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The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

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Still think that the clear plastic cash box is part of the problem.
Some people see a stack of loonies & toonies, maybe a bunch of bills and they get tempted.....
Have an opaque box, something that can't be popped open with a flick of the wrist.
What is most detestable to me is not the theft of the donation boxes/cans, but who they are preying on - usually retired/disabled CF/Legion members/volunteers, most of whom dont have the physical strength to defend themselves or the boxes...  and at the other end of the scale are cadets and boy scouts/girl guides who also lack strength and the ability to defende themselves.  

What kind of person can look themselves in the mirror after preying on the old and the young?  
A lot of these trays were simply left on counters.  Not yanked out of the hands of Legionaires or Cadets.

See the comment that stores would keep the trays behind the counter...
To dopers and kids, cash left in plain sight AND unattended, it's probably irresistible
Rayman said:
Hows this? I agree with the extra enforcement but when caught and convicted, they owe the legion a fine of $50 000. That will really help the veterans and if it doesnt instill some sort of respect for them, box stealing will be a thing of the past.

Somehow I don`t think that anyone who is out there ripping off donation boxes would be able to pay a $50 000. fine.  Stiff penalties are one thing, impossible ones are meaningless
This is just sick and pathetic, the lowest kind of act by the lowest kind of people. I could never imagine even thinking of such of an act, stealing from charity is so horrible to think of. Stealing from veterans is a kick in the face to those who believed in this country and its people. Thankfully this is a minority of people here in Canada, most of us dearly respect the veterans.  :cdn:

Teflon said:
Somehow I don`t think that anyone who is out there ripping off donation boxes would be able to pay a $50 000. fine.  Stiff penalties are one thing, impossible ones are meaningless

I would agree however there should be higher penalty for stealing from charity, or better yet 'vulnerable'... I also agree with the article that this is an act that shows total lack of education.
This is not the first time that this has happened.  It happened last year as well.  Also remember the low life who have robbed the Salvation Army Kettles and other Christmas donations.  They are all across the land, and will constantly stoop low and steal from charities when they feel the need for easy cash.  They are bottom feeders.
Yes this behaviour is disgusting!

Remember guys, a criminal mind has no conscience, and the boxes are an easy steal.

Criminals don't care about anyone but themselves.

They are all losers, that we can agree on.

Don't worry, their karma will come calling sooner or later.


Teflon said:
Somehow I don`t think that anyone who is out there ripping off donation boxes would be able to pay a $50 000. fine.  Stiff penalties are one thing, impossible ones are meaningless

I guess you are right, but it would mess up their credit, give them a criminal record but that would mean nothing to these types. Make them scrub the legions toilets for a month per 10 dollars stolen. Dont want to? Off to Kingston for you.
I can tell you that if I were to witness someone stealing one of the boxes in front of me it would be all over for that individual :skull:, I would be willing to plead guilty to whatever charge they threw at me as a result of my actions.  I think it's a pretty despicable act!!  I'm sure that my grandfather, God rest his soul, would look upon me with an approving smile.
Rayman said:
I guess you are right, but it would mess up their credit, give them a criminal record but that would mean nothing to these types. Make them scrub the legions toilets for a month per 10 dollars stolen. Dont want to? Off to Kingston for you.

Likely they do not have a good credit to start with. If these are adults then I doubt that have a Gold Visa in their pockets. But if financially we cannot hurt them, why not look at alternatives like you suggested. Maybe public humiliation, in some states an individual who stole from charity or a store has to stand in front of the store with a big sign saying their crime...

For the youths however, they might be misguided, maybe work off the money they stole with volunteering at the legion. Not only make them do the crap work, but get them involved, maybe then they will understand what idiots and pathetic individuals they had become. And common guys and gals we all were young, I still am short of, and I mean we all can look back at one point or another and say "what an idiot I was, if I only new better". NOT saying any of us would go so low, I am just trying to point out that when it comes to youths there can be change.
In this morning's paper, the article reported that at least 7 boxes have been stolen on Vancouver Island alone...

Multiply by population regions, increase theft rates for high density populations... thats a lot of boxes that have potentially already been or will be stolen!

Every year round this time you  read an article in the paper or on the net about something the vets are outraged over.
Flawed Design said:
Every year round this time you  read an article in the paper or on the net about something the vets are outraged over.

I think Canucks at large would be disgusted over this one. Same goes for the theft of other boxes, whether its for the blind, cancer research, or similar shocking diseases.

I am a veteran, but not outraged, just yet again disgusted.
Sadly, if caught, they will say they came from a broken home, or the ADD made him do it, or yet again, have some other piss weak lame excuse, and the limp-wristed legal system will pander to their every whim.

Just remember, in this day and age, victims of crime have no rights, and the 'dog shyte' that commits the crimes has the system by the balls, and is pulling hard as hell to rip them out of their bag!

A simple flogging with a 'cat of 9 tails' would teach them much more than a slap on the hands.

Face it, in Singapore they would not be stealing those boxes  ;D

What the hell was this clown thinking?



Poppy-selling vet bounced
85-year-old told to leave by The Bay


In the 20 years veteran Alan Lawrence has been selling poppies he has never felt as dishonoured as he did yesterday when Hudson Bay Company security kicked him to the curb.

He was inside the Bay office tower at Yonge and Bloor Sts. selling poppies like he had for years when security told him to get of the property.

"It just shows how much some people think about what we did, and that hurts," said Lawrence, 85, who joined England's Royal Navy at 16.

"They have some nerve resenting me standing on their property and telling me to get off. I couldn't believe anyone could be so obnoxious.

"We made it possible for him (the security guard) to have a job. He wouldn't have it if Hitler had won."

Lawrence had a similar experience five years ago at the Toronto Stock Exchange.

"It isn't always that pleasant standing outside. To kick me out is absolutely stupid and I can't believe it could happen in Toronto," Lawrence said.

Others couldn't believe it, either.

Mike Sawyer, who has been a reservist for the past four years, went into the store's management office to give them a piece of his mind.

"It's disgusting. This business is only possible because of men like him. I can't believe the attitude," Sawyer said.

Beverly Scarrow says she can't believe a veteran would be treated in this fashion.

"My father is a veteran. It's ridiculous something like this could happen. It's not like this isn't a good cause. It is sad they would have this attitude toward a veteran," Scarrow said.

Businesses do have a right to say who can be on their property, said Ray Kokkonen, acting president of the Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association.


"I find this strange. As long as you aren't obstructing traffic, most businesses are happy to work with the campaign," he said.

"I'll be going out in a few days to sell poppies and I can't think of a good reason for a business to kick someone out."

Pebble Carrier, a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 344, says members should get clearance from companies before they started campaigning.

"There are some who would go out (not representing any organization) and are just panhandling," he said.

Brookfield Property Management, which told Lawrence to leave, has since apologized.

"One of our security saw him (Lawrence) and he didn't have a memo authorizing him to be there and he was asked to leave even though he was here for a good cause," said Arash Ghorbandaei, Brookfield director of security.

Money donated to the Royal Canadian Legion during the Remembrance campaign is placed in public trust funds and is used to help needy ex-service members and their families.

"It isn't just for the veterans but also for our boys overseas right now," Carrier said.

Edit to add video clip.
What's this country world coming to?  If these men hadn't gone off and done the business, Arash Ghorbandaei, and all his family would be either extinct or looking out through several strands of barbed wire.
Despite the goodwill of the person in question, security guards act on what they are told to do. 

Basically I'm objecting to your thread title.  There's nothing in the story to imply that these guards 'embarassed' the company by acting on their own initiative...

If anyone is to blame, the management company is : "Brookfield Property Management, which told Lawrence to leave, has since apologized."

Greymatters said:
Despite the goodwill of the person in question, security guards act on what they are told to do. 

But why can't they think for themselves instead of acting like mindless automatons?
Surely the security guard in question could have asked his superiors if it would be ok for this man, a veteran no less, to sell some poppies on their property?
And I don't want to hear the old "they're not paid enough to think for themselves" excuse because it is as irrelevant as it is insulting.
Just my 2c, spend them where you will.
Hmmm.... another year.... same story

Canadian Tire & the CIBC (?) have done the same thing in prior years.... only to do a lot of backpedalling & Apologizing a short while later.

This early in the Poppy campaign is, in actual fact, a good thing - in that the Media will jump onto the bandwagon & make more people aware....

It's a bad thing for a good cause sorta thing