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The Martial Arts Superthread

I sighed when I saw this topic, because martial arts threads almost always spiral into pointless 'my sensei can kick your sensei's ass' style bickering.  Good stuff keeping this one civil!

I wish there was some aspect of even basic hand-to-hand combat taught as part of PT and self-development.  Yes it's aggressive, but tough.

If a CF member gets in a fight off the clock, I'd want them to be able to handle themselves well, while minimizing injury to all parties.

If a CF member gets in a hand-to-hand fight in theatre, I sure as hell don't want us to be the ones freezing up.

It's an important part of combat knowledge that should not be overlooked, and I hope to blend some into PT as soon as I get the chance.  I wonder how much paperwork I'll need to make that happen though...
Mojo Magnum said:
Ok guys, as a new recruit who loves martial arts,

I get the impression that hand to hand combat training is not as "front and center" in the CF as I had thought."

Where did you get the idea that hand to hand combat or Close Quarters Combat (CQC) was "front and center" in the CF? Just wondering if you saw something footage of the CF training etc that made you think that they ddi more of CQC/Hand to hand?
Cpl Massecar said:
Where is there a sytema school in Hamilton? I'd like to check it out.

I think the closest is in Toronto.  Went a couple of times before time constraints made it impossible - quite good, but Sambo or Krav Maga might be more effective if you are looking at starting a new martial art. 

Hey all,

I just got posted and get the feeling I'm gonna get bored, so I've decided to take up martial arts classes on the side. My question is: Does the military compensate for some of the fees and if so what is the process I need to follow to get things rolling?

Thanks in advance,

PMedMoe said:
No they don't.

Some units will cover certain forms of training.  I know The RCR got their taekwondo training in Petawawa covered as there was no base club.

If you can wait until Saturday I may be able to get a better answer for you as I have to talk to the patron for CF/CISM TKD tomorrow afternoon about that very topic as I don't believe there's a base club in Edmonton (although I do believe I may be "convinced" by said patron to set one up).
That's news.  The only thing I ever heard covered was gym memberships.

So we can pick any sport and if there's not a base club, some costs would be covered?  I mean, seriously, there can't be a base club for everything.
Thanks, Strike - I knew you'd be along to answer this one.

For Knuckles:  Strike knows what she's talking about - I'd wait to hear from her before spending too much money.  On the OTHER hand - I'm aware of various Kick-Boxing, Judo, and Karate clubs available on various bases - for which costs range from free to minimal.  Check with your PERI staff (someone help me here - what are PERIs called nowadays??) regarding what clubs may be active at your location.

Roy Harding said:
Check with your PERI staff (someone help me here - what are PERIs called nowadays??) regarding what clubs may be active at your location.



I believe they are referred to as PSP or "Personal Support Program" Staff.

I still call them gym teachers.  LOL

I believe they are referred to as PSP or "Personal Support Program" Staff.

I still call them gym teachers.  LOL

I won't say what I used to call 'em.  They used to run the "pre-para" course in Petawawa - and they (the ones I dealt with, anyway) were all freakin' gorillas!  They certainly knew how to "beast" us.

Anyway - I'll be interested to hear what Strike has to say regarding her meeting in Edmonton; as I'm sure is Knuckles.
Moe, in the case of The RCR situation, they were mostly covered because it constituted training that was beneficial to the Infantry.  Now, however, TKD is recognized by the military, as mentioned in a CANFORGEN that came out earlier this year.  I'm sitting in a hotel right now and don't have easy access to the DIN so you'll forgive me if I don't post this reference.

All the sports listed on this CANFORGEN are activities that are recognized by the CF, in that you don't need CoC permission to participate and will be covered if you get hurt going to, competing in, or coming back from an event.  It also means that money is available for members to be sent to and compete in certain approved events.

As for the support to attending training by a non-base club/team, I'm still not sure about that one, but should by COB tomorrow.

Found this on a CFPSA Bulletin:

EXTREME SPORTS: CMP recently authorized the inclusion of Extreme Sports within the CF Sports Program. CANFORGEN 061/09 CMP 061655Z APR 09 provides details. CFAO 50-3 paragraph 31 is amended to include Extreme Sports.
PMedMoe said:

Found this on a CFPSA Bulletin:

Thanks Moe.

For those who are wondering, that means that certain X-Sports will cover you in case of injury.  However, it is still the responsibility of the member to ensure the CoC is aware that they are training/participating in such sports.

Makes me happy so I don't have to worry about negative feedback when I start up my MMA training again.
Hey guys, me again

I did a search in the search engine but couldn't find anything, so I'll ask here. What would the most useful martial art to learn be if I'm planning on joining the Infantry Reserves? I hear that TKD cant really be used in full kit, and supposedly Judo is useful for the Infantry. Also, does anyone know if Reserve Units offer martial arts? To be exact, does anyone know if the Royal Westminster Infantry Regiment offers martial arts?


If you have to resort to a martial art, you're too f***ing close! If units offer training, it's done as part of their overall fitness programme. Given the demands of martial arts training, I doubt that they would offer it.
I would recommend you learn Ka Ching Pow Pow.  You can learn it on any Toronto street corner.
Ok, cool, I'll have to check it out.

Thing is though I'm in Burnaby, BC, and I was thinking of taking up Systema but the only places that do it near me is the one school on Vancouver Island, which is waaay too far to go for lessons.
There are some fine Ka Ching Pow Pow instructors in the GVRD too, mostly in Surrey and Richmond, though.