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The Khadr Thread

What I really want to know is why pay q3 million dollars for a property assessed at 1.5 million and previously sold for $850,000. 
TimneyTime said:
I believe Khadr gets the option to be tried under Canadian law because he and his family have serious dirt on Canadian politicians, and that the $10mil was hush money.  Can I prove it... no.  But the whole situation just stinks of it.

That’s some serious tin foil stuff right there.
I've read this thread a few times and I'm still having a problem with the Khadr situation. If Khadr was a combatant what was he charged for? Does this mean that any third party/country can grab any combatant that they don't like and grab them bring them to their home country and interrogate them and convict them. Does this mean that those I know who fought in Afghanistan can be kidnapped and brought to trial in Afghanistan. I know I must be missing something here but if Omar Khadr committed a crime should he not have been tried in Afghanistan or Canada as a Canadian citizen?
Jarnhamar said:
What I really want to know is why pay q3 million dollars for a property assessed at 1.5 million and previously sold for $850,000.
Maybe it isn't easy to find land and buildings to open up  a returning Jihadi welcome centre, co-located with a passport office and driver training school.
standingdown said:
So does he go into some kind of high priced witness protection now?

No, why would he? He’s a convicted criminal whose sentence is up. So far as I can tell he’s a free man without any further conditions.

suffolkowner said:
I've read this thread a few times and I'm still having a problem with the Khadr situation. If Khadr was a combatant what was he charged for? Does this mean that any third party/country can grab any combatant that they don't like and grab them bring them to their home country and interrogate them and convict them. Does this mean that those I know who fought in Afghanistan can be kidnapped and brought to trial in Afghanistan. I know I must be missing something here but if Omar Khadr committed a crime should he not have been tried in Afghanistan or Canada as a Canadian citizen?

Yup, this is a fair concern too and one we want to be careful of. We go into conflicts that aren’t declared wars, and the legality is increasingly open to interpretation as coalitions go doing their own thing. It’s all fine as long as we keep winning. Could we imagine a situation where Canadian troops end up in the custody of a belligerent force in a context where they won’t get prisoner of war status? Absolutely. It’s happened before. The more we normalize the exceptional, the more the exceptional becomes the norm.
TimneyTime said:
I don't think grenades were designed to "scare people away".  I think a 15-16 year old knows exactly what grenades are for, and throwing one is intent to do harm, or property damage, or both.  Especially when what you're throwing the grenade AT is people.

I believe Khadr gets the option to be tried under Canadian law because he and his family have serious dirt on Canadian politicians, and that the $10mil was hush money.  Can I prove it... no.  But the whole situation just stinks of it.

Huh, -300 points for this?  I'm confused. 

Journeyman seems to think this is some kind of crazy insane stuff I have to "stay in my own lane" over, because I don't know what I'm talking about.

I don't remember putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to believe this.

Maybe Journeyman should give this guy -300MP too:


or this report:


or this one:


How's that for staying in my own lane, and "knowing the subject", Journeyman?

Cloud Cover said:
Maybe it isn't easy to find land and buildings to open up  a returning Jihadi welcome centre, co-located with a passport office and driver training school.

Perhaps its his constituency office for the next election.  You know, new Lib MP for Edmonton Griesbach, in which the Kensington neighbourhood resides. 
TimneyTime said:
Huh, -300 points for this?  I'm confused. 

Journeyman seems to think this is some kind of crazy insane stuff I have to "stay in my own lane" over, because I don't know what I'm talking about.

I don't remember putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to believe this.

Maybe Journeyman should give this guy -300MP too:


or this report:


or this one:


How's that for staying in my own lane, and "knowing the subject", Journeyman?

So the way you initially stated it, the Khadrs had some dirt on politicians.  That isn't very clear in any of your posts but I appreciate the links you posted for context.

Hush money in the context of the opinion piece by the Ottawa Citizen article you linked is more about making an uncomfortable problem go away rather than some sort of black mail deal that your post was insinuating.  The problem being that Trudeau could not be a champion of eth charter when we have an ongoing charter violation ie Khadr's treatment at the hands of the government.

Remius said:
So the way you initially stated it, the Khadrs had some dirt on politicians.  That isn't very clear in any of your posts but I appreciate the links you posted for context.

Hush money in the context of the opinion piece by the Ottawa Citizen article you linked is more about making an uncomfortable problem go away rather than some sort of black mail deal that your post was insinuating.  The problem being that Trudeau could not be a champion of eth charter when we have an ongoing charter violation ie Khadr's treatment at the hands of the government.

Yeah, I extrapolated the dirt on politicians with my tinfoil hat.

Truth about the charter violation.
If anyone's see the video of people cheering for him it's rather difficult to watch.

I always wondered about him wanting to be a nurse and here's his reply on that.

It has been hard to find work, Khadr said, or to get accepted into school where he hopes to study nursing. “A lot of times when I apply for work or volunteering I don’t hear back from people. In the nursing program I applied and of course you have to do a criminal background check and of course when that comes back all the charges come up. So realistically for the time being I don’t think that anybody is going to be willing to risk, like, people like me but are not willing to take that risk to employ somebody with a history as mine.”

Teager said:
If anyone's see the video of people cheering for him it's rather difficult to watch.

I always wondered about him wanting to be a nurse and here's his reply on that.


I think everyone knows the feelings I have. Suffice it to say CBC and this thug have found a new way to persuade us we are totally wrong about our way of life.
Sprinting Thistle said:
Perhaps its his constituency office for the next election.  You know, new Lib MP for Edmonton Griesbach, in which the Kensington neighbourhood resides.

In Khadr's comments he doesn't outright say he is innocent or that the events didn't happen, its just that he perceives the situation differently from the soldiers who survived.  I think his PR agent has taken a page from Trudeau, because, well you know.... "two people can experience the same event differently".  :orly:
*lights fire*

I'm still amazed that so many years later, there are people who can't wrap their heads around the fact that he was a child soldier when this all went down...
Kokanee said:
*lights fire*

I'm still amazed that so many years later, there are people who can't wrap their heads around the fact that he was a child soldier when this all went down...

Maybe its because there are many of us who don't believe the fiction that until one reaches the magical age of 18 one is a "child" and only becomes an adult when one crosses the line. Ages of majority vary from country to country and most have provisions in their courts whereby it can be determined that someone under the age of majority can be tried and punished as an adult.

Something that I rarely do is quote the Bible but in the words of 1 Corinthians 13:

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

When one lives with terrorists, trains with terrorists and takes up arms with terrorists, one has "put away childish things" and deserves to be viewed and treated as a criminal. 

Kokanee said:
*lights fire*

I'm still amazed that so many years later, there are people who can't wrap their heads around the fact that he was a child soldier when this all went down...

You do realize that even Khadar said he didn't view himself as a child soldier.
Sprinting Thistle said:
In Khadr's comments he doesn't outright say he is innocent or that the events didn't happen, its just that he perceives the situation differently from the soldiers who survived.  I think his PR agent has taken a page from Trudeau, because, well you know.... "two people can experience the same event differently".  :orly:

This same event, two different experiences is leeching into everything and frankly, it's a poor excuse.  Quite a while ago, a remarkable judge articulated a criminal defence hypothesis test known as the "air of reality".  Everything about Omar Khadr has no air of reality to it, unless a person is living in fantasy fairy land, like our PM, in which case reality is absent.