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The greening of Iwo Jima


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Time puts its foot in it:

War veteran fury as Time magazine replaces flag in famous Iwo Jima photograph with tree for global warming story
Daily Mail, April 18

Furious World War II veterans called for a boycott of one of America's most influential and respected magazines today over a controversial picture on its front cover.

Next week's Time magazine cover is based on the famous shot by war photographer Joe Rosenthal of marines raising the US flag on Iwo Jima during the bloody battle in the Pacific.

But artists have replaced the flag with a tree to illustrate an article about global warming.

As well as the angry veterans, the doctored image has provoked a huge backlash among younger Americans who have been brought up to honour their flag.

Iwo Jim veteran Donald Mates, 81, said: "It's an absolute disgrace.

"Whoever did it is going to hell. That's a mortal sin.

"God forbid he runs into a Marine that was an Iwo Jima survivor."

Mr Mates was badly wounded and saw his best friend die beside him during the 35-day battle in February and March, 1945.

He suffered 30 years of operations to remove all the shrapnel from his body...

Would be grateful if anyone can post the image of the cover, at the link above or here:


A bit tacky, but I see the theme they are trying to do.


Although it is not a cartoon, can we expect to see rioting in the streets?  No.  We are above that.  Comments on the "Lack of Taste" by the editiors will suffice.
Time's managing editor makes a comparison:
Time managing editor Richard Stengel appeared on MSNBC April 17 and said the United States needed to make a major effort to fight climate change, and that the cover’s purpose was to liken global warming to World War II.

"[O]ne of the things we do in the story is we say there needs to be an effort along the lines of preparing for World War II to combat global warming and climate change,” Stengel said. “It seems to me that this is an issue that is very popular with the voters, makes a lot of sense to them and a candidate who can actually bundle it up in some grand way and say, ‘Look, we need a national and international Manhattan Project to solve this problem and my candidacy involves that.’ I don't understand why they don’t do that."

Holbert, speaking on behalf of the American Veterans Center, said the editorial decision by Time to use the photograph for the cover trivialized the cause the veterans fought for.

“Global warming may or may not be a significant threat to the United States,” Holbert said. “The Japanese Empire in February of 1945, however, certainly was, and this photo trivializes the most recognizable moment of one of the bloodiest battles in U.S. history.  War analogies should be used sparingly by political advocates of all bents.”

Stengel also appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on April 17 and had no difficulty admitting the magazine needed to have a “point of view.”

“I think since I’ve been back at the magazine, I have felt that one of the things that’s needed in journalism is that you have to have a point of view about things,” Stengel said. “You can’t always just say ‘on the one hand, on the other’ and you decide. People trust us to make decisions. We’re experts in what we do. So I thought, you know what, if we really feel strongly about something let's just say so.”

Time has been banging the global warming drum for some time now. In April 2007, Time offered 51 ways to “save the planet,” which included more taxes and regulation.

I wonder what the Time is doing internally, do be ecologiaccly more oriented...
The Iwo Jima flagraising picture has been used thousands of times over the years to sell everything from scotch to cars, it's been used for the peace movement, by the government, and who knows what other organizations. I's a tempest in the teapot that's going to pass soon enough.

cheers, Mark
With you on this one Red6... the boys have a short fuze if they flipped out over this one.
The picture itself isn't an icon, although many have chosen to interpret it that way. If anything, the use of the image to showcase global warming shows the impact the flagraising has had on the national consciousness. How many pictures from World War II does the average American know about and instantly recognize? It's reminds me of the Smithsonian exhibit about the Enola Gay and the firestorm of protest that World War II veterans unleashed when the museum tried to protray the Japanese people as victims of the atomic bombings, and by extension, of the war. Since the Smithsonian is funded by federal dollars, the curators of the Air and Space Museum were forced to redesign the exhibit.
  I'd like to read the article.  It seems many journalists have forgotten that they are supposed to be non-biased and their opinions are not supposed to be why people buy their magazine/newspaper etc.  I see the point they are trying to make, but is it their place to make it?
There is certainly some irony in the protesting of the manipulation of an image of a flag-raising that was executed to replace an earlier flag with a larger one chosen to better deliver a message of victory. If someone hadn't made a conscious decision to change the flag for the purpose of delivering that message, the photo never would have been taken.

The Second, More Famous Flag-Raising On Iwo Jima
A quick look at Google Image shows both ends of the political spectrum have used the image for their own ends, Marines raising McDonalds symbols and Oil Derricks in Iraq among others.

My favourite from the early 1980's was thecartoon done by Donato using Iran's Ayatollah Khomeni as Mt Suribachi and I leave it to your imagination where the Marines were stciking the flag pole in.  8)
I used to have a poster of that flag rasing scene, with the exception they had Kohmeni bent over, and shoved thed base of the flag pole up his arse. Tongue in cheek (no pun intended). The look on Kohmeni's face was a shocker!  ;D

I still have that poster somewhere.