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The Martial Arts Superthread


Army.ca Myth
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Does anyone know if theres martial arts schools in petawawa or that area?
I remember at one time there was a ju-jitsu club.
Im Hoping theres a taekwondo school or Akido school.

I‘ve been training the Russian Martial Art in Hamilton and Toronto on and off for the last year and a half and I find it to be very good. Its a ancient russian martial art that is utilized by the Spetznaz and other Russian special forces. I‘ll post the site and if anyone around the areas of the schools are interested i suggest you take a class or two to check it out. Its good, cheap and pretty relaxed atmosphere.

Is there anywhere in Petawawa that has the martial arts aikido? ie a school or some guys who get together and practice it?

Failing that are their any tae kwon do schools/clubs or other types of martial arts around there that someone could direct me to?

I've found this link...


It states Jiu Jitsu, Karate, Ninjitsu, Boxing, and Kickboxing from what I can see. Im not seeing aikido though...

Hope thats of some help.
Alright so I'm moving back to Edmonton in August and I'm looking for a good gym in the North end (East or West) or possibly the West end (close to West Ed, around Stony Plain Road) I haven't been there for five years and I would like some opinions. Also I'm interested in Martial Arts as well, currently I'm doing TKD and Judo. Anybody have any suggestions on some good MMA clubs in the same aforementioned areas? Thanks to all who reply!
A few martial arts clubs can be found at http://www.discoveredmonton.com/Edmonton/BusinessIndex/MartialArts/ as well as http://www.buyitcanada.com/Edmonton/Sports/Martial-Arts/ 

As for gyms, there are a crapload around, but the Base Gym is pretty well equipped as well and a whole lot cheaper.  Depending on what unit you are being posted to, they may have a gym within unit lines, too.

Anyway, hope this helps.  Best of luck on your move and welcome to Edmonton!

wotan said:
As for gyms, there are a crapload around, but the Base Gym is pretty well equipped as well and a whole lot cheaper.   Depending on what unit you are being posted to, they may have a gym within unit lines, too.
3 VP has a better gym in the lines than the base gym, and better than some civvie gyms. If you are interested, there's a kick-ass (hey! A pun. I made a funny!) kickboxing/TKD club on base.
Sorry guys, should have noted I will not be on base. (at least not for a while) I'm going in civvy land. I'm returning to the forces as hopefully and AVN Tech, but have been told it is a considerable wait. So being the unemployed bum that I am, I have to go to the great west and make some moolah along the way. So anything on the civvy side for a while. Also as an aside, does anybody know the reserve unit websites for Edmonton (Loyal Edmonton or an Armoured Res if it's out there) I may go with the reserves once I move up there, in which case I will be able to use the base stuff. But I need civvy info for know. Thanks guys!
LERs:  http://www.army.dnd.ca/LOYAL_EDMONTON_REGT/

SALH:  http://www.army.dnd.ca/SOUTH_AB_LIGHT_HORSE/

LFWA HQ:  http://www.army.gc.ca/lfwa/contents.html

If you are looking at going AVN TECH, you will want to bear 408 Sqn in mind as well.  They are a mixed Reg F/P Res unit flying the Griffon.  The LFWA site is good, because it lists all units, including links to the P Res units and formations.  Cheers.
Cheers mate, thanks for the info. I may still go armoured regs so I might look into the Light Horse unit. Appreciate that!
you dirty, greasy, sandal-wearin', granola-munchin', tree-huggin', dope-smokin', civvies are allowed to work out at the Base gym, as well. So I guess that's still an option for you. No offense.

;D  ;)
Para, now now, I'm still an ex "crunchie." What about the gym you mentioned that 3vp uses, is that available to the public as well? Also any idea on the cost for a civvy to use the cf gym? I think it may be too far for me, I'm looking at the west end for living so. Again if anybody has any suggestions on gyms in the west end that would be great, thanks!
no, it wouldn't be feasible to go to either the 3VP gym, or the base gym if you're going to the west end. I'll ask around for you, though.
Hi guys, im just posting this to let you know that Canada is trying to ban prize fighting.
As a martial artist who likes to compete, I will post this link to a federal petition, please sign it.
If you have reasons for not wanting to sign it please post here, just so I can understand if you understand this law and the petition against it.
Warvstar said:
Hi guys, im just posting this to let you know that Canada is trying to ban prize fighting.
As a martial artist who likes to compete, I will post this link to a federal petition, please sign it.
If you have reasons for not wanting to sign it please post here, just so I can understand if you understand this law and the petition against it.


Can you expand on this issue a bit?  Did Section 83 get recently amended?  As far as I know, martial arts have been legal here so far, what prompts this petition now?
Retired CC said:

Can you expand on this issue a bit?   Did Section 83 get recently amended?   As far as I know, martial arts have been legal here so far, what prompts this petition now?

All the Canadian martial arts web sites are talking about this, here is a qoute from Mixed Martial Arts Expo
Mixed Martial Arts Expo has learned that when Parliament reconvenes in September, 2005, the Federal Government under the direction of MP Dr. Irwin Colter, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, will table revisions to Section 83 of the Criminal Code, an old and vague piece of legislation designed to prevent prize fighting in Canada.
Warvstar said:
All the Canadian martial arts web sites are talking about this, here is a qoute from Mixed Martial Arts Expo
Mixed Martial Arts Expo has learned that when Parliament reconvenes in September, 2005, the Federal Government under the direction of MP Dr. Irwin Colter, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, will table revisions to Section 83 of the Criminal Code, an old and vague piece of legislation designed to prevent prize fighting in Canada.

Thanks.  Although I won't be signing the petition soon, I'll do some research and perhaps sign it in the future.  On the surface, this looks like horse patootie - more to follow later.
Exactly Retired CC. Im not asking people to blindly write it, definetly read up on it then consider. Thanks for looking into it though.
very nice,
I'm looking forward to taking every bit of martial arts I can get my hands (and feet) on.
hoo rah.