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The "Occupy" Movement

NY 'occupiers' have generators confiscated
Day before first snow due
By Chris Francescani and Michelle Nichols, REUTERS
Article Link

NEW YORK - Anti-Wall Street protesters’ plans to camp in a New York park throughout the city’s harsh winter were dealt a blow Friday when the fire department confiscated generators and fuel because they posed a danger.

With the first snow forecast to fall Saturday, the Occupy Wall Street movement against economic inequality lost the generators that had been powering heat, computers and a kitchen in the Lower Manhattan camp they set up six weeks ago.

“They think that taking the ’power’ away will take the power away, and that’s absolutely not true at all,” said Occupy Wall Street spokesman Michael Booth.

The movement has sparked so-called occupations in cities across the United States. But recent evictions in places like Oakland, California, where police used tear gas and stun grenades, and Atlanta, have New York protesters on edge.
More on link
GAP said:
NY 'occupiers' have generators confiscated
Day before first snow due
By Chris Francescani and Michelle Nichols, REUTERS
Article Link

NEW YORK - Anti-Wall Street protesters’ plans to camp in a New York park throughout the city’s harsh winter were dealt a blow Friday when the fire department confiscated generators and fuel because they posed a danger.

With the first snow forecast to fall Saturday, the Occupy Wall Street movement against economic inequality lost the generators that had been powering heat, computers and a kitchen in the Lower Manhattan camp they set up six weeks ago.

“They think that taking the ’power’ away will take the power away, and that’s absolutely not true at all,” said Occupy Wall Street spokesman Michael Booth.

The movement has sparked so-called occupations in cities across the United States. But recent evictions in places like Oakland, California, where police used tear gas and stun grenades, and Atlanta, have New York protesters on edge.
More on link

And they were worried about hippies practicing free love before this. Good Move. ;D
OWS demonstrates either ignorance about the US political system or reveals itself for what it really is:


The Occupy Wall Streeters — Destroying the First Amendment
Posted By Hans A. von Spakovsky On October 27, 2011 @ 12:22 am In Crime,economy,US News | 124 Comments

The “Occupy Wall Street” protestors have put their platform online with an apparent list of demands [1]. One of those demands — an immediate ban on all private campaign contributions to political candidates — shows a woeful ignorance and virtual contempt for basic rights protected by the Bill of Rights.

They also call for:

The immediate reversal, even if it requires a Constitutional Amendment, of the outrageous and anti-democratic holding in the “Citizens United” case by the Supreme Court, which equates the payment of money by corporations, wealthy individuals, and unions to politicians with free speech. We, the People, demand that institutional bribery and corruption not be deemed protected speech.

Subject to the above ban on all private money and gifts in politics, to enact additional campaign finance reform requiring free air time and public campaign finances to all candidates who obtain sufficient petition signatures and/or votes to participate in the primaries and/or electoral process, to shorten the campaign season and to allow voting on weekends and holidays.

The OWS protestors don’t seem to understand (or don’t care) that the First Amendment provides that Congress shall make no law “abridging the freedom of speech” or “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  That includes the ability to not only speak out on political issues and the merits of candidates for public office, but to spend money on persuading others about the merits of those candidates or helping them get elected through campaign contributions.

Americans have the right to associate with others who share their beliefs. Freedom of speech is not limited to just individuals, but also to the many other forms in which American associate, from unions to corporations to organizations such as the NAACP, the Sierra Club, or the National Rifle Association.

These demands are more than just pernicious proposals by protestors who want to destroy the economic and personal freedom that has helped make us a great nation. They are unconstitutional attempts to limit the ability of Americans to associate with others or to petition and otherwise lobby the government on many important public policy issues.  The OWS protesters are themselves benefiting from the right to associate and speak that they now seek to deny to others.

The claim that the Citizens United decision allows payment of “money by corporations” and unions to politicians is a myth that liberals and campaign reformers continue to spew.  Corporations and unions are prohibited from making campaign contributions to politicians by federal law, and that law has not been overturned by the Supreme Court (although some would argue that it should be overturned by Congress).

Citizens United held that the First Amendment prohibits Congress from censoring the political speech of any entity, and that includes independent expenditures that fund political speech.  That decision is in the greatest traditions of liberty and free speech, the most fundamental principles upon which this country was founded.

A public funding program for all federal candidates for Congress and the presidency also would violate basic First Amendment associational protections. The high costs of modern congressional and presidential campaigns that are national in scope are such that they could be funded only through taxation.  Voluntary contributions by Americans would never generate enough money for such a program, as demonstrated by the long-term decline in support for the current presidential public funding program — only eight percent of taxpayers check-off the line on their tax returns that contributes three dollars to the fund. It would violate the associational rights of individual Americans if the government were to force them through taxation to fund political candidates with whom those Americans disagree or do not support.  The federal government does not have the power to force American citizens to fund the campaigns of political candidates any more than the government has the power to force them to vote for particular candidates.

The government also has no right to force television stations and other media outlets to provide free airtime for candidates. This is a clear taking of private property without compensation from owners, shareholders, and employees of those media entities.

The framers of the Constitution were right to protect political and other forms of speech from government censorship, since they understood from history that freedom of speech, as well as the right to associate and the ability to petition the government, are key anchors of liberty.  For some reason, the OWS protestors despise these First Amendment rights, wanting to deny them to those with whom they disagree politically.  You have to wonder what other constitutional rights they would try to eliminate as soon as they get rid of the First Amendment.

Article printed from PJ Media: http://pjmedia.com

URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/blog/the-occupy-wall-streeters-destroying-the-first-amendment/

URLs in this post:

[1] an apparent list of demands: https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/
Basically, the OWS people are suffering from "If I were dictator for a day..." wishful thinking.  Except, they would not be content with only a day.
Seize the wealth!


Smelly Hippies Get Ripped Off
Posted on | October 28, 2011 | 40 Comments and 23 Reactions

They march for free. I mock them for profit.
Somebody cleaned out the PayPal account of “Occupy Portland” and it looks like an inside job:

Organizers of Occupy Portland say they fear as much as $20,000 donated to the group through a PayPal account has disappeared.
They also say the group’s finance committee has hijacked the demonstration’s Internet domain name and filed for incorporation against the wishes of the group’s decision-making body. . . .

Papers filed with the Oregon secretary of state’s office on Monday show that an entity called “Occupy Portland” was registered as a nonprofit.
But [Occupy Portland spokesperson Jordan] LeDoux said the demonstration’s General Assembly, where the protesters come to consensus on issues, had repeatedly declined to incorporate with the state.

The “registered agent” for the incorporated body is listed as Reid Jackson of Hillsboro. LeDoux said Jackson was also on Occupy Portland’s finance committee.

In a telephone interview, Jackson said she undertook the incorporation “to protect these people. … I’ve tried explaining it to them, but they won’t listen to me. There is someone who has infiltrated the group and is trying to capitalize on the money.”

Jackson would not identify the “infiltrator,” but she said that disputes over the finance committee had escalated to the point where she had received death threats.

Very encouraging news. Any project that results in naive lefties getting ripped-off by their “progressive” friends can’t be all bad.
And death threats! Nothing says “peaceful civil disobedience” quite like a bunch of hippies threatening to kill each other over a PayPal account.
Speaking of which: This is a shameless capitalist blog, which means I’m supposed to get paid for mocking these hippies. IYKWIMAITYD.

Of course, the hippie-mocking business is highly competitive:

Yeah, what right do the homeless and prisoners have to represent themselves as society’s downtrodden. Impostors! They’re not oppressed like the college graduates with too much debt from pricey private colleges!

That guy’s a real pro.
Leaderless and spontanious.....


Shocker: ACORN Paying OWS Protesters

Imagine our surprise to discover Obama's buddies from ACORN still meddling around. I though this criminal enterprise ceased to exist?
The former New York office for ACORN, the disbanded community activist group, is playing a key role in the self-proclaimed “leaderless” Occupy Wall Street movement, organizing “guerrilla” protest events and hiring door-to-door canvassers to collect money under the banner of various causes while spending it on protest-related activities, sources tell FoxNews.com.

The former director of New York ACORN, Jon Kest, and his top aides are now busy working at protest events for New York Communities for Change (NYCC). That organization was created in late 2009 when some ACORN offices disbanded and reorganized under new names after undercover video exposes prompted Congress to cut off federal funds.

NYCC’s connection to ACORN isn’t a tenuous one: It works from the former ACORN offices in Brooklyn, uses old ACORN office stationery, employs much of the old ACORN staff and, according to several sources, engages in some of the old organization’s controversial techniques to raise money, interest and awareness for the protests.

Sources said NYCC has hired about 100 former ACORN-affiliated staff members from other cities – paying some of them $100 a day - to attend and support Occupy Wall Street. Dozens of New York homeless people recruited from shelters are also being paid to support the protests, at the rate of $10 an hour, the sources said.

At least some of those hired are being used as door-to-door canvassers to collect money that’s used to support the protests.

Sources said cash donations collected by NYCC on behalf of some unions and various causes are being pooled and spent on Occupy Wall Street. The money is used to buy supplies, pay staff and cover travel expenses for the ex-ACORN members brought to New York for the protests.

In one such case, sources said, NYCC staff members collected cash donations for what they were told was a United Federation of Teachers fundraising drive, but the money was diverted to the protests.

Sources who participated in the teachers union campaign said NYCC supervisors gave them the addresses of union members and told them to go knock on their doors and ask for contributions—and did not mention that the money would go toward Occupy Wall Street expenses. One source said the campaign raked in about $5,000.

Current staff members at NYCC told FoxNews.com the union fundraising drive was called off abruptly last week, and they were told NYCC should not have been raising money for the union at all.
Another source, who said she was hired from a homeless shelter, said she was first sent to the protests before being deployed to Central Islip, Long Island, to canvass for a campaign against home foreclosures.

“I went to the protests every day for two weeks and made $10 an hour. They made me carry NYCC signs and big orange banners that say NYCC in white letters. About 50 others were hired around my time to go to the protests. We went to protests in and around Zuccotti Park, then to the big Times Square protest,” she said.

“But now they have me canvassing on Long Island for money, so I get the money and then the money is being used for Occupy Wall Street—to pay for all of it, for supplies, food, transportation, salaries, for everything ... all that money is going to pay for the protests downtown and that’s just messed up. It’s just wrong.”

According to Fox this is an exclusive, but, um, is it really?

Posted by JammieWearingFool at 12:40 PM 
GAP said:
NY 'occupiers' have generators confiscated
Day before first snow due
By Chris Francescani and Michelle Nichols, REUTERS
Article Link

NEW YORK - Anti-Wall Street protesters’ plans to camp in a New York park throughout the city’s harsh winter were dealt a blow Friday when the fire department confiscated generators and fuel because they posed a danger.

With the first snow forecast to fall Saturday, the Occupy Wall Street movement against economic inequality lost the generators that had been powering heat, computers and a kitchen in the Lower Manhattan camp they set up six weeks ago.

“They think that taking the ’power’ away will take the power away, and that’s absolutely not true at all,” said Occupy Wall Street spokesman Michael Booth.

The movement has sparked so-called occupations in cities across the United States. But recent evictions in places like Oakland, California, where police used tear gas and stun grenades, and Atlanta, have New York protesters on edge.
More on link
The city has removed the local occupy movement's portapotty due to a lack of permit.  I feel sorry for them.  Them being the soon to be crowded public wasrooms in the area.
Jurisdictions are finally recognizing the inherent contradictions in the positions they took, and mostly still hold, re: the "occupiers."

The "occupiers" are, generally, camping where camping is not permitted; they are, in short, breaking the law. They are, also, beginning to stink - physically and, from the very first moment, intellectually.

The physical "stink" will, sooner rather than later, evolve into a public health crisis which will require brute force and forced washings and (decontaminating) dustings to sort out - not a minute too soon whenever it happens.

The "occupy" movement was, always and consistently, without a single shred of intellectual worth, despite the fact that it highlights some very real issues. There are "inequality" problems but the children in the "occupy" movement do not understand them.

It is past time that they, the children, went home to their parents' basements where they belong - after a public health nurse scrubs them down and delouses them.
>NY 'occupiers' have generators confiscated

Ah, the nuclear option good for shutting down anything has finally surfaced: "I have safety concerns".
A searing reply to the OWS movement. Post Progressive America will be a very interesting place when these people push out the loafers (who's unionized jobs and fat pensions ended with the collapse of the gravy train):


Traders talk back to Occupy Chicago

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Courtesy of Lady Liberty and iOwnTheWorld, here’s a rant somebody’s been handing out at the protests in front of the Chicago Board of Trade:

Here it is for Google’s sake (all typos in the original):

We are Wall Street. It’s our job to make money. Whether it’s a commodity, stock, bond, or some hypothetical piece of fake paper, it doesn’t matter. We would trade baseball cards if it were profitable. I didn’t hear America complaining when the market was roaring to 14,000 and everyone’s 401k doubled every 3 years. Just like gambling, its not a problem until you lose. I’ve never heard of anyone going to Gamblers Anonymous because they won too much in Vegas.

Well now the market crapped out, & even though it has come back somewhat, the government and the average Joes are still looking for a scapegoat. God knows there has to be one for everything. Well, here we are.

Go ahead and continue to take us down, but you’re only going to hurt yourselves. What’s going to happen when we can’t find jobs on the Street anymore? Guess what: We’re going to take yours. We get up at 5am & work until 10pm or later. We’re used to not getting up to pee when we have a position. We don’t take an hour or more for a lunch break. We don’t demand a union. We don’t retire at 50 with a pension. We eat what we kill, and when the only thing left to eat is on your dinner plates, we’ll eat that.

For years teachers and other unionized labor have had us fooled. We were too busy working to notice. Do you really think that we are incapable of teaching 3rd graders and doing landscaping? We’re going to take your cushy jobs with tenure and 4 months off a year and whine just like you that we are so-o-o-o underpaid for building the youth of America. Say goodbye to your overtime, and double time and a half. I’ll be hitting grounders to the high school baseball team for $5k extra a summer, thank you very much.

So now that we’re going to be making $85k a year without upside, Joe Mainstreet is going to have his revenge, right? Wrong! Guess what: we’re going to stop buying the new 80k car, we aren’t going to leave the 35 percent tip at our business dinners anymore. No more free rides on our backs. We’re going to landscape our own back yards, wash our cars with a garden hose in our driveways. Our money was your money. You spent it. When our money dries up, so does yours.

The difference is, you lived off of it, we rejoiced in it. The Obama administration and the Democratic National Committee might get their way and knock us off the top of the pyramid, but it’s really going to hurt like hell for them when our fat a**es land directly on the middle class of America and knock them to the bottom.

We aren’t dinosaurs. We are smarter and more vicious than that, and we are going to survive. The question is, now that Obama & his administration are making Joe Mainstreet our food supply…will he? and will they?”

Well, that’s no way to behave. Typing up an inadequately copyedited leaflet? If you really want to get your point across, you need to destroy public property and assault police officers. That’s free speech.

P.S. And on that note, it might be helpful to compare and contrast this leaflet with one found at Occupy Phoenix: “When Should You Shoot a Cop?”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/28/traders-talk-back-to-occupy-chicago/#ixzz1cBrIfZz9
recceguy said:
This guy gets it. Don't think politics either way, just have a listen.


I'm sure what it is you think he gets. His 3.5 day idea is quite interesting, but he, like most pundits, has completely missed what the root of the issue Occupiers are pissed about, broadly. It's just more of the same BS strawman arguments. There are some that are anti-corporation without much consideration, but I suspect that's the minority of those 99%ers getting infuriated that they are constantly asked to cover the losses of those whose profits are kept private. It's not hard to understand the anger of people who feel like they paid the bonuses of the people who crashed the financial system in the first place, and who are continuing to be asked to bear those costs while they feel an increasing sense of alienation from the opportunity that their country and its economic system are supposed to provide for those willing to work for it. It's starting to feel to some of them like the work aspect doesn't matter, because they've got little opportunity to go there.

I laughed at some of the stuff he said, about people who kill animals to pack meat for people etc etc - like all those migrant workers - legal or otherwise - who do those jobs. And about the supply of water, which for the most part comes from municipal utilities - often unionized public sector employees who are being vilified by the right. And about electricity, much of the infrastructure for which came through government expropriations, and massive programs like the New Deal. Of course, Whittle doesn't really want to get into those details.

What's worst about the whole thing is watching what's happened in response - the heavy-handed police tactics being used in certain cities - Oakland and Denver come to mind. Since when is exercising one's civil liberties, you know, those ones in that Constitution that tea partiers drone on about, an act which makes people liable to be tear gassed? Shot at with pepperballs? These aren't people destroying property or causing violence, they're people exercising the fundamental freedoms contained within the Constitution of the United States of America, and considered the cornerstone of our traditions: the right to assemble, the right to speak freely, the right to petition their government for the redress of grievances. None of those things have curfews, or are criminal acts.
The right to peaceful assembly does not include trespassing on private property, or carrying on in manners that threaten public health and safety.

The TEA Party movement demonstrations were one day events, which they quickly cleaned up afterwards. The TEA Partiers also went to "town hall meetings" sponsored by their political representatives, and when they weren't heard there, they carried out their political assemblies and free speech in local meetings to nominate candidates to their liking, and eject incumbents who did not represent their views. Since they are working on changing the system through actual deeds, you can see the contrast in the numbers of elected Congressmen, State Legislatures and Governors, as well as the economic turnarounds happening in the Red and newly Red states.

It should also strike you as ironic that the Democrats who run Oakland were the first to move to crush the OWS encampment (not to mention the complaints being heard in many OWS encampments that the homeless and other "freeloaders" are coming to eat their food).

The OWS people have been conned into providing a telegenic propaganda event to further some political POV's (and one wonders if the Chicago 68 ending isn't also a feature rather than a bug)
What colour is the sky in your world?

I'm going to be interested to see what happens in 2012 when there should be a backlash against the Tea Party and their Crony Capitalist masters. Of course, that depends on the Democrats and the middle actually going to vote. It was their petty sitting on their hands that created the mess the Tea Party do-nothing club has unleashed. I can only help that the situation is corrected next November.

Thucydides said:
The right to peaceful assembly does not include trespassing on private property, or carrying on in manners that threaten public health and safety.

The TEA Party movement demonstrations were one day events, which they quickly cleaned up afterwards. The TEA Partiers also went to "town hall meetings" sponsored by their political representatives, and when they weren't heard there, they carried out their political assemblies and free speech in local meetings to nominate candidates to their liking, and eject incumbents who did not represent their views. Since they are working on changing the system through actual deeds, you can see the contrast in the numbers of elected Congressmen, State Legislatures and Governors, as well as the economic turnarounds happening in the Red and newly Red states.

It should also strike you as ironic that the Democrats who run Oakland were the first to move to crush the OWS encampment (not to mention the complaints being heard in many OWS encampments that the homeless and other "freeloaders" are coming to eat their food).

The OWS people have been conned into providing a telegenic propaganda event to further some political POV's (and one wonders if the Chicago 68 ending isn't also a feature rather than a bug)
In accordance with all caveats.  It sounds like Occupy Vancouver has decided to infringe on peoples' right to worship...


The Greatest Disgrace of ‘Occupy Vancouver’: Attacking Holy Rosary Cathedral

There is no possible way to describe my utter disgust and total contempt for the ‘Occupy Vancouver’ movement–my rapidly growing disgust and contempt–but I’ll surely try.

Not only have they wasted everyone’s time with whining, complaining and a total lack of answers to problems we all acknowledge and are concerned about, but they have committed to damage of our common property and violence against innocents.

I don’t care how many middle class families attend the goddamned rallies. That’s meaningless at this point, and after the first day, was completely without merit as the whole affair is being driven by louts and degenerates.

Now, in their most despicable act yet–as if breaking windows in banks, knocking over pedestrians and cutting off traffic isn’t galling enough, they plan on disrupting Holy Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver.

What a DISGRACE! Where is the police? No public statements? No warnings to stay away? Where is the Mayor? Waiting for such an event, perhaps, hoping that a few women and children are trampled before he orders the school buses and riot squad?? What a bunch of cowards. What low-lifes!

You see, these bastards occupying the streets to spew hate against Israel, America, Canada, Christians, Jews, our government system–basically anyone who won’t bend to their insanity, is being buttressed by the temporary insanity of those who won’t see past their own left leaning politics. While the louts spread the word of the same socialism that’s failed time and again since its inception, they are being fuelled by those who are generally reasonable, but unwilling to appreciate the fraud being perpetrated.

Case in point: Harvey Oberfeld and Ian Reid. The former is a man who long-ago set the bar for the absolute best journalism in BC and the other is Carole James’ former aide, who is sadly cancer-stricken and battling the disease in Toronto.

Harvey, who is a good friend, recently allowed for some comments on his blog about this ‘Occupy’ nonsense, which not only insulted many of you (the readers of this blog) for joining me against this complete joke masquerading as a “movement” but he as well defended their right to “continue.” (Writer’s note: The comments came from a now permanently banned by me, American draft dodger who has been living in the BC Interior, since he cowardly abandoned his fellow Yanks decades ago–many of whom came home in bodybags–the ultimate sacrifice to God and country, while he, said coward, sat in BC’s wilderness smoking life. Perhaps Harv needs to ask me for the full story.)

But really Harv? The unwashed louts need to “continue”? When I come on to your blog and others and defend gallant Israel’s right to be free from the threat of extinction, you have no problem with it at all, but after I visited these no-minds at the Art Gallery on multiple occasions, listened and witnessed their HATE for Israel, it’s okay for them to “continue” to do what they’re doing?! Harvey, you desperately need to have another look at this. As you didn’t when you lauded Christy Clark as a good leader for the BC Libs (boy, that prediction turned out well, eh?)

Reid is being equally foolish. He recently wrote a most bizarre post about these idiots wherein he tried to make a joke about Gaddafi and his town square-clearing abilities–needless to state, the joke fell VERY flat. He also paid only passing reference to Gaddafi’s murderous, genocidal tendencies as simple “faults.”

I bet the people of Lockerbie would beg to differ with you, Ian. What drivel from such a caring, intelligent man.

What happens to otherwise intelligent people’s brains that they don’t see what’s clearly going on here? In order to accommodate their personal beliefs they’ll turn a blind eye to lawlessness and violence all in the name of political expediency???

We all get that unbridled greed is bad but when Harvey refers to the crimes of “the Bush regime” as being the genesis of the problem, it illustrates my point: Even the best get it totally wrong when their own biases lead them astray. The sub-prime criminality that precipitated the Wall Street mess began under President Carter and was exacerbated by Presidents Reagan, two Bushes, Clinton and Obama. In fact, it was under Bush I and Obama when economic policies were a confluence of the worst. But because CNN’s favourite target is now sitting retired in Dallas, that faithful whipping post must be brought around again to redeem the current occupant of the White House–who has been a total failure.

But I want to hear from Ian and Harvey. I want them to come right here and tell us why these maggots they support shouldn’t be locked up for threatening church goers on a Sunday morning. I want them to explain to me why these scumbags should be tolerated when they intend to bust down the door of Holy Rosary Cathedral and stage a “sit-in” as families pray? Excuse that one for me boys. Tell me how that isn’t violence–how it isn’t going to traumatize young children and their parents.

Every single last one of these stinking idiots at ‘Occupy Vancouver’ should be jailed. They should take their incomprehensible Robin Hood taxes and jam them where the sun doesn’t shine and then be charged with the damage they’ve caused the grounds around the Art Gallery, the damage to the banks and the streets. Take anything of value from them and put it towards the spiralling HALF MILLION dollar debt they created–the one for which ALL OF YOU are on the hook.

They talk about indebting out children’s future?! What have they been doing since their encampment began? Defecating and urinating on the lawns, publicly doing and selling drugs–I saw it with my own eyes; I showed you the pictures. These are the people we’ll get answers from?

You must be kidding!

If you’re in the area tomorrow morning, I encourage you to go to Holy Rosary Cathedral and pray with the faithful.

Pray that sanity returns.

You don’t need to be a Christian to be appalled at this–WHAT A COMPLETE DISGRACE!

Gregor, you coward! Shut down ‘Occupy Vancouver’ NOW before someone gets hurt or worse!!!

These are some very demented people. Civilized protest, yes, resoundingly, but this iteration is a fraud and should be dismantled forthwith.
Redeye said:
I'm going to be interested to see what happens in 2012 when there should be a backlash against the Tea Party and their Crony Capitalist masters.

You do relize the TEA Party movement' "public" launch was the rant by CNBC Business News editor Rick Santelli against the Stimulus package, right....?

You are aware the major thrust of the TEA Party movement is the end of crony capitalist bailouts like TARP, the Stimulus package, Obamacare and the recently defeated "Jobs bill" proposed by President Obama, right.....?

You are aware the TEA Party movement elected 63 new congressmen, and in the process unseated several incumbent Republican congressmen at the nominations, right....?

You are aware that Republicans now control 25 state legislatures, compared to the 15 still controlled by Democrats, and Republicans took control of 29 of the 50 State Governorships after the mid terms, right....?

and of course, you are aware of the economic performance of the "newly Red" states, right....?


Red States, Including the ‘Newly-Reds,’ Excel at Job Growth

Posted By Tom Blumer On July 29, 2011 @ 12:00 am In economy,Money,Politics,US News | 35 Comments

Now that state employment information for the first half of 2011 is available [1], one can’t help but notice which states are up, as well as a particularly telling example of one which is down.

Though admittedly the comparison isn’t apples to apples, it’s worth noting that of the 757,000 seasonally adjusted jobs added in the overall economy this year from January through June, the ten states [2] with the highest percentage employment growth were responsible for well over half, or 390,000 of them, even though they only have about 20% of the nation’s population:


What’s more, as the economy by all accounts decelerated in May and June, the ten states above stayed relatively strong. While the country as a whole gained only 43,000 seasonally adjusted jobs in those two months, they added over 90,000. Democrats who accuse Republicans of wanting the economy to tank, please note: If it weren’t for these ten states, we might already be in the midst of another recession instead of possibly heading towards one, as Goldman Sachs [4] and others have recently asserted.

Six of the ten (Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming) have been conservative strongholds for decades. Montana, though its governor and two senators are currently Democrats, has been a red state in all but one presidential election since 1972 [5]. The final three highlighted above — Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin — were previously governed by Democrats who were replaced with GOP governors this year. All three are in the early stages of what may be remarkable turnarounds. I call them “the newly-reds.”

Led by Governor John Kasich, Ohio’s January-June seasonally adjusted jobs pickup is the Buckeye State’s best performance since 1994. Not coincidentally, that’s about when then-Governor George Voinovich stopped being even sort of conservative. Regardless of the party in charge, Ohio was governed like a blue state [6] until Kasich came along. Even more impressive, in terms of what has actually occurred (i.e., the not seasonally adjusted figures), the state has added just over 200,000 private-sector jobs in the past five months, the best February-June total since 1999, when the national economy, largely due to Kasich’s previous work on the federal budget as a congressman, was far stronger.

In March, Kasich and the General Assembly tentatively won a bitter battle with the state’s public-sector unions and passed “SB5.” As I noted several weeks ago [7], SB5 prohibits public employee strikes, limits the subjects of collective bargaining, requires public employees to pay 15% of their health insurance costs, and prohibits forced union “contributions” by nonunion public workers. In June, the governor signed a two-year budget which closed a projected $8 billion deficit dumped on the state by predecessor Ted Strickland without raising taxes and while keeping all-funds spending virtually flat [8]. The Buckeye State reaped an almost immediate reward: Standard & Poor’s, which had downgraded the state’s debt rating just as Strickland departed in January, revised it to “stable” [9] shortly after the budget’s passage. (Interpolation: so spending cuts are a formula for economic contraction?)

The SB5 victory just noted is tentative because opponents have succeeded in getting a repeal initiative on the November ballot. It may not be an exaggeration to say that the state’s nascent recovery hangs in the balance.

Michigan’s performance is a bit less impressive, principally because it still has so far to go. Wolverine State employment contracted by over 600,000 on Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm’s watch, so one shouldn’t be too impressed with the improvements achieved just yet. Nevertheless, Republican Rick Snyder, who succeeded Granholm, seems to have put a foundation in place for continued employment progress. In stark contrast to recent contentious budget battles, the state created an atmosphere of relative certainty by passing a budget four months ahead of time [10]. Most notably, it features [11] “a big reduction in business taxes,” which consumers end up paying anyway, and “an almost equal increase in income taxes.”

Then there’s Wisconsin. Has any state’s governor ever been vilified as severely and viciously as Scott Walker during his battle with the state’s public-sector unions earlier this year? Walker won’t get a thank-you card from them any time soon, but he should, because the alternative was massive government layoffs, most of which, as the Weekly Standard’s John McCormack [12] has noted, have been avoided:

    Walker’s budget repair bill, known as Act 10, is working just as he promised. To make up for a $2.8 billion deficit without raising taxes, state aid to school districts (the largest budget line) was reduced by $830 million. Act 10, Walker said, would give districts “the tools” needed to make up for the lost money as fairly as possible.

    … Now that the law is in effect, where are the horror stories of massive layoffs and schools shutting down? They don’t exist — except in a couple of districts where collective bargaining agreements, inked before the budget repair bill was introduced, remain in effect.

McCormack goes on to explain that schools in Milwaukee and Kenosha have each laid off hundreds of teachers because those districts’ unions “cleverly” concluded contracts which avoided the employee health care and pension contributions contained in Walker’s budget repair bill. Teachers who have lost their jobs might be questioning union leaders’ “wisdom.” Meanwhile, the state’s employment pickup this year is more than triple that seen under Democrat Jim Doyle during all of 2010.

As to poorly performing states, the booby prize goes to Connecticut, which after eking out small early gains has lost 9,000 seasonally adjusted jobs in the past two months. Only a fool would believe that this result has nothing to do with Democratic Governor Dannel Malloy’s poor public policy choices since he took office this year.

Malloy pushed billions of dollars of tax increases through the Nutmeg State’s legislature with promises that he would rein in spending in negotiations with the state’s unions. Fat chance of that. As of when this column was written, the unions, in the midst of a 20-year contract expiring in 2017 [13] (you read that right), still hadn’t budged, even though because of their intransigence Malloy had to lay off [14] over 6,500 state employees earlier this month.

Imagine that. A Democratic Party politician promises he’ll rein in spending after he gets his “needed” tax increases, and then fails in his follow through. We’ve heard that tune far too many times, including now from President Obama and Democrats in Washington. Far too often in the past, spendaholic Dems have been accompanied off the cliff by go-along, get-along Republicans. Governors Kasich, Snyder, and especially Walker have shown that the “newly-reds” have a better way.

Article printed from Pajamas Media: http://pajamasmedia.com

URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/data-show-majority-of-job-gains-in-red-states/

URLs in this post:

[1] is available: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/laus_07222011.htm

[2] the ten states: http://www.bizzyblog.com/2011/07/22/ohios-job-performance-thus-far-in-2011-still-the-leading-industrial-state/

[3] Image: http://pajamasmedia.com/files/2011/07/1-22.jpg

[4] as Goldman Sachs: http://www.bizzyblog.com/2011/07/16/goldman-drops-fri-evening-bomb-projecting-unemployment-at-8-75-on-election-day/

[5] since 1972: http://www.270towin.com/states/Montana

[6] governed like a blue state: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/item_YFKrwy7MZgtydwoLP3UkRL

[7] As I noted several weeks ago: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/buckeye-state-activism-bodes-well-for-fall-battles/

[8] virtually flat: http://www.bizzyblog.com/2011/07/18/more-fun-with-ohios-improved-debt-rating-also-2012-13-all-funds-spending-is-almost-definitely-lower/

[9] revised it to “stable”: http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20110715-714220.html

[10] four months ahead of time: http://www.mlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/05/post_46.html

[11] it features: http://www.mlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/05/peter_luke_gov_rick_snyder_pul.html

[12] the Weekly Standard’s John McCormack: http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/walker-s-vindication_577310.html?nopager=1

[13] expiring in 2017: http://www.bizzyblog.com/2011/07/08/aps-conn-priorities-in-state-tuition-for-illegals-and-sick-pay-mandate-are-national-stories-6500-union-driven-state-layoffs-arent/

[14] had to lay off: http://www.ctmirror.org/story/13285/malloy-orders-one-largest-budget-cuts-connecticut-history

I await your FACTS and FIGURES which refute the various observations posted here and in other places. Hersey evidence, strawman arguments and ad hominem attacks do not count.
Redeye said:
I'm sure what it is you think he gets. His 3.5 day idea is quite interesting, but he, like most pundits, has completely missed what the root of the issue Occupiers are pissed about, broadly. It's just more of the same BS strawman arguments. There are some that are anti-corporation without much consideration, but I suspect that's the minority of those 99%ers getting infuriated that they are constantly asked to cover the losses of those whose profits are kept private. It's not hard to understand the anger of people who feel like they paid the bonuses of the people who crashed the financial system in the first place, and who are continuing to be asked to bear those costs while they feel an increasing sense of alienation from the opportunity that their country and its economic system are supposed to provide for those willing to work for it. It's starting to feel to some of them like the work aspect doesn't matter, because they've got little opportunity to go there.

The "BS strawman arguments" are, by and large, those offered by the "occupy" children. I get that they feel deprived but I, for one, do not think they are deprived. Yes they feel a sense of "alienation from opportunity" but that is because, in too many, probably most cases they have alienated themselves from opportunity.

I laughed at some of the stuff he said, about people who kill animals to pack meat for people etc etc - like all those migrant workers - legal or otherwise - who do those jobs. And about the supply of water, which for the most part comes from municipal utilities - often unionized public sector employees who are being vilified by the right. And about electricity, much of the infrastructure for which came through government expropriations, and massive programs like the New Deal. Of course, Whittle doesn't really want to get into those details.

Actually it is public sector unions, not workers, who are vilified by the right. But I am happy to admit that the political right is as well supplied with wing nuts, proportionately, as is the political left - most of the right wing nuts are, however, cleaner and more polite.

What's worst about the whole thing is watching what's happened in response - the heavy-handed police tactics being used in certain cities - Oakland and Denver come to mind. Since when is exercising one's civil liberties, you know, those ones in that Constitution that tea partiers drone on about, an act which makes people liable to be tear gassed? Shot at with pepperballs? These aren't people destroying property or causing violence, they're people exercising the fundamental freedoms contained within the Constitution of the United States of America, and considered the cornerstone of our traditions: the right to assemble, the right to speak freely, the right to petition their government for the redress of grievances. None of those things have curfews, or are criminal acts.

In my opinion the responses in Oakland and Denver are not only not heavy handed - except in the fevered minds of the extreme left - they are long, long overdue. Trust me, Redeye if you come to Ottawa next summer with your family and set up your tent and cook stove in Confederation Park (where "Occupy Ottawa sits) you will get your arse booted out in very short order by some unapologetic cops. Our gutless mayor and council have decided that some lawbreaking is more equal than others. It's pathetic ... and so is the "occupy" movement. There are real problems out there and these stupid, dirty children are diverting attention from them.

>the Tea Party and their Crony Capitalist masters [skip] the Tea Party and their Crony Capitalist masters [skip] the Tea Party and their Crony Capitalist masters [skip] the Tea Party and their Crony Capitalist masters...

The broken record continues.

It is clear that the TP'ers are exactly the sort of irresponsible, wastrel, vandalism-prone, slovenly, freeloading parasites that will not bother to show up at the ballot box.  Progressive-minding, forward-thinking, compassionate, industrious, fastidious Democrats and other members of the political left in America will show up; the policies of the Obama administration will be given a resounding mandate and increased threefold and there will be prosperity unto the end of time.  Every year, as many bonds will be "sold" as necessary to sustain public spending at 110% of the highest revenue watermark, understanding that they will be redeemed tomorrow, and that tomorrow never comes.
You know, I've watched this Tea Party/Republican/Democrat/Socialist/Blogosphere debate on these threads with vague interest for some time now; all I can say is I got to hand it to the Taliban; their platform is clear and they mean what they say.