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The Irony...Of Pee

::) haha this happened to me and i had to wait a month to get an appointment, haha but the funny part is, right before i did my urine test.. I did my PT test ??? I'm not sure how that makes sense but my family doctor assured my this was the reason, not only this but right after my PT test I did my vision test... I failed because my body was still in "PT" mode and i was sweating.. somehow that affects your vision ??? I dunno the eye doctor said so .. haha oh my, the army and their infinite wisdom , eh? but I am in now so I can look back on It and laugh  ;D
ModlrMike said:
Exogenous (produced from outside the body) testosterone is one of the most dangerous substances you can take. It will cause your body to shut down testosterone production from your testicles, and can adversely affect your pituitary gland. It has also been implicated in liver, brain, and kidney tumours, and can wreak all sorts of havoc on your endocrine system. Testosterone is a prescription item, so I have a hard time accepting that it is included in protein powders. Not having a powder to hand, I'll leave it at that. Testosterone is also on the list of banned substances for the CF, so unless you're prescribed by a licenced physician for a recognized condition... stop!

Exactly what I was going to say - exogenous hormones = bad news, illegal, you may as well be on steroids. Please stop.
That is funny!
When I gave my sample, it had protein in it... I asked what would cause that and the medic said, dehydration... here is the funny part..... I ahd to be at the testing area at 8 am.... I hadn't had anything to drink since 9 pm....got my kids up and off to school and honestly forgot to grab some water.  When I got there, the recruiters that were administering the aptitude test were late...and we sat in the room until 9:30 am... then the test...an hour.  After that I had the interview(I didn't know I was having the interview or medical) which was an hour and a half and then from there the medical.  So well over 12 hours without a drink. Yes, it turned out to be dehydration.  Okay...I thought it was funny.  Ironic funny!
I recently completed my Component Transfer along with a friend from my Regiment. When he went for his medical, the doc said that his Protein level was high, mainly due to dehydration just as RSOne mentioned, he was retested one week later after he had time to hydrate and ended up passing the urine test just fine the next week. recommend that anyone going to do a medical drink some water prior to lol, save yourself the trouble.
