Cdn Blackshirt said:
Any different than the LAV 3 "upgrade"? :warstory:
No. And my snarky point is that all weapons systems constantly evolve and are capable of being upgraded. That includes Hornets, LAVs, Leos (Leopard 2A4M CAN and Leopard 2A6M CAN), Abrams and M10
69s. (Typo)
The difference with the F35, in my understanding, is the degree to which the ability to modify and upgrade the aircraft is built into the system.
The Hornet entered US service in A/B variants in 1983/84. It went into block upgrade in 1987, 3 or 4 years later, to the C/D standard to correct deficiencies, including structural ones and to incorporate new systems. In 1992 it got a new engine. In 1995 someone discovered the scale-up button on Auto-CAD and the E/F variant was born. It has constantly been recertified for new weapons, radars, sensors.
The Hornet/SuperHornet/SecretSquirrelHornet evolution is an example of the traditional method of aircraft development that sees aircraft "grow like Topsy" until they can't fly anymore.
The F35? Well, these days when I buy a computer I buy some plug-ins with it and add some older compatible plug ins but I have no idea what plug ins I will have on board by the time the blue screen of death shows up for the last time. I have no idea when I will finish developing that system or what it will look like. And in the meantime it does most things well enough that I manage to make a living from it despite people constantly sending me patches.
Snark ends.