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The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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mariomike said:
The veterans "burst out of their seats and attacked the demonstators."
Police made nine arrests.

I bet the arrested were the protesters :p
Remember to boycott McDonald's for not letting their employees wear poppies at work.
mover1 said:
Remember to boycott McDonald's for not letting their employees wear poppies at work.

Right like I want the people that prepare my food to wear something that can easily fall out.  I think we have to apply a little bit of common sense before we get all indignant that some company doesn't allow their employees to do something.
MJP said:
Right like I want the people that prepare my food to wear something that can easily fall out.  I think we have to apply a little bit of common sense before we get all indignant that some company doesn't allow their employees to do something.

"The sticker, which is produced by the same company that has held the contract for the velvety pins since 1996, was designed with children, the elderly and those working in health care and the food service industry in mind, Clark said.":

mover1 said:
Remember to boycott McDonald's for making us fat.

Or sue them:
I live in the west end of Kingston and the poppy box was on display from the start at the Tim's on Collins' Bay Road. My guess is that the real issue isn't the sale of the poppies, but rather a company policy on people "soliciting" on the property, regardless of the cause.

But, this is Canada. Just wait...we are going to hear some whiny little organization say something like:

"...Well, if we can allow people to glorify war on Tim's property, then our group Save the Mentally Challenged Snails should have that right too..."

pbi said:
I live in the west end of Kingston and the poppy box was on display from the start at the Tim's on Collins' Bay Road. My guess is that the real issue isn't the sale of the poppies, but rather a company policy on people "soliciting" on the property, regardless of the cause.

But, this is Canada. Just wait...we are going to hear some whiny little organization say something like:

"...Well, if we can allow people to glorify war on Tim's property, then our group Save the Mentally Challenged Snails should have that right too..."


I agree with you as to what the actual issue may be here in the "physical solicitation on property", but it irritates the heck out of me when some people are so quick to jump on the "boycott" and "how dare they" bandwagon without inserting or utilizing a wee bit of common sense themselves. The insinuation that Tim Hortons doesn't allow poppy sales (or, in another thread, poppy wearing) is bunk. They do and always have. We even have videos and threads posted on this very site about Tim Hortons and its support of soldiers and Vets. And, of poppy boxes being stolen off their counters. Yet, somehow, that isn't good enough.

The fact that their employees do not wear poppies is a legitimate health & safety point much like it is for a doctor working in the OR or anyone else working in the food service industry.

If anyone wants to bitch about anyone, they should choose a "target - <insert evil company here>" that both does not allow Poppy Boxes placed within its location nor allows solicitation outside of its location by actual human beings. And, even then, if that company's "policy" is never to allow solicitation on or in its premises by any group/entity/cause - then they aren't really "anti-veteran" either.

As to your "whiney little groups" ... I'll say this: I donate to many causes throughout the year. I support veterans, the heart & stroke foundation, cystic fibrosis etc etc. Why should it be acceptable for veterans to collect for their cause "anywhere/anytime" when many others of these worthy and important causes can not? Why is it wrong for a company to deny all others but Vets and Poppy Boxes on their premises else be targetted as "evil"??

I was under the impression that I (and my forefathers) fought for all Canadians, not just myself and my organization.
"McDonald's sticks a pin in her Remembrance Day plans":
"<snip> they are permitted to wear Royal Canadian Legion poppy stickers where appropriate and as available.":

"Legion offers poppy stickers as solution: BRANTFORD -- A Brantford mother and her daughter, who works at the King George Road McDonald's outlet, are upset after being told that restaurant employees may not wear pin-on poppies due to concerns for customer safety.":

ArmyVern said:
I was under the impression that I (and my forefathers) fought for all Canadians, not just myself and my organization.

My point was not about Tim's supporting poppy sales but about not allowing "soliciting". Tim's itself contributes to Canada and Canadians is a number of different ways, so I don't think it can be accused of  limiting its support to the Legion.

As for whether or not the Legion should be given special consideration over all other social organizations: it asks the question of whether or not we should accord special and unique recognition to the idea of sacrifice for country, which is what is at the heart of the poppy campaign, over causes such as cancer, homelessness, or victims of drunk driving.

I say, yes, we should. But then, I also say that we should ony half-mast the national flag for those who die in the service of the nation, not for victims of crime, etc. etc.

pbi said:
My point was not about Tim's supporting poppy sales but about not allowing "soliciting". Tim's itself contributes to Canada and Canadians is a number of different ways, so I don't think it can be accused of  limiting its support to the Legion.

As for whether or not the Legion should be given special consideration over all other social organizations: it asks the question of whether or not we should accord special and unique recognition to the idea of sacrifice for country, which is what is at the heart of the poppy campaign, over causes such as cancer, homelessness, or victims of drunk driving.

I say, yes, we should. But then, I also say that we should ony half-mast the national flag for those who die in the service of the nation, not for victims of crime, etc. etc.


I wasn't accusing you of anything of the sort.

I was simply stating that I, as a Canadian, have the right to donate to whichever legitimate charitable cause I wish and I question why Canadians would be limited in that right through "selective" choosing of "evil" targets.

I'm sorry, but I do believe that a child with cystic fibrosis is just as legitimate a cause for example.

If you want to play the "sacrifice for country card" in this instance for poppy sales, then it goes without saying that supporting veterans groups and activities will always be the highest and only legitimate cause worthy of "anytime/anywhere" and to be "entitled to" special privledges over other groups no matter the policy of the Company at hand.

Sorry, but we'll have to agree to disagree on that; I believe we all have that right to seek donations for our cause and that I am no more important than the next guy/gal. If not, then we are seeking out "special" rights for ourselves that are not directly attributable to our service.
More on poppy selling:
Topic: The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged:
( 20 pages )
I wasn't accusing you of anything of the sort.

Actually, I wasn't accusing you of accusing me, so no need to say you weren't doing what I didn't say you were doing.

I was simply stating that I, as a Canadian, have the right to donate to whichever legitimate charitable cause I wish

I agree, completely. I donate to lots of different causes, too.

If you want to play the "sacrifice for country card"

I don't want to "play" any "card". I want to say that I believe recognizing people who sacrificed for their country trumps any other social cause I can think of.  It looks like we agree on that point:

it goes without saying that supporting veterans groups and activities will always be the highest and only legitimate cause worthy of "anytime/anywhere" and to be "entitled to" special privledges over other groups no matter the policy of the Company at hand.

But not on this...

Sorry, but we'll have to agree to disagree on that; I believe we all have that right to seek donations for our cause and that I am no more important than the next guy/gal. If not, then we are seeking out "special" rights for ourselves that are not directly attributable to our service.

IMHO it has nothing to do with "you", "me", or "us" as individuals advocating this cause or that cause. It has everything to do with the much bigger idea of according proper status and recognition to the act of making ultimate sacrifice for your country, above other social causes. It's also not about saying that the other causes aren't worthy: that certainly wasn't my point.

pbi said:
I don't want to "play" any "card". I want to say that I believe recognizing people who sacrificed for their country trumps any other social cause I can think of.  It looks like we agree on that point:

Uhmmm, read it again carefully - we do not agree on the point that you then quoted (of mine) as you've stated above.

I do not believe that 'anywhere/anytime' should be applicable to veterans and no one else as you believe it should be. I volunteered to do what I do not because I wanted "special" priveledges for the rest of my life; I don't think I'm any more special or "entitled" than any other citizen of this nation.

And, now I'll bow out of this thread and - as I already stated - we'll have to agree to disagree.
If you want to play the "sacrifice for country card" in this instance for poppy sales, then it goes without saying that supporting veterans groups and activities will always be the highest and only legitimate cause worthy of "anytime/anywhere" and to be "entitled to" special privledges over other groups no matter the policy of the Company at hand.

Somehow, it seems I didn't understand what you meant here. It reads to me as though we agree. Maybe this is the problem with "tone" in e-mail, or maybe I'm dumb (quite possible).

All of this, the poppy money theft, the Muslims 'breaking the silence', Mcdonalds 'making us fat'... they're merely symptoms of a bigger problem. I really wish I knew a 'politically correct' way we could rid the world of what really is wrong, but we can't even agree on just what actually is wrong, much less just what political correctness is even good for.

Poppy theft-> It's a shame to see the way our vices can cause us to act. Same thing happened last year in a couple places here in NB. The act is despicable, yes. But for some strange reason, I wanna hear the guy's explanation of what drove him. Morbid curiosity, I guess. It's not just poppy jars that get snatched, either. Why do you think Mcdonalds (more to come) chains their Ronald Mcdonald house recepticles to the counter?

Muslims-> Didn't the majority of muslims fight alongside us, or am I crazy? Pretty sure if the Axis had won, there wouldn't be any protests like this going without a mass state-assisted suidice happening. Not saying, just saying that these guys seem to have missed a history lesson or two. Thankfully, fools like this are not making themselves heard much here in Canada.

Mcdonalds-> It won't make you fat if you're not lazy. In the past, humans never really spent much time inside on our arses glued to TV's, video games, or the 'information superhighway'. Try working on a farm 7 days a week for a month, eating McDonalds for lunch every day. I can tell you firsthand, it won't make you fat then. Heck, even proper daily exercise, for an hour or 2, will allow you to eat a metric sh!t tonne of the stuff without much consequence (Na aside).

This BS world of ours has to change. Eventually, there's gonna be some toes stepped on. When it happens, not everyone's gonna be happy about it. We'll have to collectively "Suck it up, Princess" and mop up the mess. For now, all I can do is quote Recceguy;

"Stop the world for a sec, will ya? I wanna get off."
Sapplicant  as a muslim who had to steal a poppy jar to feed my family McDondals I find your post refreshing.
mover1 said:
Sapplicant  as a muslim who had to steal a poppy jar to feed my family McDondals I find your post refreshing.

As long as you're feeding your family, and not a VLT or some other addiction.  ;D
Technoviking said:
I don't want to be banned from this site, so I'll refrain from expressing what I feel about those people chanting "British troops burn in Hell".

They're allowed to scream that our family who died in the wars are burning in hell during the 11 o'clock silence on Armistice Day, and you're not allowed to express your feelings about them or their actions. Does something seem wrong with this picture to you too, sir?