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The Irony...Of Pee


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So I don't know if this had happened to others I;m sure it has but here we go.  So i gave the Medical guys my urine for sampling and get told that there are higher than normal amounts of protein and I will need to get it tested by my family MD and verified that im all normal and such.  So i ask what CAUSES elivated amounts of protein and he tells me that excessive physical activity is the usual cause.  So ok let me get this straight, I get told to be in GREAT shape and work out alot before I get to BMQ so that its easier for me, but in doing so I might fail my medical to get in in the first place.  i found it really funny actually and so did the MedTech.  It all got sorted out, it was just a delay becasue i had to wait another 3 weeks to get a MD appointment and get it tested.  OH well live and learn  :P

*blinks* haha, thats amusing, didnt have any problems with my medial at all
Guy on my course had similar problem, but it was elevated levels of creatine.  They had him do the PT test 30mins prior to the medical portion which was the cause according the Med tech.
Yup! My urine test at my CFRC was good, but had to have a second one at the 17Wing base hospital for aircrew medical requirements. That one came back with a trace of protein. I had to go to my MD who told me the same thing. He filled out the med form saying that he felt I was perfectly fit, but if a expert opinion was required he would arrange a follow-up.. needless to say I was off for a trip to the Urologist for a prostate exam. Before I went to the Urologist I cut back on my gym schedule and sucked back water -- no more protein. You're right it's funny how PT is stressed but doing the PT can complicate things with your medicals.
hmm i wonder how much protein my urine will hold, i am actively working out while taking protein shakes.... plus i take a bit of creatine along with testosterone and glutamine
well I'm going to warn him that I have been taken protein supplements for my workouts, along with the other ones I've listed, I wonder though if they would allow a sign off on my urine from my doctor done like a week before my MT, since now I feel certain they will ask me to get my family doctor to take a look at it lol
Would love to be able to tell you if you can go in with a sign off, but I have no idea.  So I  guess you just should call the medical centre and ask, they will be more helpful than me lol

Cheers, Kyle
All I needed to clear me medically was the form filled out by my doctor, and then because my doctor had suggested a visit to a specialist, a FAX from the urologist claiming I was fit for duty. Hopefully the same will be true for you as well.
same thing happin to me, im doing the 24 pee test. yes i have to pee in a jug for 24 hrs and this jug even gotta come to work with me hahahah, i put on it "Free juice" for a joke at work, gotta keep the inrony in this while im home :P
MedTechStudent said:
So I don't know if this had happened to others I;m sure it has but here we go.  So i gave the Medical guys my urine for sampling and get told that there are higher than normal amounts of protein and I will need to get it tested by my family MD and verified that im all normal and such.  So i ask what CAUSES elivated amounts of protein and he tells me that excessive physical activity is the usual cause.  So ok let me get this straight, I get told to be in GREAT shape and work out alot before I get to BMQ so that its easier for me, but in doing so I might fail my medical to get in in the first place.  i found it really funny actually and so did the MedTech.  It all got sorted out, it was just a delay becasue i had to wait another 3 weeks to get a MD appointment and get it tested.  OH well live and learn  :P


A suggestion. You may have been dehydrated as if your urine was yellow, thats a sign. Dehydration  concentrates your urine, giving false higher levels. Most people don't drink the required 3L+ per day as is suggested. Next time you go in, about 2hrs before hand, drink about 2L of water, it will flush things out, and by the time you give your test, it should be fine. Your urine should almost be clear.

I failed the pee test the first time too, because the night before I drank 2 litres of white wine, then went for my medical the first thing in the am. This was on my enlistment here in Australia.

Good luck.

zweetz said:
you're kidding right?

Uh... no why would I be? Testosterone helps your muscles build efficiently. It has a main adult purpose of maintaining muscle mass and strength, as well, most protein powders/shakes contain a small amount of a testosterone supplement to aid the amino acids.
Uhm, are you sure you're reading into things enough?

Protein powders can help increase the productivity of testosterone, but it is not included in the mixes.
JBoyd said:
Uh... no why would I be? Testosterone helps your muscles build efficiently. It has a main adult purpose of maintaining muscle mass and strength, as well, most protein powders/shakes contain a small amount of a testosterone supplement to aid the amino acids.

Exogenous (produced from outside the body) testosterone is one of the most dangerous substances you can take. It will cause your body to shut down testosterone production from your testicles, and can adversely affect your pituitary gland. It has also been implicated in liver, brain, and kidney tumours, and can wreak all sorts of havoc on your endocrine system. Testosterone is a prescription item, so I have a hard time accepting that it is included in protein powders. Not having a powder to hand, I'll leave it at that. Testosterone is also on the list of banned substances for the CF, so unless you're prescribed by a licenced physician for a recognized condition... stop!
Ixium has it right I mixed up my information, my apologies. The ingredient in protein powders I was thinking of was Tribulus (Tribulus Terrestris), which is claimed to aid in increasing testosterone.
So long as your not on the juice you should be fine, they frown on it when you use the juice.
FutureQYR said:
What else is on the list of prohibited drugs?

You can start with anything proscibed by the Criminal Code, and then you can add any prescription medication that wasn't prescribed to you by a licensed physician or dentist.  I'm sure if you do a search, you'll find some more info, but the bottom line is that the CF does not tolerate people who use any drugs of abuse whatsoever.  Even the amount of coffee you consume will be scrutinized by the CFRC Medical staff.