Well since you have zero access to closed source stuff (and if you did posting here about it would be incredibly dumb). I’d suggest you not outright slander the product.
Anything I ever post is open source information.
More people then you know or think have access to close source things. Not every close source is Top Secret. Work groups tend to do those things. As does industry who are involved in over all processes.
A simple example is a materials company. Who is given a contract to provide a high stress, extreme heat/ pressure tolerance crack free flexible (relative to the material) high wearing, resistive to abrasion coating. That company is working on a industrial based coating for their heavy industrial client. Then received a contract for cylindrical barrel coating system for a foreign buyer. Open source information.
The initial coating they made was to protect pipelines and oilfield well head/ frac head systems from abrasion. Now they provide the service to a defense company. The exact process, specs and composition is a proprietary process. (Government closed source information)
That process is now used throughout military parts manufacturing around the world. The exact process they use for different parts and treatments is closed source information. The process itself is open information.
This is similar to the system integration of the F35 systems. The exact make up of the systems and capability is closed source, but the process is used elsewhere for operations of systems around the world.
Speed restrictions were implemented due to early issue with the coatings that assisted in its stealth. As well as certain operating limits for weather. All those where designed to do was save wear and tear on the AC until fixes could be implemented.
Have they made the fix yet? It was more then just the coating.
I think you missed the mark on some of the other comments. It isn’t an OS or Sensor issue if all of a sudden you try to push significantly more data to the aircraft than was planned.
The platform was suppose to be able to send, receive and process more data then it actually can upon initial delivery in the current and past models. They have issues with integrating the current systems let alone anything new. The delivery platforms do not do what they are suppose to do.
That does not make it useless platform. It still has some amazing capabilities, it does not make it as lethal of a platform as was initially billed to the customers.
For militaries who were and are replacing their entire fleet with the F35 for its current promised abilities. A few of those countries have delayed the retirement and or replacement of their entire fleets.
Nor is it a fault if another company comes up with a new sensor and it doesn’t integrate correctly. Those issues are what Block Upgrade’s are for.
Sort of, when the current sensor does not work to its full potential due to other issues it should make one wonder if it was correct implantation from the start.
Engine delays caused due to a subcontractor using improperly sources foreign material, aren’t a performance issue - it’s a compliance issue.
It was deeper then that, but that was the simpler reason.
The requirement for the B design variant made it so the A and C simply can’t do something’s that would be nice to have had.
Agreed. But the point is the F-35 price and operating costs have come down drastically since the start.
It’s a very versatile combat aircraft - dramatically better air to air abilities than anything but the F-22.
Yes and no, they systems integration is more capable then gen 4 an 4.5 platforms. But they have and currently implementing testing of those gen 5 and 5+ systems into legacy platforms with some great success. Our foreign partners are really pushing the boundaries with system fusion. SABB is is one of the leading groups.
Unless you listen to Elon Musk who is just interested in fleecing the USG out of more billions.
LOL, he is trying to create efficiencies for all.
Considering the RCAF F-35 will be doing NORAD missions and Trump will likely be a lame duck inside 22 months, I wouldn’t be overly concerned.
Thats is true.