruxted.ca, the better.  :)
