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The most dangerous things in the Army ... (besides Vern ;-) )

What are we on now? #806? 

Anyways, I've always thought the most dangerous was the guy who jumped in the truck and took off without checking the back for troops and kit, and the former unloading the latter.  :o

I just thought of this story as I was posting my last as it also involves the back of a vehicle:

1.  Bty pulls into hide;
2.  Qty 2 x Soldiers proceed to cam truck;
3.  Soldiers come across a tangled mess of para cord tied to their cam net;
4.  "I'll hold it while you cut it off" says Soldier #1;
5.  Soldier #2 proceeds to stab Soldier #1 in the hand with his Gerber;
6.  Soldier #1 runs to the UMS/back of an ML/LS? (can't remember which) which has not finished setting up;
7.  While standing in the door of the Amb, the Medic gently moves Soldier back out of the way to find kit to fix his hand;
8.  There is no "back" and Soldier falls out of the door, and
9.  Chaos ensues.

I'm not sure what the moral of the story is.  Perhaps it's; "Don't cam with your friends", or maybe it's; "Self medicate"?

mistake can be found at end of item 4 when soldier 1 said " you cut & I hold...... "
rhli13 said:
...the comedy, the smoke/flash, the fragments, the flaming blobs of naptha soaked sand...need I continue?

Why is it whenever I hear about something Dangerous, Stupid and flat out illegal around the hamilton area it can usually be traced back to RHLI ???

Not saying the Highlanders dont do it... they just learned not to talk about these things publicly...  ::)
Boater said:
Wet Weather Boots(specifically the soles)...

You mean the Wet Weather Basic-scates?
Even with the new and improved soles installed...... ain't worth a frigging Cent!
(Case in point = ME!  Sectioned off the right quadricept muscle above the knee + lateral torn )
No worries. I'm not really all that concerned about his post. I know him ... and 99.9% of the time he's an awesome guy, just like everyone else.

Fair enough.

What a party that day will bring on!! ;D

Pics or it didn't happen.  ;D
ArmyVern (Female type) said:
You have a Sgt there to look after you now (actually, heard you got a new WO this week  ;)) ... I got posted out compassionate, unannounced and last minute, but you knew that already didn't cha?? Sorry that dealing with my cancer's return and returning to my crumbling family marriage to try to fix that too, took priority over an IR posting, but 'cha knew that already too. Niiiiiiiiiiice, but glad you used up some air to get that out there if it makes you feel better. Sadly, shit does indeed happen that's a 'lil more important to deal with.  ;)

Hope you feel better really. I do ... now everyone knows -- thanks for that anyway -- it was only a matter of time before word got out; thanks for the incentive.

Knew about part 2 didn't know about part 1.

Hopefully all parts are smoothed out now.
NFLD Sapper said:
Knew about part 2 didn't know about part 1.

Hopefully all parts are smoothed out now.

Part 2 ...


Part 1 ...

Surgery Monday. You, and others, heard it here first.

OK ... on to bigger & better things with this thread now ...  :D
So send your get well basket to your corner office basement dungeon  ;D
NFLD Sapper said:
So send your get well basket to your corner office basement dungeon  ;D

I have a second floor office --- with windows!!  ;D

I don't need any baskets --- but a donair would be awesome!!
NFLD Sapper said:
Maybe I'll come next Friday and throw snowballs at it

OK. I'll be on leave. Not a problem, you surely won't be irritating me any!! Just make sure you don't hit the OCs window next door to mine!!

Oh ... bring donair!!
ArmyVern (Female type) said:
You know not what you sayeth!!  >:D

Where's Roy when I need him??

I can only imagine what I just got myself into  ;D